The World’s Oldest Flash Mob

This one is great. These dancers range in age from 65 to 96.


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6 Responses to The World’s Oldest Flash Mob

  1. Jenny Woolf says:

    Excellent! Love it. I may share this with others, it’s quaint and inspiring. I’d like to be in a flash mob, I obviously don’t know the right people to get asked 😀

  2. Fun video, long may they dance – perhaps without even a mention of their age.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    What a great way to start the day! Don’t you just love the woman in the wheelchair and the one with the walker? They may be “old”, but they aren’t “gone”! Love love LOVE this video! A little smile goes a very long way! I just may watch it every morning when I get up. Thank you for sharing it, Guys!

  4. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    They look like they had their Geritol. No apparent infarcts.

  5. That was fun. How can one not love a flash dance .

  6. DJan says:

    I enjoyed it. I suspect the fit looking woman in light blue was the choreographer! 🙂

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