The Spirit of Greece

For everyone who saw the movie Zorba the Greek – and for those of you who missed the film –  this flash mob really captures the spirit of the Grecian people. This country has been suffering badly in the economic downturn. But their spirit appears to be undaunted.


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10 Responses to The Spirit of Greece

  1. Momwithwings says:

    The movie “Zorba the Greek” was on last night!!

    I’d love to be in a flash mob! They are so much fun to watch, just joy!!!

  2. mathaddict2233 says:


  3. Loved it! I would love to see a flash mob in person some time.

  4. whoot says:

    cool sure,, got that olympic theme and all,,,, ???? how’d they set it up for the 30th modern games to land on a date (year) that hadn’t been deciphered yet,,,,, and then there’s bozos feeling of coincidence………. but personnaly thinking these flash dances don’t come close to the one in mscow……. even if I was chatting with the buddy Theo last night…..

  5. gypsy says:

    oh, yeah! FABulous! go ZORBA go GREECE!!!

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    With so much sadness and gloom and war and crime going on all over the planet, these flash mob dances and their smiles and laughter and music simply evoke pure JOY! I don’t know who started it all, but whoever did, what a glorious way to celebrate life! Tahnks for sharing. I hadn’t seen this one and it’s great! The one in Russia was also terrific, but my all-time favorite is still the one at Grand Central Station, which I think was among the first, and the expressions in the audience were priceless. Fantastic fun.

  7. Like the Zorba influence. I did a post a while back about one of my favourite holiday memories when we saw a Greek wedding while in Lindos, Rhodes – and a woman wearing a yellow dress. The local square was full of laughter and dancing and we watched, feeling part of it, as we sipped a few glasses of red wine in the sunshine. Helped put life in perspective as to what is really important.

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