Category Archives: gulf

The I Ching’s Take on the Gulf Debacle

Carl Jung wrote the introduction to the Richard Wilhelm edition of the I Ching in 1949. It was where he first addressed the concept of synchronicity. The hexagram, the basis of the I Ching, is – according to Jung – … Continue reading

Posted in divination, gulf, I Ching | 17 Comments

Hurricane Alex and the Gulf

So here it is, the first hurricane of the season, Alex, making landfall as a cat 2 storm, spreading tar balls and oil across the gulf. We should be grateful that it isn’t a cat 5 hitting right smack where … Continue reading

Posted in alex, gulf, hurricanes | 10 Comments

The Trickster and the Oil Rig

The trickster is a classic Jungian archetype, embodied in characters like Smeagol from Lord of the Rings. A trickster synchronicity usually reveals itself with a twisted humor or a wry irony that makes you feel like you’re the brunt of … Continue reading

Posted in gulf, oil spill, trickster | 16 Comments