Abducted by Synchronicity…

Mike Clelland who writes about UFOs and abduction scenarios on his blog, Hidden Experience, has often heard abductees talk about a dramatic increase in synchronicities in their lives in the aftermath of their experience. Over the last few years, kept a list of answers to the question, “What do all the synchronicities mean?” The following replies are all from UFO abductees.

> When synchronicities happen, it’s like an activator to pay attention.

> Synchronicity is like a language to them.

> Synchronicity is the language that they use to communicate.

> The synchronicities are clues and you need to follow them.

> Synchronicities? I have ridiculous synchronicities in my life when it comes to this stuff. What’s that story? Where the little boy puts breadcrumbs in the forest to find his way home? It’s kinda like they are putting the little bread crumbs in your way, so you can slowly but surely go where you are supposed to go.

> You know, the synchronicity part of all this is just weird!

> Definitely more synchronicity in my life, more than ever before. They have escalated in the last 5 or 6 years, definitely escalated. Now, I don’t know that I can attribute it to these events [UFO contact] in my life, but I do see it in my life. It’s as though, in general my life is escalating somehow, moving forward in an invisible way, elevating internally and externally. I feel very deeply that something is in the works.

Mike notes that the abductee who made the last comment gives a time-frame of 5 or 6 years where the synchronicities have escalated. “This very closely matches the time that she began to deeply examine these events in her life, and later to come forward publicly with her experiences. The year of 2006 seems to be pivotal, it shows up in my research. I have heard this same thing from too many people and I am forced to conclude that this is not merely coincidence. I also get the sense that something is in the works.”


There is no doubt that synchronicity plays a role in the life of those who have had encounters with UFOs and alien entities. It’s an indication that their realm, their existence, differs substantially from ours. Just as ancients would find our world magical, those who have come in close contact with other-worldly entities tend to experience life in a new way that often moves them outside the everyday world of cause and effect. They may also experience unusual shifts in time and space. It’s all part of the puzzle.







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12 Responses to Abducted by Synchronicity…

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    I have no problem at all with that hypothesis….that the Greys want souls. I’ve formed some ideas about them from my own experiences and encounters that may or may not be accurate. My ideas come from MY interactions with them and not from books, etc. To me, these entities we call “The Greys or Grays” seem to be biorobotic: partially organic and partially and predominantly robotic, or machine. They apparently have “handlers”, and they definitely have no emotions whatsoever. If they have any, it is only a sense of surprise when humans demonstrate feelings. They aren’t able to compute “feelings”. There is one in particular that I honestly am convinced is a “transgenic”, the word coined by Budd Hopkins to describe the combination of biological entities with a computer-type robot, and embedded with a program. That one of whom I speak had no conception of emotion, and when asked a question requiring an emotional response, his eyes literally rolled around in their sockets as if they were scanning or searching within their internal data bank for a reply. Oh yeah….I know. I’m ready for the funny farm, right? Be that as it may, I have substantial reasons to assume these entities walk among us every day, unrecognized and generally unrecognizable….unless a person has had the misfortune to become as acquainted with one, as I did. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

  2. lauren raine says:

    In your book you write, and demonstrate, that synchronicities can be a form of communication, even guidance, from spiritual beings. That’s how I often interpret my own synchronicities, although sometimes they are pretty hard to figure out. If the aliens are able to navigate other dimensions, as has often been suggested, why could they not also be related to sychronicities?

    I have a friend who is a professional psychic who is pretty certain that she has been abducted numerous times, and has some memory recall. She wonders if she was chosen because of her natural psychic abilities, or if they were enchanced because of contact.

    Sometimes, for myself, I think a cluster of synchros could also be about intensity, like “pay attention” or ” this is where I have a lot of psychic energy invested”.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Mike is an encyclopedia of knowledge in many genres, in my opinion. Some explorations into certain areas seem to bring more synchros than others. Again, just my opinion.
    Re the harvesting of souls, Trish and Rob, remember my old….ummm….whatever he was, named JI? He spoke often and much too eloquently on that subject, so I tended to avoid it like the plague. However, I will certainly now have a look-see at the book you mention, especially considering that my intuitive/sensitive physician friend in the West has also delved very deeply into that pretty scary school of thought.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      What’s fascinating about the book is the cosmology he has put together. Ultimately, he believes the motive of the grays is spiritual – they want a soul.

  4. Darren B says:

    The ” I have ridiculous synchronicities in my life ” comment,
    so do I,but to my knowledge I have never had contact with,or ever seen a UFO.
    I’ve been following Mike for a while and he does some good work over at his site,but his focus needs to expand in other directions other than,but as well as the UFO phenomena and then things might get really interesting for him.
    You don’t have to be a UFO contactee to have weird syncs happen in your life.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    I’ll order that book today and report back. Thanks!

  6. I experience synchroncities frequently but have never seen an UFOs or an alien entity. That’s a good thing or I would have to spend all my days writing messages to Trish and Rob telling them about this over load of events. As it is, I have to restrain myself. L O L. But seriously, not all synchro’s are interesting enough to tell to others even if they are of interest to the person (me) experiencing them.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    I wish I could underline or highlight your last paragraph. It’s impossible to explain to others, in any manner that they can comprehend and often even accept, that these encounters are a reality and are not a figment of our imgination, and they that DO definitely shift us out of mainstream schools of activity and thought and experience. It hurts, on a deep level, when folks who are dear to us are unwilling to believe us. For this reason, when we do timidly step out of our silent closet of protection, and attempt to share these incidents, and are then slam-dunked by skepticism and doubt, we decide to remain in that space of lonely silence. I suspect coming out of the abductee closet has similar ramifications and repercussions and implications as those that are imposed upon folks who finally step out of the homosexual closet…..just in different ways. But the scorn, the ridicule, the ostracism, the sense of being a pariah of some sort…..they are the same. As abductees, we have no choice but to look at life through a kaleidoscope whose colors fall into completely separate patterns from the “norm”, and trying to describe this to folks who haven’t exprienced it is a challenge that seems impossible to conquer. Maybe someday this won’t be the case…..I hope.

  8. Interesting. It’s not just UFOs, sometimes a religious experience / spiritual experience can produce similar outcomes.

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