Hurricane Alex and the Gulf

So here it is, the first hurricane of the season, Alex, making landfall as a cat 2 storm, spreading tar balls and oil across the gulf. We should be grateful that it isn’t a cat 5 hitting right smack where the gusher of oil continues to spew on day 72.

For a roundup of news on the continuing catastrophe in the gulf, click here. There are a number of articles. Countdown ran a video this evening on a disturbing video about what’s really happening in the gulf. It’struly heartbreaking. The man who took the video from a small plane compared the oil slicks he saw to deep bruises on the skin of the ocean and within its organs.Here’s his report. And the video:

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10 Responses to Hurricane Alex and the Gulf

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The whole thing is just overwhelmingly depressing.

  2. Marguerite says:

    It boggles the mind, doesn't it? And I just saw that now, they are bringing the old Fema trailers, for the clean-up crews and their families to live in!!! (the ones that were contaminated and have been deemed unfit for human occupancy by our government, after Katrina) And, then the new 65 ft. rule, which prohibits the media or anyone from going within 65 feet from the spill, to aid in BP's cover up! One debacle after another! So very sad!

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, truly unimaginable, the all of it – and i'd not heard at all the thing of brazil – has half the entire planet of people lost their collective minds! i watched countdown last night, as well, and was so taken with the demeanor/spirit of the man who took these videos – you could hear his soul weeping – and this picture of the smoke billowing into the universe, worth way more than any words at all –

    wv= empter = empty = emptier

  4. Anonymous says:

    How do we find words for something this unprecedented and ghastly? I walk out on our beach on the eastern side of Florida and imagine it turning purple and black like new bruises, or red like blood. Unthinkable. The animals….I can't let myself go there in my mind or I would be weeping 24/7. We're only in the first month of our tropical system season, and already have had a
    CAT 2. It's too soon. We have to go until November, waiting, wondering, hoping Mother Nature stays calm and quiet, yet sensing she won't. "A rainbow of Death", said the pilot. Again, unthinkable. We can't put this into any kind of perspective because there isn't any. Just inconsolable grief. cj

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Aleksandar – I remember that prediction!

    Mike – it's really worrisome for people in the gulf. But on our coast, some tar patties have been found on beaches. 🙁 as d page says.

  6. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I can't imagine what the hurricane season must be like – especially with the oil slick. Must be very worrying to say the least.

  7. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    If you recall, I saw a (existing or not) connection between that "Gone with the Wind" (timing when it was posted) and the oil spill. Now I share a name with a hurricane.

  8. Natalie says:

    Horribly sad. 🙁

  9. Nancy says:

    it just makes me so incredibly sad. What's worse? Brazil is planning on drilling further out to sea and twice the depth of this one. Without the technology to do it. The "have faith" in their oil company.

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