The White Rabbit and the Lost Earring

 The ways in which lost objects return to their owners usually involves nearly impossible odds and synchronicity. Last yeaer, we posted one such story. Now we’ve got another one, from T. Clear.
 About ten years ago I’d lost an earring that my boys had given me for Mother’s Day. They were my faves — a blue stone called “Montana” in a sterling setting. After it had been gone for about a month, I came home from work one evening just at dusk, and as I got out of my car in the driveway, saw a white rabbit on the grassy parking strip. White rabbit! I squatted down in a lapine fashion, so as to be closer to this seeming apparition. It performed the customary nose twitches, and I attempted conversation. In the process, something glimmered in a last sunray between the stones in the aggregate driveway — aha! A piece of earring, tarnished, stoneless, but otherwise intact, which was amazing considering that I had driven over it many times in the previous thirty days. And when I turned my head just a fraction, I saw the blue stone, also safely nestled between stones. Joy! I brought it inside, polished up the silver, tweaked the setting with my pliers, and glued the Montana gem back into place. AND NEVER SAW THE RABBIT AGAIN.

So. Recently P. and I were downtown Seattle for a Patty Griffin show, and after eating dinner at The Virginia Inn, had some time to kill before the doors opened, so we high-tailed it a few blocks down to the Borders store on 4th. While perusing books, I reached up to my ear and realized I’d once again lost an earring, a lovely golden dangler I bought from an artist at the Redmond Farmer’s Market. Sadness! And we’d covered a lot of pavement that evening since I’d put them on…

As we headed back over to the concert venue, while bemoaning the loss of yet another favorite earring, I began to tell P. the tale of the white rabbit and the blue gem. I can get dramatic with the body language in the midst of story-telling, and said, as I gestured passionately down to the sidewalk — and I looked down at the driveway and THERE IT WAS —

Well, indeed. In fact, it was there, the golden earring, exactly where I was pointing. And how many people had walked past it while we moseyed through the bookstore? Walked by and missed its glint, its glimmer? Or saw it and left it in hopes of retrieval by its owner?

Luck? Coincidence? Magic? (ie, white rabbit.)

All of the above?
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18 Responses to The White Rabbit and the Lost Earring

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Edwin – good story. That word verification is a weird one!

  2. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Vanessa: Thanks for that (Mike, I think your wife's earring went down the shower drain). Could well be. Now, if I tell her, will I have to buy her another set?!

  3. Edwin says:

    Send the rabbit this way when you're done. Years ago my mother was cleaning ancient medicine bottles out of my grandmother's bathroom and found out later from my grandmother that both sets of her wedding rings (original and an anniversary update) had been hidden in an old pill bottle. The rings had always been dear to her but she didn't seem upset. She was already slipping mentally at that point. I have always hoped the rings are still somewhere in her house waiting to be found.

    wv: redrom – if only g'ma had a red room in her house, I'd go look now.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Vanessa. I lost this ring years ago. We used to live near a lake, though. We don't live anywhere near the ocean.

  5. Vanessa says:

    Trish, I couldn't help but tune in to your lost ring. I saw a lake with a dark-weathered dock (even though you guys live near the ocean). Serene image. If that lake is near your home, you could take comfort in knowing the ring is near you, at least, and safe in the water.

  6. terripatrick says:

    Love this post. It's got me wondering about the rabbit foot talisman that people carry.

    WV: amizingl


  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Raksha – I hear you. Years ago, I lost a topaz ring with emotional ties and I still haven't recovered it. Most of us need a white rabbit to show the way, to recover the object. Magic.

  8. Raksha says:

    Wonderful stories! But where was that white rabbit when I needed him? It was quite some time ago, when I lost a favorite ring in the compost pile in the back yard of my old house in Monclair, California. It was a silver and turquoise Navajo ring, a gift from my best friend. I never did find it again.

  9. Synchronicity Rabbit says:

    Yes the White Rabbit, creations symbol for Father Time how well I know! Synchronicity itself at work if people could only see past there own egos.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sorry about the name confusion! I'll change it. Love the story.

  11. T. Clear says:

    Thanks for posting this! (BTW, my name is T., not Theresa!)

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oh, I love it. DJan gets a reading from Vanessa about a lost earring and we all are ordering white rabbits, pronto!

  13. Natalie says:

    Wonderful story!

  14. Vanessa says:

    Oh gosh I shouldn't have read these comments. I have a weird ability to find lost things, so I got a rush of images about the lost earrings in the comments above. DJan, I saw a small blue car (foreign, pretty sure) with a light gray interior, and the earring is/was in the floor near the passenger seat. Mike, I think your wife's earring went down the shower drain (sorry). Nancy, I saw a stove, so maybe it's underneath? Good luck everyone. 🙂

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, what a wonderful bunny story! love it! and finding lost things, what a thrill that always is!

    wv on this is "unchit" – which when i first glanced at it i saw as "munch it" – must of been thinking of a hungry little bunny!

  16. Nancy says:

    I also could use that white rabbit! I've been missing a favorite earring for ages, but refuse to get rid of it's mate, just in case.

  17. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    My goodness, that's some story.

    The white rabbit is interesting. There's the old superstition that saying, 'white rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit,' on waking on the first day of the month brings good luck.

    My wife has also recently lost an earring – must get the white rabbits working!

  18. DJan says:

    Um, could you send the rabbit my way for a bit? I've got a favorite earring somewhere I can't find. 🙂 Great story, I loved it!

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