Denver Airport

There’s something deeply joyful about these flash mob dances. This one takes place in the Denver, Colorado airport.

Happy July 4!


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8 Responses to Denver Airport

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Just saw this today….and LOVE LOVE LOVE the 1940s music and dances that I used to watch my Dad and Mom perform in our living room! Wonderful memories. Such joy! They taught me how to do the Jitterbug and the Charleston as seen in this fun-filled video. Thanks for sharing!

  2. lauren raine says:

    Great! The world needs all the spontaneous joy it can get………so glad to see these people bringing it on!

    Happy 4th of July from hot springs in the wilds of New Mexico………now, that’s a good way to look at the stars, and celebrate the 4th of July!

  3. Momwithwings says:

    Loved this!!! thank you !!!

  4. gypsy says:

    LOVE THIS!!! – and – NEEDED it today! 😉 thanks ever so much for sharing – little things mean a lot! 😉

  5. Lovedit!! Helps me out of my ennui today.

  6. Always fun videos – and then life goes on as before … or perhaps it doesn’t! The fun influence may follow through.

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