An invisible visitor?

Since I’m working on a tight deadline for book about ghosts and spirits, I was wondering earlier today that if my concentration would attract any of the spirit beings I’m writing about. I figured if something happened today in that respect, it certainly would be a synchronicity.

As the evening wore on, I decided to take a break and watch an episode of the new season of Dexter. No  ghosts had appeared in my office, but plenty in my head as I’d written for several hours.

One scene in Dexter made me laugh. A stripper was talking to a cop on the show and told him that she wasn’t going to stay in this business. “I have big plans. I want to start my own business as a dog walker.”

A few minutes after the show ended, Megan – our dog-walking daughter–called, and I told her about the scene. She laughed and then told me a bit of trivia about the show that is a synchro of sorts in the same vein.

Michael C. Hall, the actor who plays Dexter Morgan is now divorced from Jennifer Carpenter, who plays Dexter’s sister. (They met on the set, married, and divorced and continued their fictive roles all the while.) Now Michael Hall has a new girlfriend, Megan said, and “Guess what her name is?  Morgan MacGregor!”

Good one, I told her. Then, shortly after hanging up, I noticed a small manicure scissors on the floor of the closet in my office. It was in plain view and I’d never seen it before. It turned out that Trish had lost it a month ago, and had looked all over for it. Oddly enough, she very rarely goes into that closet. So we wondered how it had gotten there.

While talking about it I suddenly smelled a strong scent of lavender and asked Trish if she’d just put it on some scented hand lotion or something smelling of lavender. Nope. Then she smelled it, too, and said, “It’s that book you’re writing. You’re attracting this stuff.”

Hm, maybe so.


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16 Responses to An invisible visitor?

  1. Sue says:

    It is good to finally see people write about the fact that scents announce a presence..and also have recent proof the invisible visitors can move things physically..on the subject of scent just as it is evident a living person’s scent can be smelled deceased sister had an distinct scent..and from time to time I smell her presence as well..I can smell scents of the living persons who are nowhere near me at the time..on the invisible take the plug out of the sink and the shower gel container I placed over it and places it on the counter! joke..I’ve done what I read online to get it to leave but it seems it has some reason for staying at this time..very true….email me

  2. Luna says:

    Hi Rob and Trish! I’m so happy to have found your site again. I do agree with the idea that seemingly unexplained scents mean that there is a presence. I would explore the symbolism of the lavender and of the small scissors. Maybe there is a message! 🙂
    Luna (formerly of awesome ‘appenings)

  3. Darren B says:

    When I went to see what gem Cliff Pickover had for me today at his site
    he had a creepy story about a painting called
    “The Hands Resist Him”
    I had never heard of this story before.
    But when I traced down the painter’s website I found him to be quite an interesting character
    Take a look at this spooky interview with him about his work –!
    and checkout his updated paintings in the series from “The Hands Resist Him”
    I like his last one the best.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Wow, Gyps. The TV Ghost Hunters should be alerted and pay a visit to that house!!
    It must be situated on some kind of earth vortex that provides Spirits with the energies they need to manifest. Sad story,though, about the more recent deaths. Your coughing man was probably continuing his woodworking in his basement. The suicides…..tragic.

  5. gypsy says:

    what a neat story – reminds me of my finding my diamond ring recently – especially interesting the comments on odors/fragrances – just yesterday i smelled the overwhelming odor of pipe smoke – not cigarette smoke, but pipe – i was home alone – no one in this house smokes and there are no neighbors within seeing distance – no pedestrians walking by – no one anywhere – but nevertheless i smelled it very plainly – the only person i know who ever smoked a pipe was an uncle of mine who died many years ago – anyway, really weird the post/comments today –

    then there is the story of my youngest daughter’s former home here on the coast – it was an old 3story farm house that had been moved inland a bit from the shore – when she and her husband first moved in, i was staying with them to help with my brand new grandbaby – they both worked so it was just me and babygirl at home during the day – my room was on the second floor, as was the nursery – many many days i would hear a man coughing somewhere in the house, always seemingly from the basement – enough so that i would get the baby and go searching the entire house, checking doors and windows – the air ducts which had been put in were not tightly fitted and one could see through them from upstairs to downstairs so sound also traveled through them – the house was a rather isolated place with only one neighbor close by, surrounded by fields on 3 sides – the coughing was so real/so close that a couple of times i even called my son-in-law to ask if he had come home and was downstairs in the basement doing something – but, of course, he wasn’t – i was never fearful of whomever this might be – i mean, once i had learned that there was no intruder, etc – but rather some”one” in the basement who had a bad cough but who was harmless and accepted that “he” needed/wanted to be there – and now, so many years later, i don’t remember specifically how i learned of who it was – i think from the one neighbor who had lived nearby since the house had been there – in any event, bottom line is that there was an elderly man who had owned the house and died of a lung condition – and he died at home – his favorite pass-time was woodworking in the basement – now, after having lived there a number of years, my daughter and her husband sold the house to a couple who were both established professionally and who had moved here from another state – a few years previously, their only child, an adult daughter, had gone missing and had never been found – there were some mysterious associations with this entire incident and with them but i just don’t remember them right now – anyway, after living there a short while, the woman took her own life in the house – some time later, the husband took his own life – hanging himself in the basement – the house then sat empty for several years before someone else bought it recently – i never drive past the house that i don’t remember these weird happenings –

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    My hubby’s partner in the dental business, Doc S., is deceased. He had a unique, totally individual scent emanating from him from decades of dentistry. He often comes to visit hubby, and even my non-psychic hubby will say, “Doc’s here!” I’ll smell his presence, as well. Doc continues to heal from The Other Side, painlessly pulling one of my teeth as I was sleeping. T & R talked about this awhile back in a post. I had gone to sleep with a terrible toothache, and had asked Doc to please come and help, if he could. I woke up, my tongue didn’t feel the tooth, I found it lying on my pillow….I believe Doc took it out of my mouth to make sure I wouldn’t swallow it. And there wasn’t a single drop of blood. It was totally amazing, and absolutely true.

  7. lauren raine says:

    What a great story! Lavender is traditionally valued as a spiritual cleanser and healer, in the world of aroma therapy highly valued. Sounds like you got your visitor indeed!

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    So true, Mike. I once did a session for a client, and almost as soon as she sat down in my session room, the room was inundated with the luscious fragrance of warm gingerbread and lemons. No one was cooking in the house. Then I could mentally see an older woman, and described her to my client. The woman was her grandmother, who had been famous in their family for her wonderful gingerbread with its lemon sauce. I just love it when these kinds of events happen! They demonstrate to all of us that there is a glorious life beyond this one, and that the folks residing Elsewhere can communicate with us by various means.

    My mother was a smoker, and she originally inundated me with her menthol cigarette smell after she died. It sickened me because lung cancer had taken her. I had to asked her to please give me a different smell, a fragrance of some kind, to associate with her presence. She immediately drenched me in a rose scent….at her request, she had been buried with a single red rose in her hands in the casket. I got the message. She never used the cigarette odor again! I must add that I have no physical sense of smell due to a chronic ailment that destroyed my olfactory nerves, but I DO smell psychic scents constantly, so spirits know that about me and often use it to identify themselves. Don’t you love smelling your father’s tobacco? That’s quite different from cigareet smoke. My Granddad smoked cherry tobacco in his pipe, and he brings that when he visits. It’s beautiful and comforting.

  9. I always associate lavender with a past generation, so could well be a ‘visitor’. I agree with Math about smells. I have smelt my father’s brand of tobacco in our house, though none of us smoke. Seems a good way to communicate if you can’t make yourself seen.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    You know scents are one of the most common ways a Spirit will use to announce its presence! Yesterday morning I smelled the very strong smell of good coffee for about an hour as I was mentioning having a nocturnal visit from my deceased Mom, and later realized that Mom was never without her coffee mug when at home. In Winter she had hot coffee all day, in Summer she drank iced coffee all day. It was her habit to drink coffee all day, every day, and the nice, pleasant fragrance of that coffee never fails to remind me of her! Ghosts and spirits…did that photo above come from a book by Hans Holzer? I remember seeing it in one of his texts, I believe….oooh, there’s the coffee again! Guess Mom must be dropping by more often! Can’t wait to read what you’re writing about ghosts and spirits!

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