
Adele Aldridge is an artist and Internet entrepreneur who designs T-shirts that combine yoga postures and astrological signs. As she explains here, she was surprised to discover that someone actually teaches Astro-Yoga. And how appropriate to make that discovery on a synchronicity blog.

I experience many synchronicities that I put into several different categories: I Ching, dreams, Internet events, and In-the-world events.

It feels appropriate to present my first synchronicity here by writing about my encounter with this blog and Rob and Trish’s website, Astro-Yoga.

I’ve been working on my own visual and poetic personal interpretation of the I Ching for many years and recently began the process again with new images to post on my blog. The use of I Ching is synchronicity itself. Carl Jung coined the word and now we all take it for granted as if the word had always been part of our language.

So one day when I happened across this blog I was delighted to find a place devoted to personal stories of synchronicity. It was actually a wonderful synchronicity to find the site.

But what hit me between the eyes was when I discovered that Rob and Trish have another blog called Astro-Yoga. I have a series of designs called Astro Yoga Babes for my YogaBabe Cafe store. I also have an interest in astrology and thought a yoga pose for each sign of the zodiac would be fun to create for Yoga Babe T-shirts and other products. So when I recently found that there was someone who was actually teaching yoga with the astrological signs in mind I had that sense of being in tune with a much larger force. And the name, Astro-Yoga! Wow. I just wish I could be in his yoga classes.

Adele Aldridge

This entry was posted in astrology, divination, I Ching, yoga. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Astro-Yoga

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    And Rob’s a Taurus, too, so that all fits nicely!
    – Trish

  2. terripatrick says:

    I wish I could be in the Astro-Yoga classes too, but am happy with the synchronicity that you chose a Taurus pose for this post, since I am. 🙂

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