Dreaming UFOs

Earlier this year, we posted a dream recalled by Bruce Gernon, co-author of THE FOG, that involved a huge UFO appearing above an air show and putting on a display. The dream was about aliens making official contact.

Trish and I have both had UFO dreams, and one thing we’ve noticed about them is a feeling of excitement and wonder. We wake up feeling energized. Bruce felt the same way in his dream.

We’re wondering if many people are having UFO dreams, and if they are becoming more common. Dale Dassel, who resides in a small town outside of Macon, Georgia, recently mentioned a UFO dream in passing in an e-mail exchange.

“A couple weeks ago, I had a dream that I saw a UFO hovering motionless in the sky in broad daylight. Instead of  the usual disc or triangle, it was a ring-shaped craft with a reflective plate in the center, rather like a dark gray donut with a mirror blocking the hole, and many small dark windows dotting its circumference. I’ve never seen a UFO like that in any book or movie, but it was really unique and cool-looking. Of course, I probably wouldn’t say that if I saw it in real life; I’d probably be galvanized with terror and awe.”

When I mentioned to Dale that we were wondering how common UFO dreams are, he offered another one.

“A few years ago I had a recurring dream of a mass UFO landing at night, and the ground was covered with luminescent holograms (sort of like the Nazca lines) which projected into the sky to guide the ships down. The ships were of myriad shapes, impossibly gigantic, and literally thousands of them, almost like a colonization force.

“I remember feeling really exhilarated during the dream; being simultaneously excited and terrified. When I awoke, my pulse was racing and the imagery was vividly clear in my mind. Part of me wanted the scenario to be real, while the other part desperately hoped it would never happen. But I haven’t had that dream in quite awhile, so hopefully it wasn’t prescient.

Dale also sent the above Google image, which came up when he used the search term Atlantis. We would like to hear from others who have experienced UFO dreams. What was happening in these dreams? How did you feel as the dream was unfolding and when you woke up?


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19 Responses to Dreaming UFOs

  1. I’ve often had UFO dreams, and yes, they tend to involve exhilaration and wonder. I believe they may symbolise consciousness from “other” realm, including interaction with those realms. Leslie halverson used to dream of UFOs, then the next day the papers would have reports. I saw UFOs myself, thanks to her sharing a dream, as I wrote in the preface of one of my books. As for the UFO with a hole and mirror, the idea reminded me of a certain galaxy: https://www.truthsearcher.com/DonutShapedNebula.jpg

    • Dale Dassel says:

      That looks like the M51 Whirlpool Galaxy. But I think the mirror “donut” UFO is a ship capable of generating its own wormholes for interstellar travel, a popular theory among UFOlogists. It makes sense to me, anyway.

  2. gypsy says:

    superb post – and what an absolutely incredible image! one that is very very much like my own “vision” of the future – like nancy, for years – years – since i was a teenager or younger – i’ve had the same thought or vision or dream or whatever – like red dawn scenes of the choppers landing outside a school, only in my mind’s eye, ufos – i think mike makes a good point – that we don’t remember our experiences/dreams for a reason – anyway, great intriguing post – what a book backyard will be!!!

  3. lauren raine says:

    Interesting. The image reminds me a bit of Spielburg’s famous movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”……… kind of the ultimate public dream of UFO’s, and an image that I think is still embedded in the cultural mind.

    I never seem to dream about aliens, and I’ve never even seen a UFO, but find the subject fascinating none the less. Guess I’m lucky they apparently find me so uninteresting!

    I’m getting a “warning” sign from Webroot, my virus program, btw, when I visit this site, and something about “feedjit”. You might want to see if this is a problem.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    nancy, my youngest son reprts having a “dream” of exactly those very same images.
    For him, it’s somewhat fearful, although he’s grown and not a fearful man.

  5. I have a feeling that sometimes there is only a fine line between dreams and what we class as ‘reality’. I had a friend who had a UFO experience but said he didn’t know if it was true or a dream – are we perhaps programmed to forget certain things? Because of your post I’ve written a post on this for later this week.

  6. Nancy says:

    I have a recurring “feeling” that we will wake up one morning and the sky will be filled with UFOs. There will be big ones and small ones and the sky will be dark with them.

    I don’t know if this feeling came from a dream, but it has been with me for a long time.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Dale, our encounter happened on the night of November 9, 1981. It was totally wild, totally unprecedented, totally beyond terrifying. I have a really close friend who holds a doctorate in ciinical hypno-therapy. Some years after the incident, I allowed him to regress me to see if we could uncover the entire threat against us. I was in a profoundly altered state, and this quintessential hypnotist NEVER makes suggestions. He guides the subconscious without giving any “hints”, and once I was on the tarmac at WR, facing the officer in fatigues with the weapon aimed at my face, I came crashing out of the altered state screaming bloody murder. I couldn’t get past the implanted block, and still don’t know what I am not supposed to do,…..if I do “whatever”, I was told I would never see my family again. I don’t know the “whatever”. It’s hidden in my mind beyond my reach, and must be hellish or I’d be able to retrieve it. Nor can my son.

  8. whoot says:

    let me ask you guys a ???? know the name of the road that heads you out to that area I rear talk of???

    • Dale Dassel says:

      T.L. Keller’s comprehensive book The Total Novice’s Guide to UFOs gives explicit directions (including maps) to Area 51 and overviews from the surrounding mountains, but he also includes a disclaimer saying to invesitage at your own risk, citing possible repercussions based on the experiences of previous truth-seekers. Bottom line: This is definitely one area where it pays to play it safe as an armchair UFOlogist! 🙂

  9. Momwithwings says:

    Well, I recently told you about hearing conversations in my home and then that night dreaming of all different kinds of aliens. It was their faces, as if they were looking at me.

    I have also had dreams where I am climbing into one and helping others onto them.

    I recently was on the train going into the city when up in the sky I saw a cube shaped object flying in the sky along with us and then poof it was gone! As far as I know no one else noticed it. I tend to look up a lot more lately as others are looking down or ahead.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    Dale, my youngest son and I had a terrifying, threatening, permanently traumatizing experience at Warner Robins involving an encounter with both (apparent) United States military personnel and Grays, U.S. helicopters and spacecrafts. Trish and Rob have the details of that encounter. Now when my family travels to GA, we never go up or down I-75. We take the country route, avoiding Macon and WR AFB.

    • Dale Dassel says:

      math, I read about your encounter in a brief preview of Aliens in the Backyard, and I believe it completely. I told Rob that an incident like yours probably couldn’t happen at RAFB nowadays because of how over-developed the area has become, whereas in the 1970’s it was much more rural and the base was more isolated from the city. That’s why Area 51 is located in the middle of nowhere at Groom Lake, Nevada, far from the watchful eyes of the American public (I’m actually surprised that it’s visible on Google Earth, whereas ALL military bases were masked in gray nearly 5 or 6 years ago).

      P.S.- After Contact is established, Trish and Rob will have to rephrase the check box wording to accommodate our intergalactic neighbors: Please check to prove YOU ARE a sentient biological entity. 🙂

  11. Rob and Trish says:

    We’re adding a new chapter to Aliens in the Backyard involving dreams of UFOs. If you have a long entry, you can send it to us as e-mail. We’ve just gotten a very interesting one from Mike Clelland. Thanks, Mike!

  12. mathaddict2233 says:

    MACON, GEORGIA??????? We know what that one means to ME. Anyone who is interested can research Warner Robins AFB and look at what the military does at that base. This picture above, though…..it’s simply gorgeous, even the UFO, and has a very peaceful appeal to it. I find myself wanting to merge into the scene. I would want that, of course, considering its location is Home to me and I have every reason for my conviction that my off-of-Earth family resides…and comes and goes….through a portal deep beneath the Great Pyramid in Giza, as shown here. Dreams of UFOs? Don’t even get me started, guys. Between my two youngest sons and me, they are quite common, as you already know. And very often recently, more with my sons than with me. Perhaps they aren’t really “dreams”……………..

    • Dale Dassel says:

      I told Rob that the image reminds me of Stargate, which I believe is not too far from the truth. And while I was born at Robins, I’ve never seen anything mysterious there, but I don’t doubt that our military is involved in some very secretive operations involving UFOs. The truth will hopefully be revealed someday, and not necessarily by our government, if these dreams are any indication.

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