Category Archives: healing

Don Pascual: A Q’ero Shaman

Don Pascual, Q’ero shaman +++  This evening, April 27, we drove to Palm Beach Gardens for a ceremony with Peruvian/Q’ero shaman Don Pascual Flores.  We weren’t sure what to expect. The ceremony consists of creating a despacho –  a medicine … Continue reading

Posted in healing, peru, synchronicity | 13 Comments

Healing Circle for Mike Perry

Mike’s photo with post about his absence ++ Let’s use our power as a group to focus on our blogging friend, Mike Perry.  Mike has a fantastic blog on synchronicity and every other anomaly you can name. I think we … Continue reading

Posted in healing, mike perry, synchronicity | 16 Comments

The Power Of…

I was raised as a Catholic, but have never bought into their ideas and left the church when I was 16. However, the appeal of that church – or any traditional church or religion, for that matter – lies in … Continue reading

Posted in healing, indra's net, synchronicity | 16 Comments

A Healing Meditation

from Soul Cards   Rob periodically teaches a six-week meditation course at our gym or at a yoga studio.  In the past, I’ve had some unusual experiences during these one hour sessions.  During one particularly vivid meditation, I saw both … Continue reading

Posted in healing, meditation, synchronicity | 13 Comments

The Spider-Scorpion

This synchro came from Katrina Dreamer.  It’s a stunner. ++In waking life, I recoil from scorpions. Their shiny, segmented bodies and barbed tails quickly instill fear in me. But this year, I befriended a scorpion, one that came to me … Continue reading

Posted in dreams scorpion, healing | 15 Comments

The Swan and the Cormorant

This story came from Robin Yaklin, who sent it after reading  our post on Nancy Pickard. It’s one of those synchronicities that illustrates the power of a vision that may not come to pass tomorrow or even next month, but … Continue reading

Posted in healing, visions | 10 Comments

A Healing Dream

In an earlier post, we talked about Robert Moss’s book,  The Three “Only” Things, Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence, and Imagination.  This story is in the dream section, where there’s a wonderful story about the healing power of dreams. … Continue reading

Posted in dreams, healing | 13 Comments

The Sounds of Synchronicity

Here is a very interesting synchronicity that relates to sound that come from Isabelle Rajotte of Montreal. She speaks very little English so I have edited her words. But to get the direct experience of her sound work, you can … Continue reading

Posted in archetypes, healing, musicians, shiva, sound frequencies | 11 Comments

Bucket Brigade

This one was sent in by Robert Perry, an author and head of an organization…well, he explains it in the story. The synchronistic elements involve precognition. I am the head of a small nonprofit organization called the Circle of Atonement. … Continue reading

Posted in healing, precognition, spirituality | 1 Comment