Category Archives: TV

A Dog Named Blue and Gold Rush

We love it when we receive an email with a synchronicity like this one. This story is from Sherry Meinberg and it’s about a dog named Blue (rather than a blue dog!) and a new reality show on the Discovery … Continue reading

Posted in dogs, reality TV, TV | 23 Comments

The Event

Meet cutie Jason Ritter (Sean Walker), whose girlfriend has disappeared from the cruise ship they’ve been on. There’s not even a record that she was ever there. Or that he and his girlfriend even had a room on this ship. … Continue reading

Posted in disclosure, TV, UFOs | 14 Comments

Lost, the Finale

When the TV show, Lost, started six years ago, Megan was 14. The three of us were diehard fans, tuning in each week to find out what the survivors of Oceanic flight 813 were going to do next. As the … Continue reading

Posted in afterlife, Kate Duffy, lost, story, TV | Leave a comment

The Two TVs

   Our impulses are often vehicles of synchronicity. We feel an urge to do something,drive somewhere, change our routine, and down the road a bit discover that the  impulse proved prescient. In this next story, an impulse purchase that a … Continue reading

Posted in impulses, TV | 14 Comments

FlashForward and 137

We posted a story about the #137 on February 21, when our blog was just two weeks old. We’re summarizing it here as context for what follows. To recap: Wolfgang Pauli, a physicist and Nobel laureate, was an early supporter … Continue reading

Posted in 137, flashforward, Numbers, Pauli, TV | 18 Comments

Old Friends

In 2007, my friend Carol Bowman – author and researcher into past lives – received a call from a woman who was interested in bringing Carol’s story/books to television. Carol, whose journey is illustrated in her two books – Children’s … Continue reading

Posted in friendships, reincarnation, relationships, Seth, simpsons, tarot, TV, writers | 9 Comments

A Little Grrrr

Hmm. Life in TV world. Rob’s 90 minute-interview ended up on the cutting room floor. But, in all fairness, we got a free trip to Andros, terrific pics of AUTEC, met some cool people, had some weird experiences, made some … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, TV | 5 Comments