Category Archives: Peat

The Space Between

I was editing a chapter in our book recently working with a synchronicity called Blue Dog that Tony Vigorito had offered when I came to this phrase within it: Good atmosphere, good friends, good conversation, good wine, good books, and … Continue reading

Posted in Blue Dog, books, Peat | 11 Comments

Jung, Pauli, and Peat

Jung Institute, Zurich *** F. David Peat, a theoretical physicist who worked with the legendary physicist David Bohm in the 1970s, wrote Synchronicity: the Bridge Between Science and Matter, one of the seminal books about synchronicity. He now lives in … Continue reading

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Golden Scarab

The next story needs a little background. Carl Jung’s investigation of synchronicity was triggered by a patient’s dream, in which she was given a golden scarab. Jung knew the scarab is a symbol of rebirth in Egyptian mythology and believed … Continue reading

Posted in animals, c2, Jung, Peat, scarabs, science | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Synchronicity Radio

Here’s a radio show out of Vancouver that’s called Synchronicity – Also, F. David Peat, who wrote Synchronicity: The Bridge Between Matter and Mind, one of the seminal books about the topic, is conducting a workshop about synchronicity in … Continue reading

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