Climate Change and Mass Dreams of the Future

NASA satellite images of Greenland ice melt

Everyone is feeling it this summer – a massive drought in the U.S. Midwest, sweltering temperatures in much of the country, an uncharacteristically wet summer in the U.K.  According to NASA, in fact, more than 40,000 heat records have been broken in 2012.

An article in the Christian Science Monitor   spells it out clearly:  the first five months of 2012 were the hottest on record in the contiguous United States. In June, 164 all-time high temperature records were tied or broken around the country, according to government records.

The news from NASA is even worse. For several days in July, Greenland’s  surface ice cover melted over a larger period than at any point in 30 years of satellite observations.  “On average in the summer, about half of the surface of Greenland’s ice sheet naturally melts. At high elevations, most of that melt water quickly refreezes in place. Near the coast, some of the melt water is retained by the ice sheet and the rest is lost to the ocean. But this year the extent of ice melting at or near the surface jumped dramatically. According to satellite data, an estimated 97 percent of the ice sheet surface thawed at some point in mid-July.”

The melt is causing sea levels to rise – definitely a concern for all coastal areas. Here in South Florida, we’re only about three feet above sea level. In mid-July, an iceberg twice the size of Manhattan – about 46 square miles – broke off from the  Petermann Glacier. Andreas Muenchow, a professor at the University of Delaware, calls it “dramatic, disturbing. We have data for 150 years and we see changes that we have not seen before.”

Take a look at the map of the U.S. created by Dr. Chet Snow, who co-authored Mass Dreams of the Future with Helen Wambaugh.  It depicts what the U.S. will look like after massive earth changes. The map was based on information gleaned from hundreds of hypnotic progressions to the future that Wambaugh conducted with volunteers.  The dates for this map are, so far, wrong: 1998-2012.

We wrote about Wambaugh’s work and our personal experience with an hypnotic progression in a post called Domed City, which coincided with one of the future scenarios the volunteers experienced during their progressions.   Even though the dates for Snow’s map are wrong, it certainly seems that the earth changes are already underway, that global warming is here.   Arguments persist that we humans have not contributed to global warming, that it’s all just a cycle in nature. But with 7 billion people on the planet, all leaving a heavy carbon footprint, that argument strikes me as specious.

Have a look at this video taken by an Australian tourist viewing a glacier near Ilulissat, Greenland as an iceberg broke off.

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22 Responses to Climate Change and Mass Dreams of the Future

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Daz, we’ve both been friends here on the blog for too long to argue! You’re absolutely correct: you won’t change your mind nor will I, so no point in moving forward with this particular subject, except I do agree with Trish that humans are the “very big elephant in the room”. Hope your current worries get positive resolutions! (That’s sincere, btw!) Many of us seem to be experiencing rough waters at this time. We just need to hang together and steer ourselves through the currents, because they are certainly out of control and difficult to navigate.

  2. Darren B says:

    “Your remark that “the Sun is doing it” contradicts your intial comments that the governments are doing it.”
    Where in the above comments do I say the governments are doing it ???
    I said that they are spreading propaganda about “Global Warming” to bring in their bogus carbon tax…like they have just introduced here in Australia.
    We are just a test case before the governments worldwide start bringing this in.

    And regarding “I see no distinction between global warming and climate change.”
    The “global warming” theory says the world will just overheat till it kills all life on Earth,and the “climate change” theory is that these are just natural (but deadly) cycles that cycle through over periods of hundreds of years,without destroying all life on Earth.There is a big difference in my opinion.

    I see no point in arguing any more about it here,because my mind is made up,just as your mind is made up.
    I’m sure nothing I say,or you say,will change each other’s minds over our opinions.
    I’ve just stated where I stand on the matter,that’s all.
    As I said we will have to agree to disagree on this one.
    There are bigger and more immediate things worrying me at the moment,
    I’ll be happy if nothing major happens before the end of this month is over.
    Climate change is the least of my worries at the moment.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Daz, I’m not arguing with you, but your first sentence in your comment above states exactly what I said….the governments aren’t doing it, THE SUN IS DOING IT. Your remark that “the Sun is doing it” contradicts your intial comments that the governments are doing it. This confuses me and I’m not trying to be combative. I believe most of us here have done at least as much if not more research on this subject as you, so we are equally well-informed and each of us has an opinion, although we certainly don’t all agree with each other but we ALL are living through it as it impacts our planet and environment. I see no distinction between global warming and climate change. It’s simply, for me, a matter of semantics, because global warming most definitely creates climate change, and vice versa.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Darren, I couldn’t disagree more with you that this “global warming stuff” is just “apocalyptic propaganda put out by governments”, etc. There is too much credible evidence to the contrary….not only that we are experiencing climate changes, but also concomitantly, global warming.No matter which phrase one chooses to use, the planet and its atmosphere ARE getting warmer. And when Gore intitially came out with this hypothesis, the governements fought him tooth and nail. So I don’t think they are “putting it all out there”. Just my opinion.

    • Darren B says:

      Then we will have to agree to disagree on this one Math,as I have done a fair amount of research myself on the subject and it is not a man-made thing in my opinion,it is the sun that is doing it.
      The same thing is happening on the other planets in the solar system as well.
      I’m not going to debate back and forth about it here,because my mind is made up over years of looking in to it.
      If you want to believe in the”Global Warming” theory,so be it.
      I’m sure I won’t convince you otherwise.
      At the same time I’m not against finding alternatives to oil and other fossil fuels to clean the planet up.
      But good luck on fighting Big Oil on that one,since these are the people who pull all the strings on this planet and keep the wars rolling along for their black gold.

  5. Darren B says:

    Talking about change I’m just going to change the topic for a moment,so that it doesn’t really look like that I am trying to change the topic by taking about a change .-)

    I was over at Frater X’s blog and he had this apparent UFO sighting over the London Olympic Games opening ceremony –
    Kind of looks like a blimp to me,but who knows?
    It would be interesting to know what was flying around on the night,but I’m sure someone else would have noticed a UFO on the night.
    I looks good though.

  6. gypsy says:

    i saw some of the news on this horrific thing in greenland and each time thought how sad that our planet is literally collapsing upon itself – in so many many ways – turmoil within and without – much like civilization in general i think –

  7. karen says:

    There’s definitely climate change/global warming going on. I just read that a scientist who initially was in disagreement with climate change has now changed his mind and believes humans have much to do with the changes. This year during some of the stronger storms that left us with no power made me acutely aware that it’s time to start thinking about storing water, and food. I also just bought my first survivalist guide book. Up until now I’ve always known there were changes happening, but now it feels as though they are happening at a faster pace. Not to sound like an alarmist…but I’m feeling like the pace is going to pick up even more so as the year goes on. Also the intensity of the people around me…not so much about climate change (although they are affected by it)…but just their lives seem to be picking up in the amount of chaos and stress. I’m afraid to pick up the phone lately….it’s pretty sad. I understand the benefit in this progression, and I try hard to keep thinking positively on it all, but it’s pretty hard to deny that there is change happening….and increasingly harder to stay positive. I see many young people making ethical/environmental changes in the business/financial sector…but can these changes catch us in time? Even though there are profound changes happening with the climate …I can’t believe how many deniers there still are.

  8. lauren raine says:

    I have always thought this was the real meaning of the 2012 prophecies, and all the “Rapture” stuff too………ever since I encountered Al Gore’s book Earth in Balance in 1992. I thought so much would change when his movie “An Inconvenient Truth” came out in 2006, but nothing did. There is no doubt now that coastal cities will increasingly be submerged in the future, and some scientists say that if things are so far off balance we could see the ocean currents change, ironically creating a new ice age. I fear that real change is only going to happen when we are confronted up close and personal with catastrophes that make it real to people.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Strieber’s book and the subsequent movie – day after tomorrow – were both powerful statements. I thought stuff would change, too, after Gore’s movie. Or, at any rate, that things would change more quickly.

  9. Levels of rainfall in the UK are higher than since records began for this summer. The reason in our case is the jet stream – this normally sits to the north of the UK in summer, directing areas of low pressure and bad weather further north. This summer the jet stream has been much further south than normal, bringing wet and cold weather to much of the country. The rain has caused flooding and all sorts of damage.

    This is one of the few times where I feel slightly out of step with you as I veer more towards ‘climate change’ than ‘global warming’.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Maybe the phrases are actually synonymous? Whether it’s global warming or climate change, weather is changing and there are real repercussions.

      • Darren B says:

        I’m with Mike,I too veer more towards ‘climate change’ than ‘global warming’.
        The difference is that ‘climate change’ is a natural Earth cycle which happens every so many hundreds of years,where as all this ‘global warming’ stuff is apocalyptic propaganda put out by the governments so they can put out another bogus carbon tax,
        like our government in Australia has just done.
        Yes,there will be ice melts and changes in climate,but it is all just a natural Earth cycle,not the end of the world,in my opinion.
        There is a reason Greenland was named Green-land,and you might have to go back many centuries to find out,but it wasn’t always an ice-field.

        • Rob and Trish says:

          Climate change and natural cycles: I don’t have any problem with that. But I do think 7 billion plus humans leave a huge footprint and that the whole process is accelerating. I didn’t know about australia’s carbon tax.

          • Darren B says:

            I wouldn’t mind paying a tax for cleaning up the planet,if I could see that they were serious about doing so…but I don’t see them doing anything positive with the money.
            Whether it is ‘climate change’ or ‘global warming’
            we are still in for a rough ride in the years ahead,natural cycle,or not.
            And we each need to stand up and do our bit to sustain life on this planet.
            It won’t be a smooth ride,either way,that’s for sure.

            • Rob and Trish says:

              The problem with taxes is they are rarely used in the ways they are supposed to be used. When I read that the pentagon budget equals the GDP of several countries, I get angry.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    SYNCHRO! Just last nite I mentioned to my husband about the Greenland ice-sheet melt. Had read it in the news paper. Cayce was probably right about his projections, just off on his time line for certain things. The heat here has changed our ordinary day-to-day routine, by necessity. It’s unbearable to us folks who have become accustomed to AC in homes, vehicles, stores. Just going from the SUV to the door of the store kicks a person in the face with the heat. Even the ocean water is hot, and I wonder how the sea critters are managing this unpredented warmth of their environment. Many elderly folks are dying, who don’t have AC or fans and no relief. Awful. It’s my understanding that all the libraries in our county, and other such facilities, are allowing elderly as well as street folks to come in during the day and sit, (street people as long as they behave), just to prevent heat stroke. Our small, oldest indoor mall here is doing the same thing. They are allowing folks to come in and sit up against the walls between the stores…again, as long as they don’t create any trouble, and they aren’t). To me, that demonstrates human kindness at work and makes me feel better about our society as a whole. The homeless shelters are full to capacity, so the overflow is going to these public places, then must leave at closing time, usually around 9pm. By then at least the sun isn’t bearing down with blistering fire!

    • lauren raine says:

      I am so sorry to hear this. Strangely, we’ve had a very pleasant summer here in Tucson, Arizona……..but we’re used to heat, and most homes are set up for cooling and insulation. So sorry to hear of this suffering.

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