Category Archives: radio

3 Questions About Synchronicity

On March 31, we were interviewed by Alejandro Rojas of   Open Minds Radio/TV  and the link went up  on April 1. He was the first radio host we’ve spoken with who focused closely on synchronicity. He asked several intriguing questions that … Continue reading

Posted in aliens, aliens in the backyard, radio, synchronicity | 14 Comments

Silver Linings Playbook – and a Radio Update

Just a note on radio shows. Last night, we were on caesar’s ghost with Charlotte Kosa on blogtalk radio. And what fun that was. She’ll have the show archived at the link above. For some reason, we thought the show … Continue reading

Posted in movies, radio, synchronicity | 18 Comments

Synchronicity Radio

Here’s a radio show out of Vancouver that’s called Synchronicity – Also, F. David Peat, who wrote Synchronicity: The Bridge Between Matter and Mind, one of the seminal books about the topic, is conducting a workshop about synchronicity in … Continue reading

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