Beauty Is Everywhere

Our friend Carol Bowman sent us these photos, reminders that we are surrounded by beauty, something we often forget in the daily hustle of life.

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15 Responses to Beauty Is Everywhere

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Karen and Gyps, it must be something contagious running in the water, perhaps! I’m in that very same space as the two of you. Meandering rather thoughtlessly through the days and simply absorbing. Outside our living room bay window we have a bird feeder that attracts so many kinds of birds, especially the tiny finches. Also doves and squirrels. The finches are glorious little songbirds; the doves coo; the squirrels chatter among themselves. Our cat perches himself within jumping distance but makes no move to hurt them…he seems to be in the same place as I…..just watchiing them and listening to them touch our own silences. And as you, Karen, my world isn’t the most pleasant space of late, and it’s almost mesmerizing to allow myself to be mentally lazy and wander aimlessly without any particular thoughts, taking in the lovely companions in our environments. The ordinary busy-ness of life usually prevents our awareness of their presence. It’s a nice shift.

  2. karen says:

    Your friend Carol’s images are wonderful…which takes me to where I’m at this present time. Lately I’ve been all about images…not just on posting them to my own blog…but attracted to sites that are all about images. I’ve felt the need to just allow myself to soak in the image… formulate my own thoughts on them…thoughts of enjoyment…and sometimes of discomfort in seeing them. I felt I got so caught up in the thoughts and words of others… that my own thoughts were beginning to get lost. Not saying words aren’t important….we need those too…but sometimes with all we are bombarded with in the media/our world around us….it feels so good to just look at something soothing….and beautiful. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone but it’s where I’m at right now. The world directly around me isn’t very beautiful at the moment.. thanks for these images today….I need more of these. Anyone else feeling it?

  3. gypsy says:

    absolutely breathtakingly beautiful and a bit of a synchro for me as i just got back from a run to my dr’s office – my daughter and her son went with me and afterward they wanted to eat at a place i don’t care for so i just sat in my car while they went in – i rolled down all the windows/sun roof – notwithstanding the 98 deg heat – and sat in the sun – there was a wonderful breeze and a row of tall hedges over to the side of me – the birds were all out chirping and jumping around – the breeze was constant – the sun was energy giving and the skies blue – and i sat there just totally absorbed in how wonderful and beautiful it all was – literally saying that to myself – get home and here’s your beautiful post – yummmy good!

  4. OMGob, those are sooo beauitufl. I especially loved the elephant with its mahout.

  5. lauren raine says:

    Wonderful photos. I suspect, in her world, the lizard is considered a hot babe.

  6. Vicky says:

    Beautiful! X 🙂

  7. Dale Dassel says:

    Wonderful pictures, but that lizard is scary-looking! 🙂

  8. How true! Great selection of photos.

  9. DJan says:

    Oh, such beauty! Thank you thank you thank you for sharing these with me. I am blessed. Each one took my breath away.

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