Category Archives: oil spill

Meditation Synchros

Rob is teaching a meditation course at our gym, a somewhat unusual pursuit for a place where people grunt and sweat and pound out their miles on treadmills. It’s considered a specialty class, so attendees have to pay over and … Continue reading

Posted in meditation, oil spill, visions | 15 Comments

Adele’s John Lilly Dream

                                                             John C. Lilly This following story came from Adele, and it was left as a comment under the June 3 … Continue reading

Posted in dolphins, dreams, John Lilly, oil spill | 20 Comments

Days 65-66

Day 65 of the oil gusher in the gulf doesn’t look much better than day 64. Or day 58, 57, 56, 55. In fact, every day the disaster continues looks worse than the day before it. Last night on Countdown, … Continue reading

Posted in childhood, oil spill, Venezuela | 39 Comments

Paradigm Shift?

 I’m not sure  where Jung would put paradigm shifts. He experienced several during his lifetime, wrote about them,  and the shifts he lived through certainly influenced his search and his writings. But are paradigm shifts strictly cause and effect? If they … Continue reading

Posted in oil spill, paradigms | 32 Comments


President Obama’s speech tonight about the crisis in the gulf was one of the weakest he has ever given. It is the first time Obama has addressed the people from the oval office. I was hoping to hear at least … Continue reading

Posted in BP, oil spill | 42 Comments

Day 55

We encountered these wind turbines two days ago on Aruba’s northeastern coast where the trade winds hit hard. There are ten of them, huge things visible for miles across this desert geography, giants on the landscape when you are up … Continue reading

Posted in oil spill, wind turbines | 17 Comments

What $ Can Buy

This update isn’t about the horrors of the spill. It’s about BP’s efforts to control the public’s access to information. According to ABC News, BP has bought several phrases on search engines like Google and Yahoo, so that the first … Continue reading

Posted in BP, oil spill | 15 Comments

Dolphins and BP

 Three times, Megan and I swam with dolphins. Twice, it was at a place in Key Largo called Dolphins Plus. The third time was on the island of Margarita, off the coast of Venezuela. Each experience was unique, magnificent, and … Continue reading

Posted in dolphins, oil spill | 28 Comments

Tracking the Gusher

This 39 second video tracks the gusher since its genesis through May 28. As you watch the spill spread and move, it’s eerie. I could see the shapes of marine life that are or will be devastated by this. Some … Continue reading

Posted in oil spill | 15 Comments

Day 40

Day 40   It’s now official. Top Kill has failed to plug the gusher.  The next step is to use robot subs to cut off the damaged riser from which the oil is gushing and attempt to cap it with … Continue reading

Posted in nuclear option, oil spill | 23 Comments