Birthday Cake Trickster

a normal birthday cake


Okay, so the story goes something like this.  An elderly gentleman is about to celebrate his 85th birthday.  His four daughters plan the party at a local restaurant and one of the husbands is supposed to order the cake from the local grocery store. The cake is supposed to read: Happy 85th birthday, Dad.

But when the guy arrives at the store, the little Asian woman who decorated the cake informs him that all those words won’t fit across the top.

“Well, can you write it on the plate or something?” he asks.

The Asian woman says that should work and tells him to return in 30 minutes.  He does some shopping,  but is becoming increasingly anxious about time. He’s due at the restaurant shortly, where the festivities are being held. So when he picks up the cake, now boxed, he doesn’t check it.

He sets the cake in the passenger seat and speeds toward the restaurant. His wife and the other three sisters were worried that he was going to be late. They set the cake on the table and  the man’s wife removes it from the box and sets it on the table.  Uh-oh. The greeting is messed up.

“What should we do?” one of the sisters asks anxiously.

“Nothing,” says another sister. “It’s too late to change it.”

And just then, the birthday guy appears, sees the cake and its inscription, and explodes with laughter. Here’s what the cake said:

Sounds like the work of the trickster, doesn’t it?

You hear the oddest stories at the dog park.

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15 Responses to Birthday Cake Trickster

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Hi Rene, Your birthdate by itself, the month and year, are 3+ 2, or 5. This year it will be 12-11-2012, or 3+2+2+3, or 10, which is 1. There are a lot of folks getting 23s and 32s for some reason right now, and I suspect it’s because the #5 represents the frequency of change, activity, motion, crowds of people, scattering of energies. I would imagine this year will bring an abundance of these into your life during these twelve months. What’s interesting here, for you, is that your personal year, which is derived by adding your month and day of birth to the current year, becomes a 1, and 1 is the # of birth; of new beginnings,; of opening new doors; of innovations and ideas, but also of SELF. There may be changes in your workspace, there may be changes in your home, changes among your group of friends, etc, as #5 is filled with CHANGE. Travel is usually indicated when we transit the 5 frequency. For you, not only are you being impacted by the influences of 5, but also by the influences of 1. To me, this tells me you need to pay close attention to situations affecting you personally and INDIVIDUALLY, as that is the primary signifcance of the #1. SELF INDIVIDUALIZATION. That, accompanied by the changes and activities of the #5, demonstrate a busy year for you!! The only negatives for 5 is that a person can scatter energies too much, and for 1, the person can become too self-oriented in certain situations. Otherwise, this is a terrific combination of frequencies when they appear together! Last year was a personal #9 year for you, and that brought endings in many aspects of your life so that there could be the new beginnings this year. #9 often can be sad as we leave behind people and circumstances that no longer serve us, but remember, when a door closes, another door never fails to open, and the openings, the NEW stuff, comes for you THIS year.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks, math. I sent her an email letting her know you’ve commented.

    • Rene says:

      Math, thank you very much for shedding light on this for me! I am very grateful and I also want to tell you that you were incredibly accurate with what has been going on in my life during the past six or so months! Again, thanks!!!

  2. Darren B says:

    Maybe they could buy him one of these as a reminder of his 85th birthday party,and serve his 86th birthday cake off it next year as a reminder of the year before;
    It even comes with a pen,so you can write something permanent on the plate.

    ” Whether baby’s first, grandpa’s 92nd, or just a quite family dinner at home – the Happy Birthday plate makes any birthday a festive occasion. The plate is 11 inches in diameter and comes gift boxed with a black pen that can be used to sign the plate by all the friends and loved ones present to commemorate the occassion. This European handcrafted treasure will be cherished by all when reminiscing about the wonderful memories created over the years. Make the Happy Birthday plate a tradition in your family. “

  3. Rene says:

    Trish or Rob, speaking of Birthday Cakes…my birthday is 12-11. It seems that everywhere I look I keep seeing this number. Could you or anybody out there shed any light on what this may signify?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Maybe Math will tackle this one. She’s an ace numerologist. We’ve done a lot of posts on #s, but can’t recall one on 12-11. Jung would say those numbers represent an archetype that has become conscious in you. in 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, we’ve got a section on number synchros.

      • Darren B says:

        I can’t shed any light on the 12-11 thing,but I was just looking at the time I had posted my post on “Supernatutre”
        and saw the time 11:12,and was thinking how close I was to posting it at 11:11,which is a time that seems to haunt me.
        Then I come here and read this?!
        Just a note that in Australia,we write dates the other way around from you guys.
        The 11th of December would be written 11/12/2012,not
        12/11 like your part of the planet do.

        • Rene says:

          Darren, thank you very much for your insight and for sharing your synchronistic experience with the date. BTW, I LOVE the image you used on your Supernature post!

  4. DJan says:

    Oh, that is just too good! 🙂

  5. lauren raine says:

    that’s wonderful! So what’s on the plate for this year?

  6. Funny. Another similar one I saw read:

    Best Wishes Suzanne
    Under neat that
    We will miss you

    As you will have guessed the instructions were : Write: “Best Wishes Suzanne” and underneath that write “We will miss you”.

    There’s a photo here.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    There wasn’t room on the cake to write the word “Dad” but the word “Plate” fit?? How odd. And it reminds me of the movie CITY OF ANGELS with Nick Cage, when he tells Meg Ryan his last name is “Plate”!! 🙂

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