Synchros and Ta-Tas

Remember Bo Derek in the movie 10?

She played the quintessential woman that every man  desires. That face, that body, that presence. But it turns out that Bo is much more than her PR. She was featured in the Palm Beach Post at the beginning of polo season, 56 years old and still a 10, a horse breeder and activist, the natural to toss the first ball at the 10th anniversary opening game at the International Polo Club.

The synchro for us in this story was  horses. We were  putting together a proposal for a bookazine on famous horses through history. Our town has quite a prolific history on horses, specifically those used in polo. Thanks in  large part to John Goodman,   the multimillionaire founder of the International Polo Club, Wellington is what, back in the sixties, we would call a Ta-ta community.

Ta-Ta is another name for lah-de-dah,  as in, Huh? Seriously?

But here’s the thing. We were writing about polo, about how it’s the game of kings, and this story about Bo Derek, the ’10 of 10s’ –royalty! – turns up in the fluff section of our local newspaper. You can tell that the interviewer was a bit overwhelmed at interviewing the perfect ’10.’ The questions were sort of silly, like, well, what does she admire about horses? Her response, though, was spot on: They have a sense of the game and they do learn and know what the goal is, the way they’ll fight off another horse and hold the line. It’s wonderful to see.”

 So these types of stories are the oddball synchros happening in our corner of the world. Nothing earth-shattering here, nothing that shakes us up or weirds us out too much. These synchros are perhaps, most of all, a trickster sort of entertainment, especially when the horse bookazine didn’t pan out – despite the fluff and the synchro!




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10 Responses to Synchros and Ta-Tas

  1. whoot says:

    Angelina more beautiful the Bo Derek?!?!?!?

  2. Melissa says:

    Isn’t she also a big Republican?

  3. Darren B says:

    To be perfectly honest I could never work out why people saw Bo Derek as a 10.
    I’m sure she is attractive to a lot of men,but to me personally she is not a 10.
    My idea of a 10 would be Jessica Alba,Jessica Biel or Angelina Jolie.
    Their pictures always put an extra beat into my heart,but not Bo Derek’s.
    So to me the 10 thing is a bit of a mystery.

    And with the small synchros,sometimes they are just a prelude to the bigger one,so stay tuned,you may be referring back to this sync in a week or two as part of a bigger one?

  4. Yes, remember that film. There’s a saying though about how ‘you can’t judge a sausage by it’s skin’ – it’s what’s inside that matters.

  5. DJan says:

    I remember that movie, and I remember thinking that Bo Derek was indeed a perfect 10. But what does that mean? She’s also got a heart, which says much about her. Good answer she gave to that inane question!

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