Feet Synchros, Astrology, the Election

Megan’s broken foot in 2011


Sometimes, statcounter – a free, invisible counter that yields a wealth of information about visitors to your blog or website -can be a personal synchro indicator. On August 31, our daughter’s 23rd birthday, I noticed that someone who periodically stalked our blog had been on numerous times and had downloaded a photo of Megan’s left foot – a picture I used  for a synchro last year that involved her breaking her left foot while sailing.

I thought, Okay, weird. You want to download pics of Megan’s foot? Be my guest. But the picture triggered memories of that whole episode and the particular astrological configurations that were involved – namely a Uranus conjunction to her ascendant. In astro speak, Uranus is the planet that symbolizes sudden, unexpected events, the stuff that comes at you out of the blue and spins things around. Your ascendant is the doorway to your chart, the place where you enter life. Her ascendant is Pisces, a water sign. She was sailing in a bay when that break happened.

On August 31, we had our second full moon in that month, a Blue Moon, in Pisces, that water sign again. It was a gorgeous moon here. We got a check, completed some projects, and the dog park  was actually dry in spite of the 16 inches of rain we got during Isaac.

But while I was feeling pretty grand about the full moon for Rob and me, I knew Megan and her friends were renting a pontoon boat on September 1 and would be out in the Atlantic celebrating.  I felt uneasy about this.

By tracking events in her chart over the years, I’ve discovered that she’s sensitive to certain aspects involving her Pisces ascendant.  I realize that people who dismiss astrology as nonsense will also think it’s pretty silly to follow anyone’s chart over the course of years. But that’s what I do with her chart. And Rob’s. And my own. Astrological patterns are archetypes that usually speak in broad terms. Love. Wealth. Tragedy. Sickness. Birth. Expansion. Parents. Children. Creativity. Like that. When you grasp how these large patterns in a chart unfold in real time,  you begin to intuitively connect the smaller details.

Around 11:30 PM on September 1, we got a call from Megan. She was sobbing. She thought  she had broken her right foot. While out on the pontoon boat, she jumped – and hit the shallows. But her foot didn’t start bothering her until hours later, when she was dancing. Okay, ice it, take some Advil, elevate your leg, we advised. Then, tomorrow, we’ll see what the clinic or ER docs say.

Water, boats, aspects to Pisces ascendants. I immediately fired up my aging windows laptop, the only computer I own where my wonderful astrology software still functions. I calculated her solar return chart – the chart for her birthday this year, at the exact moment the sun returns to the degree where it was when she was born. A solar return is considered to be your chart for the year – birthday to birthday. When you do a biwheel, you use the solar return chart inside, as though it’s the chart you were born with, and your natal chart on the outside. Then patterns become quite clear.

Megan had stuff going on in the  6th and 12th houses of her horoscope. The sixth house is daily health and work; the 12th house is what’s hidden, the power you have disowned over the years. It’s where you enter therapy, start meditating, go within. Not exactly the best houses to be activated if you think you’ve broken anything, especiallly your foot, since Pisces rules the feet. On the other hand, Venus was doing nice things in her chart; the planet of love, money, beauty, could do wonders. The part of fortune – your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, symbolic of how you are fortunate in life – was conferring protection. It looked hopeful.

The next morning, she called to say her foot felt better. It was still somewhat swollen, as though it was sprained, but no longer throbbed as it had the night before. As of September 4, her foot was fine.

So, this is an instance where I read the astrological stuff correctly, not an easy thing to do when it involves a family member.


An aside about astrology: Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde on November 6, the day of the presidential election, not a particularly auspicious sign for a smooth election. Given the devastation in the northeast from Hurircane Sandy,  it’s hard to imagine how some polling areas will even be able to open.

As a means of comparison, on election day in 2000,  Mercury turned direct shortly after Tom Brokaw had announced that Gore had won Florida. A few minutes later, Brokaw amended his statement and said that Florida was too close to call, there were problems with the ballots. Well, that election went all the way to the Supreme Court.I hope we know who the president is on November 7.

I voted early. The other day, I drove past our local library, saw the line reached for a block, so I drove north to a library in a nearby town. My wait was just ten minutes. The ballot is ridiculous: three double sided pages, most of them amendments that restricts rights of one kind or another. A cop was there, I didn’t see any evidence of voter suppression or intimidation, but there have been reports of such in the news, particularly for Florida, which can’t seem to get its act together for any election, especially when the Republican governor limits early voting (when a good percentage of dems vote) or engages in voter purging.

Regardless of the situation in your state, go vote. Even if a Mercury retro denies us a definitive winner on November 7, uncertainly doesn’t last forever.  The retro period is over by November 26. I’m hopeful we will have an answer, at the latest, around then.

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8 Responses to Feet Synchros, Astrology, the Election

  1. Always find your astrology posts interesting as it’s a subject I know little about. I bought myself a teach yourself astrology book years ago – I still have it – but couldn’t get into it, some of the interpretations seemed way out.

  2. DJan says:

    In Washington state, we vote by mail and have no voting booths. I was assisted in marking my ballot on confusing state issues by pulling up a website that is geared toward the progressive voter to look at their information. Only one referendum, the one about whether we should have charter schools funded by the state, did not give a definitive answer. I decided to vote against it, since the money would be taken from public schools, which need all the help they can get.

    I think astrology is a very good guide when intuited by a sensitive, open astrologer. I have had my chart read many times and only one time was I unimpressed. The amazing things that were revealed all the other times made me a believer.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I was doubtful about astrology until I met Trish. She asked my date and time and place of birth, came back with a reading that sounded as if she had known me my entire life. Most people though only know astrology through the little newspaper daily readings, which only account for one’s sun sign. So rather than a personal horoscope, you get a general one that applies to one out of every 12 people. If it’s too specific, it will be wrong for many. Also, our education system is biased against astrology, blinded by the view of mainstream science that dismisses any and all divination systems.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Fascinating about no voting booths! I didn’t know this.

      • Oregon is the same way. I used to think that I would miss going to a polling place on election day and voting, but I actually love Oregon’s vote by mail system. I always make a photo copy of my marked up ballot for my files. I even framed a copy of my ballot in 2008 for the historical factor.

        I voted and dropped off my ballot on 30 October. I voted straight Democratic. There is nothing likable or honorable about the Republican Party. The race for my state representative has been particularly vicious. Every day, I keep getting mailers from both the Democratic and Republican candidates trashing the other. That’s where it belongs, too: straight in the trash!

  3. Last week, I went to a lecture by an Astrologer who has a book out on stories from people she’s had as clients regarding how she got to know them through their astrological chart. She swears by it! I’m still skeptical about it, but open minded. She charges a hefty sum for a reading, but I’m very curious to have her do my chart and interpret it for me. She speaks in easy to understand language. I’d love to learn more about astrology, but the language just confuses me. I’m most interested in the kind of career field I need to get into.

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