What IS this Object?

Some strange videos are surfacing about the quake and tsunami in Japan. In this one, something appears to lift up out of the sludge as the tsunami sweeps across Sendai. It seems unlikely that it’s a bird, given the density of the sludge. Any ideas?



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22 Responses to What IS this Object?

  1. I just can’t agree with the bird theory. That river of sludge was simply moving at too great a speed (and weight) for a bird to be able to fly against its mass, volume, and velocity. Seems a bird of any size at all would be swept up in the forward-rushing mass, unable to fly against it, especially with feathers covered in mud and oil and God only knows what else. However, that’s just my humble opinion. Whatever it is is able to navigate against that enormous energy. Maybe something not in this dimension but captured on film…as Debra says….something perhaps plasmic (ectoplasma??)? Fascinating phenomenon, whatever it is!

  2. Got to be boring I’m afraid and say that it’s a bird. I think a bird could escape from the sludge – and is in a state of panic.

  3. Lauren Raine says:

    Looking again, the first video looks like it could be a bird, but the second seems really quite inexplicable.

  4. Lauren Raine says:

    could it be the reflection of something in the sky on the water? I guess the water was moving too fast for that. Very strange indeed.

  5. Debra says:

    Very curious! It looks organic… plasma-like.

    I posted the video Pacific Paranormal Investigations bulletin board, just to what ides they would come up with.

  6. karena says:

    I think it might be the soul of someone lost in this tragedy. Just the way it moves gives me a feeling that it was frantic. I’m going to look at this again. Who actually found this…good eyes! Without the circle…I’d have just focused on the moving sludge.

  7. Jen says:

    My intuition says not a bird and not a plastic bag. I think it may be a soul/orb or the like. That is what makes sense to me, especially when you see how it is moving. It looks like someone who just got ripped out of their body and is looking for themselves/loved ones/etc.

  8. Just wanted to add that although the tsunami wave was measured at 32-feet in height and moving forward at 500mph when it struck, the structures, etc., that it crossed and picked up certainly slowed it down somewhat. Still, that river of sludge was really traveling, so anything lightweight couldn’t traverse against its flow. This is an very curious puzzle!

  9. Darren, a plastic bag wouldn’t be able to be going directly AGAINST the direction of the water and wind. This was not a cyclone or hurricane. The wind was not cyclonic, or moving in a circular motion. The tsunami was moving, according to the experts, at a “forward speed greater than 500 miles an hour”. That kind of velocity precludes anything like a bird or a bag lifting up and flying against its force. This whatever-it-is, is moving exactly in the opposing direction in a pretty straight line. I’m more inclined to go along with Nancy….possibly an orb?

  10. friend of nica says:

    wow! would love to know what it is – it seemed to me to be moving of its own volition – and the way it seemed to elongate as it moved, really interesting! i saw nothing that even remotely made me think it might be a plastic bag – or a bird – but that’s just me – great video, macgregors!

    • rob and trish says:

      I didn’t see bird or plastic bag, either. Think about the birds during the oil spill; look at the sludge in this tsunami. A plastic bag would stick to it. A bird wouldn’t be able to escape it.

  11. Darren B says:

    Could be just a big plastic bag getting tossed around by the wind.

  12. Natalie says:

    Looks like a bird to me.

  13. Nancy says:

    Hmmm, could it be an “orb?” Or possibly a soul that has been released from a body?

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