Lost and Found and Synchronicity

We’ve all experienced socks getting lost in that big black hole in the clothes dryer.   They rarely find their way home.  And by now, most of us have heard some of the classic stories about personal objects that were lost and misplaced and eventually – and synchronistically – found their way back to their rightful owners. Here’s one that we posted some time ago.

And another about a wallet Rob lost while windsurfing that found its way back to him.

The odds involved in such stories are usually impressive and the details are often strange, the sort of strange that makes you wonder if some of these lost objects actually slip into another dimension or a parallel universe or something.  The following story is from Jenean, who comments here as Gypsy.


Months and months ago, I lost a ring here in the house. A white-gold ring with 7 diamonds on it of the same size. I don’t usually wear diamonds and haven’t in years, not since I gave away the last of my own and family heirlooms to the kids. Anyway, I saw this ring several years ago and just really wanted it for myself. So I bought it. No sentimental value. I just wanted it for some reason. Then I misplaced it.

We searched and searched for it, every possible location, every nook and cranny. I pretty much gave up ever finding it. But then, this morning, I woke up thinking intensely about this ring. I hadn’t thought of it in months. As I went upstairs to the other part of the house, I had a full, complete vision of where the ring was. When I came back downstairs, I went to the exact spot where I’d seen it earlier – under the baseboard radiator overhang – and there it was, in a place where all of us had looked before!

So I cleaned it up and put it on and take it to be a positive omen!


Positive, for sure. Jenean recently published some of her poetry in YAREAH Magazine. They liked her work so much they have approached her about becoming a featured poet for the magazine!




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11 Responses to Lost and Found and Synchronicity

  1. Hi,
    I’d like to offer you some content for your site. I’m a psychologist and author who writes and lectures about synchronicity in addition to my professional practice. My book; Synchronicity: The art of coincidence, choice and unlocking your mind. was published earlier this year. The purpose of the book was to integrate what is known about synchronicity and present readers with information that shows they have the ability to create these events themselves. To that end I am offering materials, articles and information to blogs and websites that might be interested. I would like to broaden the interest base in this subject, and normalize both the experience of synchronicity and the idea that we are ourselves the source of these events. I have done over 50 radio shows so far this year and have a presence on YouTube and a website promoting these ideas. Below is a Dropbox address for a folder that contains materials that are yours to use as you like for content on your site and to share with others. I am also available by email to answer questions. Thank you for your time.

    Kirby Surprise Psy.D.

  2. shadow says:

    glad she found her ring, but i’ve often wondered HOW these missing things manage to get back to the place you originally looked… but this brings to mind something i read “everything you own has its place, why not keep it there?”

  3. gypsy says:

    thanks so much cj for your always insightful perspective – and especially for the suggestion of wearing it on my left hand – and more than interesting your comment on it bringing “unexpected and inexplicable experiences and people into your life” – because on the day i found it, it did – literally – thanks again for the 7 info – you’re the best!

    and many thanks for your kind words on my new journey with the mag! 😉

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    When I saw the ring with the seven diamonds in it, Gyps, I had to smile! We recently discussed the frequency 7 on a prior post a few days ago, but essentially, it carries the influences of astro Scorpio…..in both its postitive and negative poles. (I’m going to depart from the traditional responses I generally give about numbers this time and go in a slightly different direction.) I LOVE the 7!! It’s the most complicated, complex frequency in the Universe, and its meanings and interpretations depend upon how, where, and to whom it appears….and in what form. 7 is such a magickal frequency and so we use it often in magickal workings. It holds wonderful secrets and surprises, has a mysterious energy, offers hidden messages and blessings, ESPECIALLY when it appears with stones, gems, and precious metals. Each note in the Seven Keys has its own tone, and when combined, oh do they make beautiful music! I’m not going into the negative pole of 7 here because I don’t sense it is applicable in this situation.

    The SEVEN SISTERS in the sky…..lovely stars! Wear your ring for great fortune, (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual), but may I suggest you wear it on a finger of your left hand, not your right hand. Not necessarily your wedding finger on the left hand, but preferably the middle or forefinger. This is because we bring things to us through our left, and banish through the right. Wearing it on your left hand will bring you wonderful, if sometimes subtle, unexpected and inexplicable experiences and people into your life. I’m so happy you found it! (Or that it was brought back to you!) And BTW, I love EVERYTHING you write, and am thrilled about the magazine. It’s time for the world to embrace your gift of words! You go, girl!!!! 🙂

  5. gypsy says:

    so i’ve looked at a couple of sites online to see what’s out there about the number 7 – this is what i found:

    senses of a change after an accomplished cycle and of a positive renewal – the number of the perfect man – in Africa and for the Bambaras of Senegal, seven is a symbol of the perfection and the unity – sevens deal with magical forces – with esoteric, scholarly aspects of magic – with the activation of imagination and manifesting results in our lives through the use of conscious thought and awareness – Seven is a mystic number traditionally associated with Venus and more recently with Neptune – the number of feelings and of instincts – of the Group Mind, of Love, whether that strange, indescribable but pervasive feeling of love is towards another person – ‘love’ embodies tremendous sexual energy – there are seven chakras of the body – the heptagram is symbolic of this balanced, flowing of bodily energies and of health – a symbol relating to healing and dynamic balance of the body physic – the acute/active heptagram form suggests an outgoing interaction with nature’s forces, making progressive use of them and directing sexual energy – suggests strong feelings and strongly expressed desires – heightened sensitivity to the emotions of others – it is a symbol of the empath and the healer –

    and then, there’s the REAL numbers source: CJ! any ideas, cousin? 😉

  6. gypsy says:

    well, thanks all above –
    it was wonderful finding my ring again – especially after having searched and searched for it – in terms of the meaning of all this for me, personally, i took it as a very good sign/omen – one of the things i most love about the ring was it’s “sparkling in the sunshine” – whenever i was out in the sunshine, its sparkles would always get my attention and i was fascinated by that – and then, there is the number 7 – when i bought the ring, i remember wondering why i was so attracted to it – i mean, i’m not big into diamonds – the number of stones [7] did not connect to anything in my life at the time that i could think of – but, in the days following my ring coming “back home” to me, certain meaningful events have allowed me to see its magnificent significance in a deeply personal realm and i am forever grateful for that – welcome home, sunshine!

  7. Nice one, waiting to be found at the right time – or maybe it was ‘borrowed’ for a while on another realm.

    Great about the poems.

    • gypsy says:

      thanks, mike – i like the idea of it having been “borrowed” in another realm – and especially like that it’s been returned to me! 😉 great to see you “back” – hope all is going well for you –

  8. Darren B says:

    Congratulations Jenean.
    I particularly like “Spirit Ships Sail”.

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