More on the Quebec Encounter

If you been following our blog for awhile, you know about the Quebec encounter series we posted here. There were nine entries altogether describing the UFO encounter by a rural Quebec couple–Charles and Helene–who spotted cones of light in the field behind their backyard. Neither one of them believed in UFOs or were interested in the subject. The experience has had an enormous impact on Charles’ life and a year and a half later it is still on his mind. In essence, his perspective on reality has been profoundly altered.

Before, there were no aliens and UFOs, except in the movies. Now, he is convinced they are not only real, but here. Considering the hits these posts have received from government agencies, both in Canada and the U.S., it seems that he is not the only one who thinks something is happening on the frontier of reality.

The series was merged into one long file by Mike Clelland, who posted it on his blog, and it has also been running for months on unexplained mysteries, where the sixth installation recently appeared. There have been a couple of new developments in this story not previously reported. We’ll only focus on one of them here.

Over the past months, we’ve received messages from several people who said they were very familiar with the UFO phenomena and  had never heard about any sightings or encounters that resemble the illustration above. One, in particular, questioned the validity of the story. But just because an experience or event deviates from the norm doesn’t render it invalid. This is true for any event, any phenomenon, in any field.

In science, this process of scrutinizing evidence that doesn’t fit neatly into the known boxes leads to new discoveries about the nature of reality. As humanity’s consciousness evolves, so do our experiences.

So now we have received information about another case that is rife with synchronicities in relation to the Quebec encounter. First, here’s the initial drawing that we received. Take a look at the similarities.

Interestingly, both drawings show nine cones of light. There’s also a French connection. Known as the Haravilliers case, it took place in France in 1998. The similarities between the two cases are so striking that at first we wondered if Charles had read about it on Jean Casault’s UFO website. However,  Charles didn’t have any interest in UFOs before his experience and Casault didn’t publish his  post about the Haravilliers case until after the Quebec encounter.

In fact, he compares the two cases–referring to the couple we call Charles and Helene as Jacques and Lucie–noting the similarities and synchronicities, such as the fact that both cases involved dogs that were affected by the encounters. The French pooch was a trained hunting dog, but after the experience could never hunt again. Then the dog contracted epilepsy. Charles’ and Helene’s dog was ill for days after the encounter and acted strangely. But Spot has recovered and is apparently doing well.

MD, the man who encountered the cones of light, like Charles, was greatly affected and both experienced strange incidents in the aftermath. One thing was different in the two case: Charles could not see anything above the cones, only darkness. MD could make out the outline of a craft. Here it is below.
So, how many other experiences that we haven’t heard of fit this pattern? Just as the Hill abduction established a motif that evolved over the decades, perhaps this particular pattern is evolving as well.  The research and experiences of Budd Hopkins, Whitley Strieber, John Mack, David Jacobs, Karla Turner, Jacques Vallee, John B Alexander and others have contributed to our general knowledge about this phenomenon. But because of the complexity of encounters, because reality itself is not as simple as we’re taught that it is,  we don’t have complete, satisfying answers. What we learn triggers more questions.

So when we encounter an apparent anomaly in the established pattern, we should take notice, ask questions, remain skeptical but open and receptive. After all, some of the greatest discoveries – penicillin, relativity, gravity – were made because of such anomalies.

This entry was posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to More on the Quebec Encounter

  1. Heidi says:

    I enjoy your blog. Do you know of Col. Stevens the orginial Indiana Jones too?

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    That bleeding incident sounds suspiciously like the bleeding in our son’s throat! All physical evidence of the event disappeared following trip to ER, except our hospital paperwork proving the event. Seems like ‘they’ can heal as well as hurt.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    OK. I clicked over to UNEXPLAINED MYSTERIES, and it states there that there are 9 parts to the Quebec story. I only find 6. A question: the sudden bleeding experienced by Charles. His Dad had been diagnosed with colon cancer, and Charles was terrified of having the same diagnosis. We never heard what happened after Charles went to the doctor for the routine procedures that check for colon cancer? Any discoveries about the CAUSE of the rectal bleeding?

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Hey Mike!!!!! So great to see you back from the surgery and feeling well enough to comment! You were missed. Take good care of you. Remember, the external heals more rapidly than the internal, so behave yourself and take things easy for awhile!
    And greetings to Karin! It was difficult for her, as well. Now to HEAL!

  5. Good to see this follow up on the story. It is, of course, always easier to disbelieve – much less hassle – but so much we would once of thought of as being impossible has been proven otherwise.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Those are the big questions. After leaving the computer a little while ago to have my morning tea, I sat and thought about something. Has any Christian ever wondered WHY their Creator-God actually created humans? What His reason was for creating us? Was God lonely? Or are we some kind of amusement or game that God is playing to entertain Him/Her self?

    I was born into a Baptist home and was Baptist until I was grown, but I’ve never heard a single Christian asked, “WHY did God create us?” And if we dare to put the matter to them, they look at us as if we are demons, or worse. But to me, that’s a very reasonable, logical question: why did the Creator create humans?? And the few times I’ve offered an opinion….that the Christian ‘Whomever’ who created us pathetic yet wondrous creatures, that Christian ‘Whomever’ expands exponentially as WE experience, I am considered satanic. Which begs the most critical question: if we were NOT created by the Christian God, then by whom were we created?

    Humans are red, yellow, black, brown, and white. Our ethnic body shapes and sizes and colors differ drastically, although internally we are very much the same. This begs the next question: how many different species of so-called alien entities from how many different dimenstion/planets/stars, whatever, created the human species and placed us on different continents on this planet? And was each ethinic group in some manner created in an “image” that is similar to its seeding entities? There seems to be a consensus of opinion that aliens didn’t “appear” here until the Roswell incident.

    However, there is myriad, undeniable historical evidence that aliens have been on this planet for eons, probably since its conception/inception. They appear in the earliest cave drawings from antiquity, and they appear in the Egyptian heirogyphics and in virtually every ancient culture. They aren’t “new” just to us, since Roswell. They’ve apparently been with us since we were put here. So….NOW, currently, what are they doing, and how many different species of them are there? Some seem benign; some seem malignant; some seem neutral. Are we more aware of them because our technology has allowed the awareness? Or are we more aware of their presence among us because that’s what THEY want? And if that’s what they want, WHY??

    The Grays in my experiences seem to be robotic; or, half-machine, half-organic: biogenetic lifeforms with no emotional programs. There are Reptilians, Nordics, human-military, giants, dwarfs…..WHAT do they want with us?? And why some of us but not all of us?? Not to be funny, but….Buelller? Bueller? ANYBODY have an answer?? Are we even APPROACHING an answer? It seems more and more likely that at least some of them are relative to the human After-life; to the Ascension of the Soul as it departs the physical body. What is that relativity? A very specific, totally life-altering experience taught me that there IS a connection among them somewhere. THAT is my most crucial question: which Group comes for us when we depart this physical body? I was a witness to such a mind-shattering, profoundly ecstatic, inexplicable experience, and have spent the remainder of my entire life seeking the answer…..

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    In the second picture above that shows the UFO hovering over the cones, there are TEN, not nine, cones of light. Doesn’t matter, though. (Or does it? Perhaps they “split apart” and increase as they are being watched. I don’t doubt that for a moment.) The scenes with Charles and Helene are quite similar. In my lifetime of encounters, I have witnessed only one cigar-shaped craft, and it was very clear although it was phosphorescent and transparent, almost like a “ghost” image.

    Personally, I have come to the conviction that there are multiple species of entities interacting with humans, and just as there are multiple types of human flying machines, there are multiple types of alien flying machines: ‘alien’ indicating we don’t know what they are. I had an experience this last week that has had a permanent impact on my life and on my thinking. I shared it with Trish and Rob, but will not go into it here on the blog. It was a daytime, fully aware experience, and except for my dog, I was alone in the house. My terror mirrored the terror of Charles. Unholy terror. I WILL say that I was “paralyzed”, unable to move any part of my body except my mouth, and that I was screaming for help but my words were only garbled nonsensical noise.

    When it was over and I was able to move, I found my dog cowering behind a chair against the wall in another room, where she had tried to dig a hole in the carpet to hide. Afterwards, in retrospect, I was wondering if I had had a stroke, I called my primary physician the next morning and she ordered a stat CT-Scan. No stroke. Since the incident, I’ve had physical and mental and emotional reactions that replicate those I’ve had following abductions. Similar to the experiences of Charles and Helene, this experience did not mimic ANY previous encounter I’ve had in the past, yet I KNOW it was relative to an encounter.

    There was a particular part of the incident, itself, which causes me to have the conviction that it was an encounter even though it was unlike any other I’ve ever had. I don’t blame every anomaly in my life on THEM. But there are certain repetitive factors that are undeniable during an encounter/abduction, and when I force myself to face them, I understand that these entities and their craft are shape-shifters; that they have the ability to appear in any form that suits their purpose, and that they affect us, and our minds and bodies, in any way they choose.

    I will always question my experiences and the experiences of others in my efforts to be open and non-dogmatic, but I will never dis-believe them because my own encounters can seem to be fabrications, and they are not. I tend to think that as we humans evolve our increasing awareness of them, (which they are probably allowing), they will continue to demonstrate various types of contacts and interactions with us as a part of their agendas and as a means of keeping us confused and yes, manipulated. At it’s least it can lead to instability and fears; at its worst, it can lead to insanity, and I often wonder if I’ve reached that point. Whatever they are, they are a tangible, corporeal and integrated reality in OUR reality…..a reality that, thus far, is beyond our current comprehension or control. And THAT is terrifying.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Well said, Math. The big questions, of course, is what is it all about…where are they taking us…what is their objective? But I think we have to keep in mind, though, that while they seem the dominant entities in the picture, the Grays are not the only ones visiting us, and others have their own agendas, and are probably opposed to what the Grays are doing.

      I received an e-mail this a.m. from Charles, who read this post, and commented that when he was first shown the drawings related to the French sighting, he didn’t think it was similar to what he saw, because he could see no ship above the cones of light. However, he now tends to agree with Jean Casault, the French-Canadian ufologist, who showed him the drawings. He believes they might be the same craft, or same type of craft.

  8. Momwithwings says:

    When I saw what I thought was a military jet, it was in the evening.

  9. Momwithwings says:

    When you see a UFO it never leaves you. Maybe because it is so strange.
    I still look for the cigar shaped UFO I saw over our harbor during the day that just blinked out. It was huge.
    Recently I have been remembering things about what I saw over my house on the first anniversary of 9/11. It was triangular with lots of colored lights on the underside and it was absolutely silent. For years I thought it was one of the military jets but then started having memories of how huge and quiet it was, how I went it my house like a robot and told everyone it was one of the jets but now realize it it couldn’t have been. They don’t hover and they are loud!
    Once you experience this it doesn’t leave you. It affects you in ways you don’t understand.

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