
Back in the late 1970s, long before I had met Rob, I was writing my first novel and named one of the main characters McGregor. This is not the same spelling – or origin – of my married name now – MacGregor – but it was close enough for  me to recognize some sort of quantum weirdness when I actually did meet Rob in 1981. I didn’t realize it at the time, but when I became Trish MacGregor, I was experiencing the tail end of a cluster synchro.

Cluster synchronicities can occur with anything – names, music, words, numbers. The point is usually the cluster itself, the context in which it occurs, and even if you don’t have any clue what it relates to, you sense it may be significant in the overall scheme of things.

So the other night I was casting around for last names for a character and came up with Harrington. That night, I dreamed about the name – but don’t remember the details, just the name.  The next morning, I dropped by Mike Perry’s  blog and read about a synchro involving the name Harrington.

I mentioned to Rob that I had a cluster synchro going on with the name Harrington. We don’t know anyone with that last name. Then again, when I wrote my first novel back in the 70s, I didn’t know anyone named McGregor or MacGregor.

I Googled the origin of the name Harrington and discovered that a number of them had come to the U.S. as far back as the 1600s.   Like McGregor, the name is Irish, and has a variety of meanings.  But in Irish it means surname. There are banks and cities named Harrington. There’s a Republican woman named Harrington running against Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz. There’s a college of design by that name.

I don’t have a clue what it means. Is someone named Harrington going to prove to be important in my life? Is this a trickster thing?  C’mon, what’s it mean?

I’m not a patient person, but I do enjoy digging and researching for answers.  There’s something going on here. I just don’t know what it is. Yet. You can bet that if I meet a Harrington in the next few days or weeks or months, I will pay very close attention.

I used this photo of our dog, Noah, on a bridge that juts out into a wild place, as  a kind of metaphor for this cluster. Important difference, though. He’s hoping to sniff out a squirrel;  I’m hoping he tracks down Harrington.

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29 Responses to Harrington?

  1. Darren B says:

    I forgot this one the other day –
    A You Tube of Kelly Harrington talking about WordPress and how to make it work for your website.
    I have no idea who she is by the way,so I can’t endorse what she is saying.
    It could be legitimate,or just somebody trying for an easy-breezy buck .-)

  2. whoot says:

    but as for a sync roll,,, have had a year that’s off the charts,, all visual,, and there hasn’t been ANY icing,, blah blah,, wouldn’t they like to know

  3. whoot says:

    we’re talking Peruvian wheat germ here,,,, always take the quality over the quantity,, the whole feast can be sampled in one bite….

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Of the infinite combinations of frequencies/numbers in our Universe, 26 and 44, which are interchangable, are the most significantly karmic in terms of the future.
    These frequencies, 26 and 44, need to be avoided whenever possible relative to associations, unions, relationships, etc, as they portend disasters and catastrophic mishaps. Of all the combinations, and again, the combinations are infinite, these are historically flagged as having been proven to carry extremely negative influences. 26/44 are similar to certain astrological aspects, etc, that are very difficult to transit….much worse in their influences than Mercury retro, etc.

    Most folks consider 13 “unlucky”, to the degree where most buildings don’t even have a 13th floor and most hotels, etc, don’t have a #13 room. But this is an old wive’s tale without foundation. 13 is actually a fortuitous frequency. Contrarily, 26/44 negativity is well-founded via vast experience. I wasn’t aware of the Macs SYNC2 book, as I don’t have an EReader, and hope that it doesn’t affect their sales!!!!!!! Curiously, 62 doesn’t carry the negativity, nor does the root frequency 8, generally speaking. It’s only when the 8 is comprised of 26 or 44 that it becomes dark and heavy. Ain’t life strange! 😉

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Don’t want a “26” on ANYTHING. Not a good frequency for anybody, anywhere, anytime.

  6. whoot says:

    from all the posts looks like Darren B. likes his lattes also….

  7. Darren B says:

    Here’s a sync mix –
    Desmond Harrington on the Dexter website with a link on the right-hand side bar
    asking you to follow Jeff Lindsay on Twitter…which I think I will now.
    Oh,and my father’s name is Desmond,too.

  8. Darren B says:

    I even found a “Clan MacGregor” Scotch Whisky
    from a Harrington Wine and Liquor store –
    through that great oracle called “Google”.-)

  9. Darren B says:

    If you have some room on your credit card you might want to purchase this book by
    MACGREGOR MATHERS, S. L. from Harrington’s Rare Books –
    It’s only £675.00 (that’s English Pounds too…ouch!).
    And another coincidence for me is that my wife’s mother’s maiden name is Mathers.

  10. Darren B says:

    Living in Florida,have you guys ever thought of getting a MacGregor 26m boat ?

  11. Darren B says:

    Here’s an inquiry from a Donna Harrington about the McGregor family name and then being replied to by a lady named Kayla MacGregor –
    And I like the 878 in the link address above as they were the numbers on the number plate of my old car that I recently traded in.

  12. Darren B says:

    ” Back in the late 1970s, long before I had met Rob, I was writing my first novel and named one of the main characters McGregor. This is not the same spelling – or origin – of my married name now – MacGregor – but it was close enough for me to recognize some sort of quantum weirdness when I actually did meet Rob in 1981. ”

    Did you ever read the post I did about seeing the name Trish McGregor at the end of the credits to the new Beatles release of “Magical Mystery Tour” ?
    I’ve taken a photo of the DVD screen shots to prove that I’m not pulling your leg.

  13. Interesting to see how this will develop. But how about this: just seen an ad for a Harrington Jacket made by the Fred Perry company in the UK – never heard of the name for a jacket before.

  14. mathaddict2233 says:

    Trish, check out the bio on Senator John Harrington, Democrat, Minnesota, who is retiring from the senate due to frustration with the GOP. He’s a former teacher and chief of police, and an interesting fellow.

  15. DJan says:

    Patience? What’s that? I look forward to seeing where this particular synchro ends up, Trish! 🙂

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