The Power Of…

I was raised as a Catholic, but have never bought into their ideas and left the church when I was 16. However, the appeal of that church – or any traditional church or religion, for that matter – lies in its rituals, in how those rituals speak to you on a spiritual level.

In most Catholic churches, there’s an area where candles can be lit for the dead. As a kid, I found this candle business to be morbid. But over the years, I’ve discovered a certain beauty in the ritual –I light a candle for loved ones, human or animal, who have passed on so that their path into the afterlife is illuminated.

I also light candles as a way to focus my attention on people who are in need of healing- physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, financial, professional, whatever the need is.  I believe there’s incredible power in focused concentration. Whether you call it prayer or visualization or something else, any time your conscious mind hones in on someone, that person is aware of it at some level and is empowered. Collective energy directed at these individuals makes a significant difference for them. It bolsters their immune systems, lifts their spirits, brings light into the darkness. We’re all connected. The candles we light become orbs of illumination in Indra’s net.

For those individuals who are skeptical about the efficacy of positive thought, prayer, and visualization, just Google any of those terms+ scientific evidence. You’re bound to find something that prompts you to give it a whirl.

The individuals whose names I have included below have written publicly about their health issues, so I don’t think I’m violating anything confidential. There are other names I haven’t included here because they haven’t talked publicly. The names in my empowerment circle are:

Debra Page.  We have posted a lot of her stuff – here, here, here. In the search box, just enter her name and you’ll see all the posts. We’ve used her experiences in both of our synchronicity books, in posts on aliens, loss, politics, planetary empaths.

Earlier this year, she wrote on her blog that she had to take a hiatus due to health issues. She has since developed multiple and complex permutations that include life-threatening   reactions to electromagnetic emanations. I spoke to Debra today and she’s staying at a Spiritualist community outside of San Diego, where she has a chance to recover and gain back her strength. Please, light a candle for Debra.

Mike Perry. We connected with Mike early on in the existence of our blog. I think his blog initially came up in a Google alert for synchronicity. Like us, he usually posts something new daily. Like us, his interests and his posts sometimes take him in other, related directions.

Bloggers get to know each other through what they write, through their routines. So a few days ago, I clicked on my link for Mike’s blog – and nothing new was up. When it happened a second day in a row, I wrote to Daz, who is friends with Mike, and asked if he had heard from him. He hadn’t. I immediately felt that something was wrong.

On August 13, Mike finally posted an explanation for why  he had been  absent for three days.   Kidney cancer. Due for surgery on 9/12/12. Circle that date. Let’s light some candles for Mike, that he comes through this surgery with flying colors.

Mathaddict. This lady is special. She has been up front and forthright about her health problems and how they may be related to her repeated abduction experiences.  Just put mathaddict into the search engine for a list of posts we’ve done about her.  She lives near a beach, so all those negative ions combined with our good thoughts should be powerful.

Our friend, writer Ed Gorman wrote to his extensive email political circle today that he was having radiation treatments and had had a terrible reaction to an anti-inflammatory drug he’d been given. He was en route to see his oncologist. Please light a candle for Ed, too. He’s one of the most generous  writers we’ve ever met.

Please add names to the empowerment circle or create one of your own. You don’t have to explain anything, don’t even have to include the person’s full name. Initials will do. Today there’s a new moon in Leo, a perfect time for powerful, directed conscious thought. Let’s become this net we’ve talked about, blogged about. Let’s send our collective energy toward individuals who need a boost now.


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16 Responses to The Power Of…

  1. Momwithwings says:

    I remember as a little girl, sitting in church and thinking they were wrong. God is loving and outside.
    I have found that there can be a wonderful energy in churches, but I tend to feel it strongest when I am alone in the church.
    I suffer from mild arthritis and terrible Fibromyalgia and would appreciate being included on your list of names.

  2. Jeni says:

    Happy to see you again :)…. I was following your old blog & got busy with life! I was drawn to buy your book “synchronicity and the other side” ~ just got it today – I look forward to the read!
    My life is full of synchronicities – since my sister died in 2008.

    I was in search for answers in the beginning – what why and how!

    My questions are minimal now! I just BELIEVE & know for certain that life continues on & we are not alone!

    I believe in the power of attraction – basically you get what you put out there….

    I too didn’t “buy into” the organizations in religion – never did! I broke away when I was 15. I respect them but choose not to follow them – they are too limited. I too like certain rituals – thank you for posting!

    Gotta get reading – much love to you both!

    Xxoo ~ Jeni

  3. lauren raine says:

    thanks for this post……… a double Leo, add me to the group. My good wishes to those in need, and candles lit.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Picking a certain time of day would be great, except we have several folks who live outside the U.S., and many who are in different time zones within the U.S. How would we be able to accomplish this, I wonder? Maybe (just a suggestion) set it for
    the time when the Sun is ar High Noon, wherever that person may be? Or, considering folks work and wouldn’t be at home to light their candles at Noon, maybe set it for the time of sunset at the place the person may be, as opposed to a specific clock time? Again, just thinkin’….

  5. Love to be in the group as well. There are other circles that have formed for this very purpose. The Twelfth Insight has one once a month as does the Global Consciousness Inititative. We are evolving on so many levels and consciousness is where it’s at. Live consciously and change the world. Wonderful post today.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Endless thanks for adding my name to the group. I was going to add Gypsy’s name, as I know my dear cousin is coping with serious issues. For several days now I’ve had candles burning on my altar…but one need not have an altar, per se….for Debra, and for Megan and Nika, and for others. Some of my candles burn for those on The Other Side, and some for folks who are here. Mike, my hubby had renal cell carcinoma in his right kidney two years ago, and had the major surgery. He’s cancer-free and well. You will be, too. I’ll join with everyone and light the flame for you. So very many flames burning everywhere for so many folks. Can’t we just imagine being in the skies above the planet and seeing all these tiny Lights burning brightly?? This will sound strange, but before clicking onto the Synchro blog I emailed T & R about all the wildfires burning our country….six million acres have burned….and now as I read this post and the comments, it makes me wonder if Mother Nature is using these fires, as destructive as they may be, to cleanse and brighten and lighten our way to a better future? Fire doesn’t just burn. It cleanses and removes “old stuff”. It can be painful. It can leave scars. But it can also create NEW flesh; NEW growth. And that’s what we do with our candles. We create NEW hope. Thank you again for including me. It’s a precious gift.

  7. I’m a great believer in the power of groups or circles. It also benefits all of the people within the circle (even though the aim is to help others).

    I once read that the strength of Jesus was upheld by ten of his disciples using a similar principle – Judas and Thomas were omitted. Could well be true.

    I also remember, when I dabbled with the Rosicrucians, that certain thoughts or ideals were ‘sent’ by members to world leaders and the like at specific times. I think we have more power than we sometimes give ourselves credit for – especially when acting as a group.

    Many thanks for mentioning me in your post – my op is actually on the 19th of September.

    Karin and I often light candles for people when we visit churches, though we don’t belong to any organised religion. I’ll be happy to participate in sending ‘conscious thought’.

  8. Add me to the group – a Leo joining when sun and moon is in Leo. Good idea.

  9. DJan says:

    I love that mandala you put in this post. I am a believer in the power of positive thinking and wonder if anyone who experiences its effects could ever be in doubt about its efficacy. I love your posts, Trish. You are always giving me things to think about and focus on… positively. 🙂

  10. gypsy says:

    beautiful and powerful concept – and in the event i’m not already in the unnamed group, i would be grateful to be added to your circle…many thanks…

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