The Boss

This synchro is small, one of those you experience in the course of a given day. But since I haven’t had a synchro for awhile, I was delighted  to experience it!
 Last March, we had several Bruce Springsteen synchros. He has a home here and usually comes down in the winter because his daughter is involved in equestrian sports. So today I was at the gym and thinking, Well, it’s November, shouldn’t the Boss be back in town soon?  The radio was on in the gym, and suddenly the DJ says, “And that’s a cut from Bruce Springsteen’s new album.”

Synchro! I figure Bruce must be on his way back to South Florida.

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14 Responses to The Boss

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    PS – Jane, I don't think I've seen that movie! Another to put on the list.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jane – love this one!

  3. Jane says:

    Had a nice little synchro on Sat. morning. Went out with my walking buddies at 9:30 (a bit later than usual). Somehow the Tom Hanks line, "There is no crying in baseball," from the movie "A League of Their Own" came up. Friend Melody said her mom had met the woman who was played by Geena Davis in the film.

    When I got home, I decided to look and see if that movie was coming up anytime soon. Bingo! It was playing right now and had started at 9:30 am.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I was working out next to him one day last winter, and mentioned that it doesn't get any easier–meaning that working out with weights as we get older. He looked at me, smiled and muttered something. Later, I found out that he'd earned $69 in 2009. Ah, yeah, it does easier for some of us…in some ways.
    wv: exciescr

    exercise!That's spooky!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Few people at the gym bother him, daz. Everyone gawks and occasionally a mother and her kid will stroll over and ask if they can take photos of him with the kids. The day I approached him, I knew it was a now or never sort of thing. He was gracious and amused.

  6. Brizdaz says:

    The Boss and I have one big sync in common.We were both born on the 23rd Sept.
    I saw him play in Brisbane in 1984 on his "Born in the USA" tour.Best concert I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of big stars play.I have most of his songs on CD and vinyl and he is number 1 in my books,not even Elvis comes close.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Plonk a big one from down under. My pleasure!

  8. Rainbow says:

    Happenstance to hear did we? Good to see…LOL <3 da Boss for me too.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, when it comes to THE BOSS and his talent, there's no such thing as "small" – fun story!!

  10. Natalie says:

    Trish, now listen very carefully, I shall say this only once:

    I want you to go right up to him and tell him "This one's from Australia" and plonk a kiss right on him, Ok?

    I will expect a report.

    As you were. 🙂

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Funny! Then it has to be the gym we go to. I'm beginning to think it's not 6 degrees of separation anymore. It's more like 3!

  12. d page says:

    My husband, Larry, is a musician. He belongs to an internet guitar forum. At breakfast recently, he shared a a story with me from one of the guys on the the forum:
    The guy goes to this gym near his home in Florida and he runs into Bruce Springsteen…

    Small world!

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Look forward to reading of your 'meet' with the boss!

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