Yoga synchronicity

Last week, I took two yoga classes from different teachers in different cities. During the Wednesday class, the teacher led the students (or some of us) in an advanced two-posture sequence. The first posture was a variation of the side incline (Vasisthasana) in which the big toe is held and the leg raised high, as in the above photo. While not an uncommon posture or variation, what happened next surprised me. She asked us to swing the leg forward and sink into a front split.

I’ve taught yoga for fifteen years and taken classes for close to two decades, but I’d never seen that particular sequence in any of the various yoga styles. En route to an out-of-town yoga class on Friday evening, I explained the posture to a friend who was riding with me. She’s also a yoga teacher and had never seen the sequence, either. So, we were both startled when the teacher, who we’d known for years, did the exact same sequence.

After class, I thought it would be a good synchronicity for the blog, but I realized that there might be a cause-and-effect factor involved. The Wednesday teacher had once told me that she’d taken a few classes from the Friday teacher years ago. Maybe she’d gone back recently and picked up the sequence from him.

So I waited until this Wednesday and asked if she’d visited Yoga South lately. She hadn’t and when I mentioned the unusual sequence, she couldn’t remember where she’d learned it. But it wasn’t from the other teacher.

So there it is, a yoga synchronicity. Nothing earth-shaking about it, just a curiosity. If you want to read a much deeper and life-shaping synchronicity, go to Max Action’s site and read Sweet Tea(pots), Synchronicity, & Multiple Sclerosis


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One Response to Yoga synchronicity

  1. Anonymous says:

    This post is really two posts. I wonder if part of the message is for Max. Could yoga prove helpful to him?

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