Numbers, Nika, and the Rest of It

Nika, new dog park before attack


This weekend, August 18-19, we drove up to Orlando to see our daughter, Megan. Travel, even short jaunts like this one, often involve synchronicities and this trip was no exception. But the synchros were obvious only in retrospect.

Earlier this month, Megan’s dog, Nika, was attacked by a pitt bull in the elevator of her building.   She was bitten badly in the neck, underwent emergency surgery, had drainage tubes inserted in the wound, got them out, and appears to be back to her joyful, bouncy self.

Nika, investigating another dog at the dog park; foot is megan’s.


Megan’s apartment complex has security cameras installed in the elevators, so the fact that pitt bull attacked her is on record. These videos are preserved and available upon request to anyone who resides in the building.

When Animal Care and Control showed up at Megan’s apartment a couple of days after the attack, they asked if she wanted to cite the owner.  The fine would be $200. Megan spoke to the owner, Eric Rose, with Animal Care and Control on the line, and told him she wouldn’t cite him if he agreed to pay the vet bill. He said that he would.

On Friday, August 10, Megan presented the owner’s girlfriend with copies of the vet bill, nearly $1,300. The young woman, Megan says, was “very nice,” was surprised the bill wasn’t higher, and said that even though Eric said he would pay only half the bill – despite what he had told Megan – she  had seen the video and would pay the other half. She promised Megan that she would have money by Friday, August 17.

So we get up there on Saturday, August 18, and although the pitt bull has been removed from the building,  Eric and his girlfriend have not reimbursed Megan.  Eric has not returned Megan’s calls, either. Now, granted, I am manic when it comes to this kind of thing. His dog attacked her dog, it’s on video, and you would think he would do the right thing and at least offer to pay something.

Cross me, that’s one thing. Cross someone I love, and that’s a whole other thing. So I write a letter to Eric and tell him that if Megan has not been reimbursed by the afternoon of Monday, August 20, we’ll initiate legal action. I want to say a whole lot of other stuff, none of it language used in polite conversations, but restrain myself. Sort of. Rob edits the letter and says I should remove the part about do the honorable thing.  You don’t want to shame the guy, Trish.

Well, yes, I do. Sometimes, shame is a motivator.

But I remove that reference and head down to their apartment, knock, ring the doorbell, and no one answers. I tape the letter to the front door, and the paper isn’t folded or anything Anyone can read it.  As I head back upstairs to Megan’s place in the elevator, I remember that about a week after the attack, I was at our local grocery store and was astounded when my bill came to $77.77.

The only other time I’ve gotten numerical repetitions like this, in my entire life,  was during a vacation in Costa Rica, when the numbers were 111.11.

Even the cashier commented on the four 7s:  “You’d better go buy a lottery ticket with those numbers,” she said.

I didn’t bother with a lottery ticket, but I figured the numbers were significant in some way, and possibly connected to what had happened to Nika, so I scanned the receipt into my computer.

Shortly after we arrived in Orlando – and before I taped the letter to Eric’s door- Megan and I had dashed over to the grocery store to pick up some items she needed. The bill came to $33.33.

I did a double take and thought back to the  $77.77 about a week earlier. I mean, please, this is the third time in my life that numerical repetitions have appeared, and two of them have occurred in the last 7-10 days. This cashier, like the cashier who had seen the four sevens, remarked about playing the numbers in the lottery.

But when I saw those four threes, my heart sank. I immediate thought of  hexagram 33 of the I Ching – called Retreat – and knew that Eric and his girlfriend had left town. What I didn’t know was if they had left town for the weekend, for a vacation, or for good.

Throughout our time in Orlando, we checked Eric’s apartment several times to see if the note had been picked up. It was still taped to the front door of the apartment when we left on the afternoon of Sunday, August 19. The concierge at the front desk told Megan he hadn’t seen Eric or his girlfriend for days.

On our way home, Rob and I drove into a torrential downpour. We are were on Interstate 4, ten miles from where it supposedly connects to the Florida turnpike, the road that takes us to South Florida. We missed the exit and ended up spending nearly two hours in stop and go traffic to just get to the turnpike. The trip from our home to Megan’s should take about two and a half hours. It took four hours- but only because Rob drove 90 miles an hour.

While we’re in stop and go traffic, Rob says, “Did you have any synchros this trip?”

“Yeah, $33.33.  And that’s not too long after the $77.77.”

He looks at me, as perplexed as I am. “What the hell do those numbers mean?”

“Maybe Eric blew town, you know, he retreated.” Or maybe that’s not the meaning at all.  We’ll see how it all unfolds from here.

In the meantime, Nika returned to her great dog park for the first time since the attack, and she and Noah hunted for squirrels. As far as they are concerned, all is well.

Rob and Megan, calling for Nika and Noah in the dog park.  I’m behind them, snapping photos. Some things, apparently, never change.







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14 Responses to Numbers, Nika, and the Rest of It

  1. Momwithwings says:

    First, I’m so happy to hear that Nikka is back to normal!!

    Second, you go mom! I probably would have done the same thing!!!!

    Third, I’ve never really noticed number and time synchros until recently. Now I see 11:11 a lot, and other time numbers, 2:22 etc. I think that it is interesting that more people are seeing these number multiples. I wonder what it means?

  2. gypsy says:

    love the numerical synchros – very telling in this story! interestingly, the past few days, i’ve been beset with number synchros in terms of time – it’s always 1s and 3s – 11:11 or 1:11 and 3:33 – oh, with a 2:22 thrown in, also – as you know, i don’t own clocks or time pieces so when i do look at the time it is not by accident so to speak – i mean, i have to find something with the time on it in the house – like turn on my computer or the tv – anyway – notwithstanding the financial trauma of it all with megan having to worry over whether or not this guy will do as he says/the right thing, the main thing is the well-being of nika now – and i’m so thrilled to know she’s back to her former self! love and hugs, nika!!!

  3. Because of the numbers, I’ve thought about this and the thought that keeps coming to my mind is that – Pit Bull owner could:
    1. Not have $2000 in cash to hand over immediately for clean up and vet bills
    2. May be devastated his dog was capable of such an attack
    3. Has instantly “lost” his dog – there will be no return/recovery.

    Maybe the numbers where to remind you that we are all connected and while Nikka has recovered, the trauma was on both sides and there is only personal judgement as to who’s loss is greater.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Maybe. This guy, though, was at the concierge desk shortly after the attack, demanding to know who owns Nika, that she attacked his dog first, that he’d already spoken to his attorney. Then the concierge showed him the video and he immediately backed off.

  4. Interesting number synchros. Isn’t it possible to verify if the person is still at the apartment thro’ the complex managers or owners? But, whatever, great that Nika is now okay.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Megan got the owner’s email address and he apparently texted Eric, who called megan and promised to pay when he gets back into town this weekend.So, we’ll see.

  5. DJan says:

    The main thing is that Nika is all right now. The fact that some people are not honorable is very sad but true. Does it seem to you that more people are not meeting financial obligations any more? It seems that way to me. I hope they finally reimburse her, but I’m not optimistic. Please let me know what happens, okay?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      It seems that he should’ve been at her door with a check as soon as he saw the security video.
      Megan got the owner’s email address, wrote him, and minutes later, Eric (pitt owner) called her and promised he would pay
      next week when he is back in town. Progress. Turns out the owner had to pay the cleanup – which was $600. I don’t think
      he’s too happy about it.

  6. Darren B says:

    Regarding “The only other time I’ve gotten numerical repetitions like this, in my entire life, was during a vacation in Costa Rica, when the numbers were 111.11.”

    Do you realize 77.77 + 33.33 = 111.10 ?

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