Category Archives: d page

Through the Eyes of An Alchemist

from Jung’s Red Book These illustrations from The Red Book, which Jung called his confrontation with the unconscious, seem appropriate for this story. It’s from D Page, who seems to have experienced her own confrontation with the unconscious.  ++ The … Continue reading

Posted in alchemy, Carl Jung, d page | 27 Comments

Dreams and Shamans in the Florida Everglades

A writer friend visited us earlier this month and one day I told her about D Page at mythic musings. Later that same day, I received an email from D Page detailing a dream she’d had. This dream led into … Continue reading

Posted in d page, dreams, n pickard | 13 Comments

Reindeer Woman

This story comes from d page, whose synchronicities we have posted several times before. Her blog,  Mythic Musings, is richly textured with detail and the psychic experiences she writes about always have deep, mythic levels to them. This story, which … Continue reading

Posted in catastrophes, chile, collective unconscious, d page, deer, dreams, planetary empaths, sumatra | 15 Comments