More Jacqueline Synchro Clusters

one of the most famous Jacquelines!


In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, the fifth secret is called Clusters. This happens when synchronicity manifests itself in clusters of numbers, names, objects, events, words, symbols. It’s one of the most intriguing aspects of synchronicity and when it happens to you, you sit up and take notice.

Back in February, Adele Aldridge, who has a great blog on the I Ching,   sent us a terrific cluster synchro involving the name Jacqueline.   The other day, she sent us another Jacqueline cluster that also involves the iPad and birthdays.


The 4 Jacquelines involved in this cluster are:

#1 – Jacqueline T. – my sister who lives in Manhattan.

#2 – Jacqueline B. – my friend for 35 years who lives in San Francisco Bay area.

#3 – Jacqueline K. – is a neighbor/friend/acquaintance and lives in my apartment complex in a separate building.

#4 – Jacqueline C. lives in Phoenix Arizona and is Jacqueline Ceballos, a former president of the New York Chapter of N.O.W. and founder of Veteran Feminists of America, a group I am a member of, having participated in the early feminist movement days of the second wave of feminism. I receive email notices from Jacqui when one of those pioneers either dies or is having an art show in the New York Area.

Background on my synchro: On Monday, September 17th, I received in the mail a gift of an iPad. I had been lusting for an iPad because I am about to publish volume 1 of my ongoing project of I Ching Meditations and want to have it available for the iPad. I need an iPad to be able to proof the document.

So when a friend offered to give me her “old” iPad because she got the latest version, I was more than thrilled. And while I have been using a MAC since it was born in 1984, I quickly discovered that using the iPad has a different set of things to learn. I managed to set up the WIFI, enter passwords, but what I really was a person with an iPad sitting next to me and showing me how to take advantage of all the goodies available. Being shown how to do anything saves untold hours of time and time for me now is the most valuable commodity.

Now to the Jacqueline synchros for September 19th.

1. When I opened my morning email there was a message from Jacqueline B. in California. I hadn’t heard from her in several weeks. I had told her how Katya Walter was sending me her iPad and she was eager to know if I’d received it yet.

2. September 19th was my sister’s birthday – Jacqueline T. I decided to get some fresh air and call her from my cell phone while sitting outside on a bench near the driveway that goes to the other building in back of mine. I told my sister Jackie how frustrated I was because I had this new wonderful tech toy and wished I knew someone nearby who had one so they could give me a quick lesson on using some of the functions. Jackie suggested going to an Apple store but there isn’t one nearby. A big part of our talk was about the continual learning curve of the tech world and my latest toy and the help I needed with it.

3. As I was chatting away with my sister Jackie, a car pulled up, rolled down the window and I saw that it was Jacqueline K. from nearby. I haven’t seen her since early spring. Jacqueline K. leaned out of her car window and waved me over to talk. I remained where I was sitting and pointed to my cell phone, indicating that I was busy on the phone. I didn’t  want to interrupt my birthday call to the other Jacqueline, my sister.

4. When I went inside and checked my email there was a message from Jacqueline C., informing me of the death of Bettye Lane, a feminist photographer of the feminist movement who had died on this day, September 19, which was also Bettye Lane’s birthday. The message informed us that there will be a memorial in NYC and hopefully a mention in the New York Times Obituaries.

I began musing about the significance of hearing from those 4 Jacquelines within hours of each other and that I had not been in recent communication with 3 out of the 4 and how come they all happened at one time? I may not have thought about it at all if I had not written about my 3 Jacqueline synchros previously.

Pow! It hit me. I remembered that Jacqueline K. has an iPad. I called her immediately, made a date for some wine, and she will run me through the iPad this afternoon. Since I haven’t talked to or seen her for months, I had completely forgotten that she has an iPad. And there she was wanting to talk just as I was talking to my sister Jacqueline about needing to see someone with an iPad. I thought that pretty nifty timing. So while only 3 of the Jacquelines in this synchro had to do with the iPad, the other Jacqueline was announcing the birth and the death of someone with the same birthday as my sister.

The entire experience left me with the sense that there are invisible threads in our lives, much like the weaving of a cloth. Some threads are visible but there are others that are mysteriously strong and hold the whole cloth of our lives together. In this set of Jacqueline synchros the difference is that besides hearing from 4 Jacquelines within hours of each other (and none of them knows the other) the thread of my need for help with my new iPad gift ended with a very useful “reason” for the connections. The birthday/death Jacqueline connection had nothing to do with my iPad wish but all things considered, was a part of this synchro package.


Any ideas from anyone about the possible meaning of this cluster?


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11 Responses to More Jacqueline Synchro Clusters

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Again, so happy you are back, Mike!
    Regarding names, they are frequencies, and frequencies carry influences. I have had a lifetime of karmic interactions with women whose name is “Linda”, over and over and over again, to the point that when a female tells me her name is Linda, I want to run in the opposite direction! Being the math adidict I am, I would venture to guess that the experiences with the “Jacquelines” is relative to the influence of the frequency, which is 7. Horizontally, the whole number for Jacqueline is 43. Vertically, the soul of the name carries a 5 and the expression carries a 2. In any case, the root of the frequency is 7, which is the frequency of mysteries, psychics, paranormal events, secrets, mysteries, matters of the heart. 7 is actually the most complicated frequency in our universe and bears attention, because it often brings wonderful hidden surprises!!

  2. gypsy says:

    yes, first, congratulations to you, mike, on your speedy return home and ongoing recovery – many caring/healing thoughts continue till you are fully recovered – and seems that you are certainly headed in that direction!

    wonderful post of the jackie’s – one right after the other~

  3. Momwithwings says:

    First, you are so welcome Mike. I’m so glad that you are doing so well!!

    Second, both my mother and step-mother are named Jacquelyn and my college roommate! All 3 were and are not the easiest or nicest people to be around. In fact I know another Jackie, and she is also a difficult person. Whenever I meet someone with that name I am cautious.

    I find name synchros very interesting. My oldest daughter has it with the name Jennifer, Anytime she meets someone with that name it is always positive, always!

  4. What a great cluster of Jacquelines – wonder what a group of J’s would be called!

    Hope you don’t mind, but something off subject:

    I have to say a big thank you to everyone who participated in the Healing Circle on my behalf.

    My wife, Karin, and I have been greatly touched by the thoughts and kindnesses shown to us by the blogging community.

    I’m pleased to say that the operation for the removal of my right kidney went as planned and I was allowed home on the Sunday afternoon. I’m a bit sore, as to be expected, but feel that I am on the mend and I’m thinking positive about the future.

    I feel that synchrosecrets readers, combined with the loving thoughts of my family and friends, have helped me through the ordeal. ‘Thank you’ seem almost inadequate words but I mean them sincerely from my heart.

    Should the occasion arise for another synchrosecrets Healing Circle I will participate fully. Hopefully our combined thoughts and meditations will help each other.

    Mike and Karin

  5. shadow says:

    well, “someone” knew you needed Jacqueline to help you, “they” just weren’t sure which one *grin*

  6. lauren raine says:

    Well, since Adele does mention threads and weaving, I personally think Spider Woman (the great Native American weaver/creatrix)……..has a great sense of humor!

  7. Hi all – hey, thanks for posting my Jacqueline synchros. I will have to pass this on for them to see it here, especially since these Jacqueline’s don’t know each other but all sometimes show up at the same time. An interesting mystery.

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