Category Archives: quantum physics

Quantum Levitation – and Toys!

From the Japanese Institute of Science and Technology comes this very cool application of quantum levitation. Here’s the institute’s explanation of this You Tube video made of their experiment: “Here is a short footage on our recent work on quantum … Continue reading

Posted in quantum physics, synchronicity | 7 Comments

The Shift is about to Hit the Fan

DJan posted about this movie the other day on our blog – and on her own. The trailer is breathtaking. It’s not available yet as a DVD, but it’s on our Netflix list. Thanks for the tip, DJan   … Continue reading

Posted in movies, quantum physics, Uncategorized | 30 Comments

Mercury Retro and Source Code

This Merc retro story smacks of the trickster.  I’m beginning to think that maybe a lot of the snafus what we experience during these periods are really more about the trickster than anything else.  The trickster, after all, is sometimes … Continue reading

Posted in movies, quantum physics | 27 Comments

The Hidden Reality

I’ve been anticipating the release of Brian Green’s new book – The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos. If you’re unfamiliar with his work (The Elegant Universe and The Fabric  of the Cosmos), then be … Continue reading

Posted in brian greene, hidden reality, quantum physics | 15 Comments

Eternal Inflation

No, this phrase isn’t about the economy. It’s about physics and space and time. According to an article in New Scientist, this theory contends that “different parts of space can undergo dramatic growth spurts, essentially ballooning into separate universes with … Continue reading

Posted in andrei linde, multiverse, quantum physics | 12 Comments


                     Entangled  photons Several scientific experiments conducted in recent years hold intriguing implications about the nature of reality. Specifically, these experiments illustrate what researchers call “observer-dependent effects,” where the minds and knowledge of the experimenters effect the outcome of the … Continue reading

Posted in quantum physics | 15 Comments

The Way of the East

Indra’s Net Picking up on the history of synchronicity, I promised to add references to Eastern philosophy. I’ll work into it from the perspective of quantum physics. Let’s start with the concept that the unity and interconnectedness of all things … Continue reading

Posted in history of synchronicity, quantum physics | 7 Comments