The I Ching meets e-mail

Here’s another I Ching synchronicity from Adele. She has contributed several synchronicities to this blog.

This is an I Ching and Internet experience of Synchronicity.

About two years ago I was in the process of writing a book proposal for, I Ching Meditations with the hope of finding an agent and publisher. Placed on the corner of my desk was Katya Walter’s book, “The Tao of Chaos” which I had in my possession since it’s publication in 1994. Katya Walter’s book is about the I Ching and the genetic code and I pounced on it as soon as it was published.

I had placed the book on the corner of my desk to remind me to write to Katya to see if she would write a forward to my proposed book. I kept putting that task off, not only because I was immersed in writing the proposal, but I felt shy about approaching such a knowledgeable author.

Meanwhile, I had an I Ching font I had created for sale on my web page. Very few people order the font and I had considered taking the link off my page.

While I was struggling with a letter to Ms. Walter, *BAM!* I received an email from none other than Dr. Katya Walter. She had ordered my I Ching font and for some reason had not received it. I immediately wrote to her and sent her the font. Katya was so pleased to hear from me directly that she called me up. For me, this was an I Ching synchronicity at its best. We have been friends every since.

Dr. Katya Walter has since posted a web page and has a number of free eBooks available.

Update: There’s another posting on March 7 involving the I Ching called The Number 33.

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One Response to The I Ching meets e-mail

  1. Anonymous says:

    The I Ching is one of the most ancient divination systems. When it appears in a dream & then manifests itself in the outer world, the signficance is powerful.

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