World on Fire

Aztec greenstone mask of Quetzalcoatl

We recently bought Daniel Pinchbeck’s book, 2012, The Return of Quetzalcoatl. We both had read his previous book, Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism. Rob read the 2012 book first, then passed it on.

I have a problem with Pinchbeck’s ideas about women and relationships and the fact that he’s trying to fill Terrence McKenna’s shoes – i.e., hallucinogenic drugs, shamanism, the ultimate meaning of life. Who else but McKenna could talk to mushrooms and prove that the ultimate riddle of life was contained within the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching?

But Pinchbeck is a fantastic writer, his grasp of language is stunning, and he’s able to couch complex ideas in terms of daily life. As a writer, he reminds me of Michael Talbot – The Holographic Universe – and he quotes some of my favorite authors to support his theories. He also understands synchronicity.
– Trish
In September of 2001, Pinchbeck was editing a friend’s “poetic manifesto,” a kind of diatribe against corporatism and globalization. His partner, he writes, was in the bedroom, feeding their infant daughter, and he was in the living room, the pages of the poet’s manuscript spread out on a table in front of him.

“Outside, we heard the roar of a low-flying airplane and then a loud metallic crunch.” He and his partner opened the blinds and “saw a flaming crater in one of the World Trade towers…” The title of his friend’s manuscript was “World on Fire.”

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7 Responses to World on Fire

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ray, if you go to the ARE thing in July, let us know how it goes!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Some people seem to be synchronicity generators. Max Action, whose stories we’ve used several times on this blog, is one of them. And maybe Pinchbeck is, too. Just today, Rob and I had three synchronicities related to this entry about 2012. Stay tuned.

    – Trish

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I also read about half of Pinchbeck’s book, then it laid on my bedside table for several months until someone asked me if I’d read it. I said yes, but when she mentioned something about the ending I realized I hadn’t gotten there yet. But I’m glad I picked it up again. The last part was the best, and very personal.

    At times, I thought Pinchbeck took himself too seriously, especially when the winged serpent god Quetzalcoatl started dictating through him, and writing quite well, I might add. But Pinchbeck redeems himself by exposing himself as quite human, complete with his own set of shortcomings.

  4. Ray says:

    I didn’t read this blog until just a few minutes ago. In Today’s mail I received a brochure from A.R.E (Association for Enlightenment and Research)for 2012 Dawn of a New Age.The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness/Expanded Program.
    This program runs from 23 to 26 July in Virginia Beach. Presenters are Carlos Barios (Mayan Elder), Geoff Stray, Carl Johan Callman, DANIEL PINCHBECK, Johsn Van Auken, Christine Page, and James Mullaney.


  5. gypsywoman says:

    day before yesterday i put Melchizedek’s SERPENT OF LIGHT-BEYOND 2012 in the book bag i keep in my car – reading from it later as i ran errands and also today as i was having lunch – i had not read from it in several weeks – then find your 2012 reference above –

  6. Adele Aldridge says:

    A short simple synchronicity for me. I have Pinchbeck’s book, 2012, The Return of Quetzacoatl sitting here on my desk, not yet finished. And here you are mentioning it first thing when I signed on.

  7. May says:

    Odd, this morning I was sorting books when by accident Bill Bryson’s— A short History of Nearly Everything, fell open. I wouldn’t have thought anything of this except that it had opened at the beginning of a new section and chapter —13 (Hey! I was born on Friday 13… It’s special!!).

    Still, I wouldn’t have paid attention except for the title—BANG!

    OKAY… so, thought I better read.

    It was about craters. Chapter 13 ended with a trip to the Yucatan Peninsula – to the “Chicxulub” crater – named for the town which lies near the craters center … a Mayan word meaning “the tail of the devil”. At over 110 mi wide and dated at 65,000,000 years makes this ‘the’ crater— the asteroid strike most likely responsible for the demise of the dinosaur.

    The story reveals the after effects of such a strike— “Within an hour, a cloud of blackness would cover the planet, and burning rock and other debris would be pelting down everywhere, setting much of the planet ablaze”.

    Odd, just read today’s blog… Pinchbeck’s words – “…flaming crater…” … and “World on Fire”… and then the earlier blog re: Bangers and Mash.

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