Patterns in Synchronicity

                                 mandala, from Jung’s The Red Book

Sharlie West, whose synchros we’ve used in the past, wrote the other day about a repeating pattern she has noticed in her life. It appears to be a cluster synchronicity involving a a house, a river/stream, and woods.


I was re-reading your synchronicity books today and something clicked into place.

My late husband, Frank, and I purchased our home new some years ago. We were the first owners, so the house made a big impression. It was in an area called Northwest Branch Woods. Out the back window lay a woods and below it, a stream where my kids used to play.  After a few years Frank got a job offer in western Pennsylvania, so we put the house on the market, but it didn’t sell. We  rented it, and circumstances brought us back two years later Once again, after a year we had to move, to eastern Pennsylvania, and this time we did sell the house.

We looked at 40 different houses in the Poconos. The realtor finally took us to a house we could buy as a last resort and said,  “You probably won’t like this one.” But we did. The house overlooked woods and there was a river at the bottom. We stayed there for two years, then Frank got another job offer.

This time I wanted to live in DC but everything was too expensive. We settled for North Chevy Chase, Maryland. No trees or streams. But it was not meant to be. Our son died within months and we wanted to leave that house and find another.

While going to Thanksgiving dinner at an old  friend’s place in Northwest Branch Woods, we were taken to a house that suddenly went up for sale on their block, just several streets away from our original house. We bought it and, once again, it overlooked  a wooded area with a stream at the bottom. So this was the third house, the same pattern: a hous that overlooked a woods with a stream or river at the bottom.

After my husband, Frank died, I decided to sell the house. However after a year’s time, Jim arrived in my life, loved the house, and here we still are.  This isn’t anything that was planned. The place itself doesn’t seem to make any difference, it’s the pattern that’s important. It would explain how people make the same mistakes over and over, in different places. It’s an interesting idea and one which I want to think more about…


I’ve heard of synchros like this involving numbers, but have never heard of anything like this. Is this some internal pattern that manifests itself?  Anyone else experienced anything like this?


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19 Responses to Patterns in Synchronicity

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Whoot, if I may address your question about the UFO Blue Book… has been proven to be a totally NON-SCIENTIFIC, biased, and non-reality based farce. A complete cover-up with so many blacked out lines and pages that it’s a joke. No need to spend time or space or even mind-thoughts on a piece of material that apparently, according to later credible investigations, has no value whatsoever. Mean no offense, Whoot. Regarding the MacGregors, they never fail to leave their messages on this subject matter open-ended. In other words….they draw no definitive conclusions one way or the other. Simply put the stuff out there and allow others to do as they wish with the information! This isn’t non-avoidance. It’s great journalism.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Project Blue Book ’47-’69 is interesting from a historical perspective. Alan Hynek was director, and essentially involved in the dismissal of the phenomenon, but then in the aftermath turned into a BIG advocate for the reality of UFOs. For Whoot, you could probably find accurate science in Kelley Blue Book, IMO.

  2. whoot says:

    DISAPPOINTING (in regards to last comment),,, oh by the way Rob,, did you here the one about a NCAA basketball game,, about as bizarre as Kansas 3 and 1/2 (might geuss) or so ago,, course not like Bozo living up to them….

  3. whoot says:

    spent years skiing in the poconos,, Tannersville,,,, just curious because of how much I’ve heard seen ya’s mention the Big Red book,,, how comes still no mnetion of the Big BLUE book,, like you guys are so much into the literature and are afraid of looks at the “SCIENCE”

  4. When I moved to my new home 10 years ago (I don’t live there anymore), there were Hesse’s novels from the people who had built it (the first one I read was Demian – a picture on a wall of the home and a problematic guy causing a chain of events just like in my life at that time (in my cause instead of a picture it was the novel Demian itself)) and Jung’s books bought by my father (he has never read them) long time ago because they were cheap. You can hardly imagine a clearer introduction to synchronicity.

  5. Nancy says:

    I have had the same pattern in two of my homes. One in Portland, Oregon and one here at Lake Tahoe. Same pattern – house feels like a tree house overlooking woods with a stream at the bottom. (I am passionate about being next to water. I don’t know why.)

    Hmmm, interesting.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Going out on that same limb with my cousin Gyps, I’d suggest that Donna is butting her head up against an invisible karmic “lesson” that keeps trying to shift her out of its rut. Sometimes we get so deeply entrenched in one of those ruts that we aren’t able to see where we are, and even if we do, we don’t seem able to climb out of it without a pretty strong ladder…..which usually comes in the form of a transformative experience.

  7. gypsy says:

    i think we are each certainly drawn to certain things – places – from past life memories or from that sense of “home” that cj talks about – and again, there is that thing of awareness of such nudges – being open/receptive – anyway, beautiful story –

    oh, regarding terri’s neat story, just going out on a limb here, but i’d say her friend donna needs to get out and about more…

  8. I’ve seen patterns like this.
    My friend Donna began working for a friend of her dad. This man was 40, had always been single and still lived with his mom. They married and built a home together then 7 years later divorced and he returned to living with his mom. As the divorce was becoming final, Donna met a new man – who was 40, had always been single and still lived with his parents. He moved in with her and she began working for him, and he became good friends with her dad. A few years later, they separated and he returned to living with his parents.
    She’s’ still living in the home built with her husband, and continues to run the business of the second man from her home.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Wow, what a strange and interesting pattern, Terri. That one begs the question: how is such a pattern broken?

      • Gypsy and Math are right on. It’s what Donna and I have discussed, her issues with money/security also play a part.

        This story also includes a large property and horses. The 1st 40 yr old helped her build/establish a breeding business. She retained it in the divorce. 2nd 40 yr old helped maintain it, and almost destroyed it.

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    Earlier I posted a comment but forgot to acknowledge that I’m “human”! 🙂
    First, you have my deepest empathy for your losses, Sharlie, and also my joy that you have found love once again! I’ve come to believe that our hearts and souls have a specific Home, and that through intuition and synchronistic events, we are constantly guided to the environments which provide us that comfort, security, and sense of “Home” and “Belonging” we find there. Synchronicity brings us insights that lead us back again and again, if we are attentive to those often subtle nudges. “Home” is the space, the place, where we are not only content but happy, just in Being. And although it IS a pattern, it is that “synchronistic space”, as well, which folllows the design of the pattern that carries each of us to our Walden Pond, as you have been carried to yours. How wonderful that is! This is my belief…………….

  10. Interesting. As you have said have seen this with numbers – was one of the reasons why we bought our present house, it was ‘our’ number on the door.

  11. Momwithwings says:

    Sounds like some past life memory coming through.

  12. DJan says:

    I had never before seen the cover of the Red Book, Trish. I just want to say thank you for all your comments on my posts and I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving! Your posts always make me think. I wonder if we pull places and things to us by intent or desire.

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