December 21, 2012: What It Is – and Isn’t

Georgia O’Keefe

Synchronicity – meaningful coincidence – is your GPS for 2012 and beyond. It’s the way the universe speaks to you, the language  your unconscious uses to seize your attention, to guide you, warn you, and to offer confirmation and support for decisions that you make. In a world that is becoming more and more chaotic and seemingly disconnected, synchronicity allows you to see your way through 2012 and beyond so that you can flow with the changing times.

The hype about 2012 probably began in 1987, with The Mayan Factor:  Path Beyond Technology, written by Jose Arguelles. In the book, he states that the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. Since the Mayans were consummate astrologers and astronomers, his statement has rippled through space and time until it reached a tipping point. Google that date, December 21, 2012, and more than seven million links show up.

So let’s look at what’s actually happening astrologically, on that date. First, December 21, 2012 is the date of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. At either 11:11 GMT or 11:12 GMT (there seems to be some discrepancy about the exact moment) the sun is at 00 degrees Capricorn and touches the Dark Rift. In certain cosmologies – the Mayan, Aztec, Toltec and Olmec – the Dark Rift represents the cosmic womb. It’s a place of profound transformation, a place of both birth and death, regeneration, rebirth, it’s where we, humanity, came into being. This moment  is when the Mayan calendar ends.

As the sun rises here , it will touch part of the Dark Rift that moves along the Galactic Equator. In ancient mythologies and cosmologies, this part of the night sky is associated with spiritual rebirth. Depending on who or what you read, this is either  a unique event or  business as usual. One thing is for sure.  We are a planet and a people in flux.

We’re alive at a time when the structures that comprised the foundations of what we took for granted are no longer a sure thing. Nothing is guaranteed. Your pension, Social Security, pubic education, college grants, the safety of your food and water, job security, home ownership, the banking and insurance industries, the source of your electricity ….well, you get the idea here. Anything you relied upon in the past no longer works. Structures are collapsing, reinventing themselves, and struggling to rise from the ashes. Just look at politics in any country right now. Chaos.

Some institutions will survive in  vastly different forms; other structures will be relegated to history. The war machine may survive for awhile, as will dictatorships that oppress most of the people so that a few people may flourish and profit. But in the end, even these institutions will collapse. The planet can’t sustain what it has become.

Science and religion can’t keep up with what individuals are experiencing. They don’t have the lexicon, the tools, they are locked in the past. They don’t know how to investigate, much less define, contactee and abduction experiences. They don’t know about planetary empaths. They can’t even figure out what psychic ability is and whether it exists. Most scientists (Rupert Sheldrake as the big exception here)  consider animals to be dumb beasts who are on the planet to serve humans – and to be eaten by them

As a species, we’re developing new abilities to help us cope with change. Planetary empaths are one such tool. Synchronicity is another kind of tool to get us through what certainly looks like a paradigm shift.

While there are plenty of pundits who expound eloquently about why we should all become urban survivalists and grow our own food and install solar panels on our homes and stockpile silver and gold, there are an equal number of pundits who assure us this is just another cycle. Grit your teeth and get through it.

There’s wisdom in both viewpoints. I would love to install solar panels on our home and go off the grid. But because of the way the power companies in the U.S. are structured, solar panels – even in Florida – are prohibitively expensive. The bottom line would be far less expensive, but just getting those solar panels up there on the roof would mean we would have to stay in this house for another 10 or 15 years, and we’re not sure we want to do that. Our garden and fruit trees produce some wonderful heads of lettuce and broccoli, mangos, papayas, grapefruits, but it’s not enough to sustain us for any length of time. Our neighbors whisper about the End Times,  our  governor is a jerk, our senators are corrupt. So we become cogs in a wheel, struggling… and then synchronicity comes along and empowers us.

How? Well, let’s make it local.  Tonight in Rob’s meditation class, we were doing a Zen meditation, eyes half open. My eyes shut – and I suddenly saw a corpulent man lumber into the room, nosily announcing that he had “issues.” Huh? I thought. What’s going on? Then I realized I was inside of a meditation and he might be a guide. In the next moment, he held a book in front of my face and stabbed his fat finger at a word or phrase I couldn’t read. It was like trying to read something in a dream, blurred, letters indistinct. He’s important, this weird guy, a purveyor of information. I just haven’t figured it out yet.

But I think this is how synchros work in these times of flux. They aren’t necessarily  obvious or easy to understand. They require work on our part to interpret them – not always, but often enough so that we’re engaged, so that our attention is seized and we have to think outside the box to figure out what they mean.

So I’m looking for that corpulent guy in my dreams tonight. Tell me, Plump Man, Mr. Humpty Dumpty,  what 2012 is really about. And how we can all get through the paradigm shift.



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38 Responses to December 21, 2012: What It Is – and Isn’t

  1. Pingback: cassadaga florida, psychic medium, Nostradamus, Predictions, prophecy pt, Prophecies, cassadaga, Prophecy, kennell, science, Mayan, Aztec, Peter, 3/10, Hopi, 2012 | Nostradamus Future Predictions

  2. Violeta says:

    Thanks a bunch for trying to explain the terminlogy for the starters!

  3. Trish, I typed the words Humpty Dumpty in my google search box. Pages came up. I clicked onto Wikipedia. I think you would be thoroughly surprised at some of the information appearing there about Humpty Dumpty, some of it being incredibly synchronistic with your dream and with all the comments here! In any event, it was fascinating to read the many different things about Humpty Dumpty. I also miss the WVs. We had come to a place where the WVs seemed to resonate with whatever subjects were under discussion, almost as if synchronicity creates synchronicity.

  4. Natalie says:

    Word for word, I am with Whip. 😀
    I am very glad that Math had an awesome synchro. ♥
    Gypsy ~ I would have to agree about the word verifications. On any other site they just annoy me, but I used to enjoy the banter around them over at the other place,too. ♥

  5. Lauren Raine says:

    Sorry, forgot what I wanted to say. You are both writers of books, books about transformation. Maybe your fat man could be seen as, well, the “fat” that we are a culture now, too used to too much, having an “issue” with the truth that’s being written. There is so much denial……..

  6. Lauren Raine says:

    Great article, and thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with passion.
    Speaking of synchronicity, I wonder why you chose that particular painting by O’Keefe? As it happens, I’m intimately familiar with it, as it belongs to the University of Arizona’s Art Museum, and for the years I was a graduate student there, I brought all of my drawing classes in to sit around it and copy it with their pastels. My claim to fame at the Museum is that they got so tired of cleaning up charcoal and pastel off the floor that they no longer allow students to draw before the paintings.

    I have been thinking lately that we need to look at 2012 not as ending, but beginning, not as what is passing, but what is being born.

  7. Nancy Pickard says:

    So I’m reading the Jung/Pauli book, and just a few minutes ago was reading about Pauli’s stranger who frequently showed up in dreams to give him info. Then I took a break and came onto here—and read about your Humpty Dumpty showing up to give you info! Maybe he’s your “stranger.” A psychopomp.

  8. whipwarrior says:

    My faith in humanity fluctuates on a daily basis. Literally. Sometimes I look around optimistically (especially when the weather is nice) and say, “Things aren’t so bad. We’re going to be okay.” Then I think about all of the problems in the world, and shake my head sadly: “The human race is totally screwed.” Everybody is rushing through life, wired-up to their personal communication devices like crack addicts, utterly self-absorbed and blind to everything around them. The amount of negativity is staggering, and it seems to be snowballing towards oblivion. I don’t watch the news anymore because it’s too depressing.

    If 2012 is the harbinger of doom for mankind, then it’s fair to say that we have only ourselves to blame, and probably deserve whatever comes our way. Who knows, maybe it IS time to ‘wipe the slate clean’ and start over. At the risk of sounding philosophical, I just pray that goodness will prevail, and spare those who nourished it in the dark times to help the world grow into the light of a new Eden (or Atlantis!).

  9. Thank you for the well-wishes, Debra. The appt with the cardiologist couldn’t have gone more perfectly than it did today. I KNEW it would, because of the manner in which the Universe had responded to my need, and because all the frequencies were so perfectly aligned. And I remember that HumptyDumpty poem, too, from when I was a child. But this week, it was in the words of a song I dreamed. So strange.
    I have a sense, tho I hate to give it energy by speaking it, that America is Humpty Dumpty in these times and she is getting ready to fall. It doesn’t have to be this way, is things could change. But I don’t sense positive change coming for a while, and we must hit bottom before we make the climb back to the top. During this ride, we have no choice but to hang on for the ride.

  10. Debra says:

    I wish yo the best w/ your health, mathaddict.
    The humpty dumpty topic reminds of a poem I remembered from 49 years ago.
    This poem is made more relevant by the reactor problems in Japan. MIT scientists keep saying that they can’t assess the damage until they get a read on the isotopes at the stricken plant.

    Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
    a non electro-magneball
    all the super polarioscopes
    couldn’t revitalize his isotopes.

    I have no idea where I got this poem, or why I remembered it. I was 12, in 1972. This poem must have been way “out there” for the times.

  11. For some reason while reading your excellent post I thought of Bob Dylan’s ‘Times They Are A Changing’.

    It’s a time (as it always is) to trust our personal instincts and signs. I’m also with mathaddict when she writes how we should ask the universe if we have questions. The answers are out there.

    I’m not personally fearful of the future as life=change. Change doesn’t have to be bad, though we have to be willing to learn and adapt.

  12. Nancy says:

    P.S. Your highlighted topics did not work.

  13. Nancy says:

    This is so timely. I agree that the world will go on, but humanity needs to evolve – thus the “womb” we will be entering. Barbara Marx Hubbard explains this shift so well. Humanity, as a species, has come to the point where it is shift, or cease to exist.

    I can relate so well to your feeling of wanting to move – but without a destination in mind. We feel much the same way, in fact I just read a long article on AlterNet about all of the ex-pats in Europe. I almost feel like a nomad life would be fun, and enlightening. 6 months here, 3 moths there…

  14. I for one, will be glad to get on the otherside of 2012, so all this doomsday talk by people can end. I’m just worried about “self-fulfilling prophecies” and there are radical religious groups out there that really want armaggedon to happen and might attempt something that they believe will get the ball rolling. I prefer to think of this time as the transition period from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius and that a new spiritual culture will finally emerge to replace the outmoded power, domination, scientific materialism view of the world. I’d love to see a world where people lived by synchronistic flow.

  15. friend of nica says:

    oh, wow! math’s comment wasn’t up when i wrote mine and it was only after i clicked to publish that her comment was visible to me – again, cousin, our thoughts/words run so parallel – uncanny! and trish and rob, obviously, this post was meant to be for a lot of reasons – thanks again, you two!

    just as an aside and of no import to anyone but me, really, i sort of miss our little “word verifications” here in wordpress! 😉

  16. friend of nica says:

    your perspectives on things never fail to entice me and guide me in a very personal way – patterans for this gypsy, i think – thanks so much for breaking things down into “chewable chunks” of info!

    this post in itself is a synchro for me because only yesterday afternoon my sister and my twin granddaughter and i were out and about and stopped for an outdoor lunch – a beautiful beautiful sunny breezy day – and we began talking about that very thing – what a beautiful sunny day – and then, my granddaughter, melanie, asked if i’d seen the movie 2012 and did i think the world is really to “end” – and that began a long discussion on things thereof – a discussion that began and ended with my saying she really should check out your blog as all her questions would/could be answered here – – and voila’ – your post on 2012 –

    your comment about how synchros work to “engage” us is key i think – and once engaged once attentive once participating we become even more open and aware and all the more able to read all those patterans before us –

    oh, and i’m wondering, trish, if perhaps the corpulent guide in your meditation might be the happy buddha??? 😉

  17. Do you remember that a few days ago I emailed you about the song that rang through all my dreams the previous night? I’d not heard the song in decades. It isn’t played on TV or radio. But in the lyrics of the song are these words: “Just like Humpty Dumpty, I’m ready to fall!” That is certainly a synchro with this post. We each need to be paying ever close attention to our dreams and our intuition, even if those have been seemed to not be of any import in the past. There is another extremely vital synchro that I had not intended to share here with my fellow MU inhabitants but due to today’s post, have decided to share it. I have two surgical procedures scheduled. One is 0n April 5, the second one is two weeks later, on April 19. I was given a strict window of time in which to get clearance from both my cardiologist and my primary physician for these surgeries. Yesterday, I had the appt with my cardiologist. I awakened in conflict about an issue I need to discuss with him, and was fence-sitting, not knowing whether or not to discuss the matter. My intuition was silent. So, I ultimately said, “OK, Universe, do your thing for me here. If I’m supposed to discuss this issue with my physician today, give me a signal. if I’m not, give me a signal.” Then I let go and released it. An hour later, I rec’d a call from the cardiologist’s office telling me he would be in emergency surgery all day and they needed to bump my appt from yesterday to today! The Universe spoke, and loudly and unequivocally.
    Here’s the deal with my appt today as opposed to yesterday: the frequencies yesterday were not comptible with my own frequencies. Today, however, every frequency aligns perfectly with my own personal frequencies. I won’t go into detail except to say that I asked, and I received. I cannot stress powerfully enough that each of us needs to be more closely attuned than ever to every moment in our lives, and to that wee small voice that sometimes whispers, sometimes roars, and is sometimes silent so that we must ASK for assistance and clear guidance. The synchronicity of the frequencies today are astounding for me as I prepare to see my cardiologist. Yesterday would likely have been disastrous. And so it goes for all of us, if we dedicate our minds and souls to being attentive. I love this post, guys. It is so timely and soooo relevant.

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