Today was rather momentous all the way around. Obama was sworn in for his second term, delivered one of his most progressive speeches,  and made history every inch of the way. At the time the pomp and circumstance started around 10:30 that morning, we were at the gym  and the inaugural festivities were on nearly every TV screen.

I was on a treadmill when the woman next to me suddenly got off her treadmill and went over to the two  treadmills in front of her where the small TVs were tuned to the  inaugural festivities, and turned them off. I thought, Okay, a Republican. She’s in denial that Obama beat out Romney.

At about the same time, Rob found himself standing next to Bruce Springsteen, who lives here in the winter. His daughter is an equestrian who competes in the winter jumping.

Springsteen rode on Air Force One with Obama during the 2012 presidential campaign.

In 2009, we experienced a series of synchros that centered around Springsteen.  The upshot was that minutes after one of these synrhos, I spotted him in the gym. I approached him, told him about the synchro blog, and asked if I could take his picture for the blog.

“Sure. Just let me put my shirt on.”

No, no, I thought. We women want to see your biceps.

So today, Rob hurries over to me and says, “Springsteen’s here. He and I just watched the inaugural address.”

“What? Where?”

Bruce was incognito, wearing a baseball cap pulled down low over his eyes, and hurried past me with his pretty blond daughter. I realized this was a good omen for the beginning of Rob’s new meditation class.

Rob actually has two meditation classes going on now. One is at 8:15 AM, at a local yoga studio, way too early for me. But the second one is at our gym, from 7:30-8:30 PM, a perfect time for me. Tonight, January 21,  the same day of Obama’s inauguration, of the Bruce sighting, was the first class.

I’ve gone to most of Rob’s meditations classes and love them. He has a perfect voice for this kind of teaching, slow, measured quiet. You sort of sink into the tone of his voice and within moments, you’re gone. I was so far gone, I fell into a blissful sleep, the kind of sleep you  enjoy as a kid, unencumbered by issues,  worries, anxieties. Ten minutes of this kind of sleep can energize me for hours.

When I surfaced, everyone else was sitting up and Rob was talking about Sa Ta Na Ma, the primal sound mantra. In Kundalini yoga, it’s considered the most important meditation.

SA is the beginning, infinity, the totally of everything that ever was, is, or will be.

TA is life, existence and creativity, that manifests from infinity.

NA is death, change, and the transformation of consciousness.

MA is rebirth, regeneration, and resurrection, which allows us to consciously experience the joy of the infinite.

What is Bruce Springsteen’s music if not SA TA NA MA? What was this second inauguration of the country’s first Afro-American if not that?

We were to chant SA TA NA MA  for two minutes out loud, as a class, then two minutes in a whisper, then two minutes silently. While chanting, we were to press our thumbs against each of our four fingers. The forefinger represents Jupiter, the planet in astrology associated with expansion, knowledge, luck, being in the right place at the right time. The third finger represents Saturn, the planet that symbolizes structure, commitment, endurance, karma. The fourth singer symbolizes the sun, our egos and personalities, the sum total of who we are, and the little finger symbolizes Mercury, communication and clarity of thought.

The finger exercise was something new that Rob had added to chant. It forced me to pay attention to what I was saying,  to make connections I wouldn’t have made otherwise. And when my thumb touched each of my fingers, I thought  of Springsteen, that Jersey boy, that fireball of an American icon who sang for the Sandy Relief Fund a few months back, that musical wizard who communicates his working class roots, lifting weights incognito,  and watching his candidate sworn into office while Rob stood next to him.

Pretty cool.


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16 Responses to SA TA NA MA

  1. Jerry Gaura says:

    Hey, I wanted to thank you for swinging by my blog. Also, I really like what you’re doing here. Whenever possible, I try to work with synchronicity in my therapy – (I specialize in conscious dreamwork). Being a firm believer of our multidimensional natures, I see synchros as acknowledgement of our confluence with a greater process. Stuff like gaining access to the continuum between waking and dreaming states, etc. In any case, keep up the good work and swing by from time to time. I’ll be documenting my work with families experiencing anomalous/paranormal crises, and on my happenings with this curious professional subset. Take care!

  2. shadow says:

    …i still can’t believe you get to gym with Bruce Springsteen, life just isn’t fair!

  3. Kate I says:

    I’m wondering if Rob has ever recorded a meditation CD or MP3 for download? (His soothing voice could reach so many people!)

  4. Darren B says:

    Love the Boss,in fact he is playing Brisbane in March.
    One concert’s already sold out,so I guess I better grab a ticket for the second concert in a hurry before I miss out.We do share the same birthday after all.
    talking about SA TA NA MA,that’s pretty close to SANTANA
    Who is also playing the Byron Bay Bluesfest
    a few weeks after Bruce plays Brisbane.
    I need to get tickets for that show too.

  5. Thanks for this SA-TA-NA-MA mantra, shared in tandem with Bruce tidbits and physical and emotional health, framed within the inauguration festivities. I feel like this post shows SA-TA-NA-MA as a daily energy we are within and are living. I didn’t even realize I was looking for a meditation routine to add to my mornings until I saw this.
    How cool!

  6. Jeri Gerard says:

    I think we are off to a good start for the next four years. I liked everything the president had to say.

    When you and Bruce become buds don’t forget to invite me to the party!

  7. Yes, “pretty cool”. I also remember your previous Bruce post. I did a link to it at the time and wrote: “And by ‘coincidence’ I have just read that even Bruce Springsteen can be materialised. Yes, whatever we want can come about: spiritual, material or even The Boss!”

    Like the look of the SA TA NA MA finger movements, must give it a try.

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