The Last Presidential Debate

Once again my apologies to our friends in other countries. This is a post about American politics, not synchros.


The last presidential debate took place this evening, October 22. Throughout this debate, I sat in our family room with my jaw permanently dropped. Here’s why:

When we lived in Venezuela, we traveled back to the U.S. every summer, usually to Oklahoma, where my mother’s family lived. For my sister and I, these trips were fun – lots of cousins to play with, lots of mischief we could get into while our parents sat around playing bridge and gabbing and catching up.

During one trip, someone punched out a screen in an upstairs window in my aunt’s house. I’m not sure why this was such a big deal, but all the kids were called into the living room and asked if they were responsible for this event. When I told my dad that my sister and I didn’t have anything to do with this, his expression became quite stern. “Please don’t ever lie to me, Trish. If you and Mary were responsible for this, just say so. Nothing is worse than a liar.”

That phrase has stuck with me for all the decades since. Nothing is worse than a liar. And yet, we have a Republican candidate who lies continually. In tonight’s debate, he reversed some of his previously held positions on the Mideast and actually embraced many of Obama’s foreign policies. It’s as if Romney doesn’t have any idea that our technology records everything. Check our website, he said to Obama. The present’s comeback? That he and his administration check Romney’s website frequently and the math for his economical policies still don’t add up.

Romney mentioned the word peace quite frequently this evening – a peaceful world, a peaceful Mideast, a peaceful Afghanistan. Yet,  to achieve this elusive peace we must have the strongest military in the world, we must not be afraid to stand up to Iran – which is four years closer to nuclear weapons – or to China, where untold millions of Romney’s wealth is invested – or to these Syrian despots.

In other words, in Romney’s worldview, we must continue to be the world’s cop, we must continue to nation build – which in the past has meant installing dictators whom we control through massive foreign aid. In the past, this has meant war – more war, endless war. If Romney has his way, we would probably nuke Iran, China, Syria, and any other country that didn’t tow the U.S. line.  Not too surprising, considering that the majority of his foreign policy advisors are straight out of W’s administration. I mean, really, one of Romney’s heroes is Dick Cheney. W’s Secretary of State, Condoleza Rice, appears at political functions with him.

Don’t take my word for it. Read Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine, one of the most brilliant books I’ve ever read on U.S. foreign policy and what drives it.

I was delighted every time Obama called out Romney on one of his lies – about his proposed budget (where are the details?), on his polices (two months ago, you held the opposite position), on his “business” credentials (let GM go bankrupt).  The choice seems utterly clear to me. Romney is an extended version of George W Bush – more tax cuts for the wealthy, more war, more world cop scenarios,  more disenfranchisement of the sick, the poor, the elderly (you guys are on your own!) and more attempts to control the health care choices for women. Romney and Obama are the faces of the existing paradigms.

Romney is the old paradigm that has dominated American politics for decades  (keep lying, they’ll eventually believe your lies) and Obama is the new paradigm – diplomacy, discussion, sanctions instead of nukes.

Romney’s flip-flops make him a caricature – Daffy Duck on steroids. Republican pundits who defend him talk about the way his policies and views are “expanding, evolving.”  That’s a fancy way of saying that he lies to look good. When he talks about peace – he means war. When he talks about choices in anything – Medicare, Social Security, women’s health – he means he and his administration will choose for you, that they will impose their high and mighty morals on you. Never mind that they only give a damn about you until you’re born. After that, you’re on your own.

Never mind that he’ll send your son and daughters off to war, even though he never served a day in any war. Never mind that he talks about the people he has met while campaigning – the unemployed teacher in this state, the dying mother in that state. His policies would  dismantle the teachers’ union  and overturn Obama Care,  (based on the health plan Romney created for Massachusetts when he was governor of that state). His policies would return us to the W years, which ended in the worst financial crisis we’ve experienced since the Great Depression. When he talks about the tax burden on “small businesses,” he includes (but doesn’t mention) corporations like General Electric that paid NO taxes last year.

My dad’s words echo in my head: Nothing is worse than a liar.

One of our friends at the gym said it best today. Bill, a 58-year-old musician, stopped by my treadmill to say hi. “So, you watching the prez debate tonight?” I asked him.

Bill and I became friends during the 2008 presidential election season, when I heard him arguing with a McCain supporter. I piped in with my two cents and we decimated every argument this Repub made. After that, he started going to Rob’s yoga classes and whenever we see each other at the gym, our conversations are usually about politics and the shifting landscapes of American and global life.

“Maybe. O’s got it sewn up, Trish. Don’t believe anything they’re saying about the polls.”

Me, ever hopeful: “Yeah? You’ve got insider info?”

Bill just laughed. Bill and I both agreed that these “undecided voters,” just two weeks out from the election, are basically a myth. At this point in the game, if you’re undecided about who you’re going to vote for, then you are basically clueless about what’s at stake in the 2012 election. It’s about a paradigm shift and the choices have never been clearer.

Are you voting for the past – Romney (W, Reagan, Bush senior) – or for the present and the future – Obama?


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12 Responses to The Last Presidential Debate

  1. Nancy says:

    Mitt Romeny is a chicken hawk and just like all the chicken hawks in the last administration – they love war – as long as they never have to fight or send anyone they love to fight. You think Romeny will send any of his 5 sons? What they love is the campaign contributions they get from the defense contractors. Everyone else’s sons and daughters are left to do the dirty work. All that blood flowing is just collateral damage in the globalst’s agenda to control EVERYTHING. Romeny will have is in a war with Syria within the year if he is elected. He truly will herrald in the next WWIII. This debate made me realize that Candada is looking better and better.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Romney has never had to think about anything. Other people do that for him. Canada is too cold for me. Costa Rica is beckoning loudly if this bozo gets in.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    About liars….When I was a very small girl, my Dad’s favorite candy was Baby Ruth Nuggets, which came in a box. One evening before he came home from work, while Mom was cooking supper, I snuck into the living room by Daddy’s chair and snagged the box of candy, took it out onto the steps going into the backyard, and ate some. Being only five and not very smart, I left the box on the steps. Daddy comes home, and after supper goes to get his candy. No candy. No box. He asked, “Who took my Baby Ruth Nuggets?” “Not me”, said I. Daddy looked me squarely in the eyes and quietly asked me, “Did you eat my candy? You’re not supposed to eat sweets before supper”. I told him no, I didn’t eat the candy. “Who did?” asked my Daddy. “Maybe a mouse??” I offered. Well, Dad found the box on the steps, and I admitted to the theft. I got a mild spanking, and Daddy told me, just as quietly, “you’re not being punished for taking the candy. You’re being spanked for lying to me. You don’t lie, honey. Not ever.” Well, getting a spanking from my Daddy was the worst possible punishment for me, so I learned that lesson totally and haven’t forgotten it. Don’t lie. If you take the candy, admit you took the candy, because sooner or later, if you lie about it, the box will be found and your lie will emerge and punishment soon follows in one way or another!! Romney has lots of boxes of Baby Ruth Nuggets…….

  3. Other than your post haven’t read much about the final debate as yet. I did read though that Romney is gaining in Florida … and polls generally are very close. Good luck!

  4. Just one of the scary things that bother me about Romney is that if he became president what he would do with the supreme court! Eeeeeek!

  5. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    Nothing wrong with changing your mind. But when you do it like Romney for political purposes, then on top of it deny that you did it, that’s lying about a lie and two lies take us even farther from the truth.

  6. shadow says:

    hubby’s watching the run up to your elections quite closely, and there’s not much time left…

  7. Under Romney, we’ll get a Secretary of State John Bolton. Now that’s a scary thought!

    To me, it is amazing that Romney has any supporters at all. He is so bad at lying that it’s so easy to pick them out every time he opens his mouth. I don’t like liars. I hate them. Over the years, I’ve learned that the best way to protect yourself from liars is knowledge. Learn as much as you can about important information and you’ll be able to tell when someone is lying to you. When I was in the Navy, the chaplain used to like telling me all the time: “be wise as a serpent but appear harmless as a dove.” I never understood what he meant by this until years later. There is a gift in being perceived as “harmless” or non-threatening. You get underestimated. People think they can pull a fast one on you or lie to your face. Then boom! Calling out a person on his lies are one of the greatest thrills you can experience in life. And it is best experienced when the liar really believes that he can con you, and you do like what Obama did in the Townhall debate when he told Romney: “Please proceed, governor”, knowing that he was walking into a trap that would expose him as a liar, for anyone who is still blind about Romney to see.

    Yup…there is nothing worse than a liar. Well, except if such liar gets into the White House. I believe that Mitt Romney may just well be the most dishonest presidential candidate ever. Or, at least on par with Nixon.

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