The Locked Door Opens – Spirit Contact

orbs photographed behind Lauren’s home

One of the blogs I frequent regularly is Lauren Raines Threads of the Spiderwoman.  We’ve used some of her stories on our blog before. This one struck me as genuine spirit  contact.


Towards the end of her life, Elizabeth Kubler Ross, the author of  “On Death And Dying”, believed there was no death, only transformation from the physical to other states of being.  As a member of IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies) and having heard quite a few speakers discuss their experiences, I have come to agree.  That, and the many personal experiences I’ve had (not an NDE, however).

This is a time to remember those we’ve lost, and times that have passed, and this is a journal, so I felt like telling a “ghost story” of my own.  It’s sad that the people who  most need to hear  are  closed to it.

In 2008 my brother, Glenn, had a massive brain stem stroke.  He is brain dead, and because he left no living will, he is sustained entirely by life support – a machine breathes for him, another one drips nutrients.  He’s not there.  But because my mother and other brother will not allow it,  I am unable to remove life support and allow him to die with dignity. And so it continues, and they visit him, continually grieving, and of course, any discussion about my “metaphysical ideas” is out of the question.  So I’ve had to accept the situation, and I have also consulted a medium, whose reading seemed both accurate and comforting in that she said he had “crossed over” and was at peace.

So here’s my story.  Last year I renovated my mother’s house, because I needed to rent rooms, as my mother is now in assisted living.  Glenn’s room had a closet where he kept his gun collection, and I didn’t have a key for it because my other brother, David, who lives in California, insisted on keeping them in the house for sentimental reasons.  To me, Glenn’s guns represented the unhappiness and fearfulness he lived with the last years of his life, and getting rid of them seemed like a way to transform that negativity for his spirit.   I didn’t have the key (but I tried the lock numerous times) – so I figured I’d put off the issue for the time being.  But I did renovate his room, replacing the floor, and purposefully painted it sky blue, which symbolized spiritual freedom and expansion.

As I was painting sky blue around the closet door it very gently opened!  I stood there with my mouth open as well. Then I took out the guns in the closet, went to a local gun shop, sold them, and sent the money to several charities for children. I also  sponsored a little girl in Nepal with PLAN International for my brother, transforming all that sad energy into helping children.  Which I think he knew I would do, and I am certain that’s why the closet opened…………his way of letting me know it was fine.  And I believe he is fine too – not his body, but his spirit.


I’m intrigued by the metaphor of a door, locked so long, suddenly opening. Maybe it augurs an opening of closed minds?

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10 Responses to The Locked Door Opens – Spirit Contact

  1. Jane Clifford says:

    Lovely story Thanks for sharing!

    I have a story regarding a locked door and a ghost.I have a friend who has lived many years in a converted convent,she rents 9 flats out in it and has her own spacious flat there too. hers has always been haunted for these last 30 years & she has always tolerated this ghost even though it used to hide her keys before she was planning a trip away.I have never seen the ghost but you sure can feel its presence.

    This year howevr an incident made her really cross and spooked her.It locked her out of her own bedroom! She was so mad she got a screwdriver and took out the whole lock and went to bed. Since then the ghost has gone after all these years of cohabiting with her.The only explanation is that she had her living room completely redecorated,new fireplace & brand new furniture for the first time in her life,its a totally different atmosphere in there now. Clearly it didnt like the changes in the house!

  2. lauren raine says:

    Thanks to all of you for your thoughts………..I’ve felt good, especially at this time of year, in sharing it, because I found the experience so comforting after those years of wondering if my brother was suffering, etc.

  3. Shadow says:

    i think so too, that it is an opening of the mind. and i believe there are many such signs that we miss purely because we are not aware of what is around us… interesting!

  4. gypsy says:

    i read this story recently over at lauren’s blog and was very taken by it then, as well as now – truly a remarkable spirit message – and yes, the symbolism of the door opening – hopefully, as you say, the opening of closed minds –

  5. When I read the post my immediate thought was that the closet door opened as a message to get the guns out of the house – but I do have a bit of a bee in my bonnet about guns being accessible. The money from the guns will have done some good whilst the guns never could.

    I can see that, whatever the interpretation, it’s a ‘contact’ from Lauren’s brother. I’ve written before how I went to my own wardrobe/closet while wondering what my father would think about my son having qualified as an accountant, after six years of training and exams. A small bag fell out, by itself, in which I keep a few of my dad’s bits: ring, cigarette case, watch and so on. I opened it up and noticed the time on the watch. It had stopped at 3.20 – the exact time my son was born.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    What a beautiful, heart-warming experience! Thank you so much for sharing! If one looks really closely, some of the orbs appear to have facial features….not an unusual manifestation for orbs. How very tragic that Lauren’s Mother and brother refuse to allow the physical cords to be severed…tragic for THEM, because it keeps their grief alive in the absence of all hope….but certainly not tragic for Glenn, because his Silver Cord has been severed and he is free. I had a beloved physician many years ago in GA, and recently he began to come to my mind quite often, in the manner that Spirits come to me as a medium. Although I’ve had no contact with Dr. W for years, I found him on the computer and called his home; spoke with his wife, but of course I didn’t mention his ‘visits’ to me. She told me that he has end-terminal Alzheimers and for all intents and purposes, is gone. He’s in a nursing facility, his lungs are being breathed and his heart is being pumped by machines, she said. I didn’t question her about WHY. It wasn’t my place to do that becaue I’m not family. But I wanted so desperately to comfort her; to let her know that her husband is no longer trapped in that dead body….because it IS dead, and without the machines, it’s organs would cease to be animate. His Spirit, his Soul has departed and he is alive and well on The Other Side. His work as a Healer is continuing. (He came to me in Spirit to Heal.) As a Hospice RN I’ve seen this situation with Glenn too often, and it’s just too sad for the families and loved ones. Glenn opened his door, no doubt, so that Lauren would know as a certainty that he’s very much THERE on the Other Side, and that he approves of what she did and is doing. There is such symbolism apparent in the opening of that locked closet….as if he was expressing not only his presence but his gratitude to her. Such a maginificent blessing and encouragement. Again, thank you for sharing.

  7. lauren raine says:

    Thanks for sharing my story, and thanks especially for your hopeful affirmation.

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