Category Archives: Bruce Springsteen


Today was rather momentous all the way around. Obama was sworn in for his second term, delivered one of his most progressive speeches,  and made history every inch of the way. At the time the pomp and circumstance started around … Continue reading

Posted in Bruce Springsteen, synchronicity | 16 Comments

The Boss

This synchro is small, one of those you experience in the course of a given day. But since I haven’t had a synchro for awhile, I was delighted  to experience it! +++ Last March, we had several Bruce Springsteen synchros. He has … Continue reading

Posted in Bruce Springsteen, music | 14 Comments

Born to Run

A few days ago, Rob went for a bike ride with Noah and I headed out for the gym. As I was backing out of the driveway, I saw our neighbor, and got out to chat with her. We had … Continue reading

Posted in Bruce Springsteen | 11 Comments

The Boss materializes after all

Last Saturday, March 27, we posted a synchronicity involving Bruce Springsteen, where Rob was hoping to materialize The Boss in the gym while a Springsteen song was playing. (He does belong to the gym). However, as the song ended, Rob … Continue reading

Posted in Bruce Springsteen, daily synchros | 19 Comments

Can I Materialize The Boss?

In an article called, Synchronicity: How We Relate to this Mystical Law, Caroline Myss asks, “Can a person influence acts of synchronicity; that is, are some people more likely to experience synchronistic events, and if so, why?” I’ve wondered that … Continue reading

Posted in Bruce Springsteen, daily synchros, trickster | 15 Comments