The Fourth Secret: Creativity & Synchronicity

Our daughter, Megan, is writing a novel. She has outlined it, written 30 pages that she sent us, and today  experienced a synchronicity that perfectly illustrates one of the secrets in our book 7 Secrets of Synchronicity.  The fourth secret, The Creative, is that creativity lies at the heart of synchronicity.  At the beginning of that chapter, we use a quote by physicists and author F David Peat: “The space between…is the space that lies between the observer and the observed; it is the space of the creative act that brings a poem or a painting to life.”

Or a novel.

In her novel, the protagonist, Riley Phoenix, 22, lives in a second story one-bedroom flat with lousy plumbing, in a neighborhood that isn’t very safe, and there’s no security whatsoever in the building – no cameras, no concierge, no security people. But she’s perfectly happy living by herself in this place.  Okay, that’s the setup for the synchro.

This weekend Megan drove over to Florida’s west coast to see a friend with whom she went to high school. Renie had recently moved and Megan hadn’t ever been to her place. So she got there, they went out on the town, and this morning, Megan bolted awake and realized she was in her character’s apartment.  Renie lives in a one-bedroom flat, on the second story of a building, in a not very safe area of town, and the building has no security whatsoever. And oh, Renie’s flat has terrible plumbing.

“It wasn’t like I walked into Renie’ place last night and thought, Wow, this is where Riley lives. It just hit me out of the blue this morning.  So I walked around, taking pictures of the place so I can now fill in the details of Riley’s flat.”

When she called to tell us the synchro, we told her it was a positive sign for her book and her creative process. She agreed, but added, “It’s because I have absolutely no resistance to writing this novel. I know I can do it.”

Pretty cool, huh?



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25 Responses to The Fourth Secret: Creativity & Synchronicity

  1. Jade says:

    Wow! What an amazing experience. Certainly a sign for the thumbs up for her novel 🙂

  2. I’ve just posted this one on my Facebook profile. They mention the term “comfort zone”, the same I’ve mentioned here (Comment on “Creativity”: “In these turbulent times you can either voluntarily leave your comfort zone now and then and observe what happens or wait to be kicked out of your comfort zone.”).

  3. Darren B says:

    Reminds me of the Jeff Kripal interview Mike Clelland did where they discuss similar scenarios where authors would be writing fiction and it would soon turn up as a real life episode for the author.
    it’s a good interview if you get the chance to listen to it.
    Maybe Megan should have a listen ?

    P.S. And good luck with the book.It sounds like something she should write to me.

  4. Nancy says:

    That was a gift you gave your daughter – no resistance to the creative process!

  5. How great is that. It’s almost akin to déjà vu, perhaps a near relative! Must be a positive sign.

  6. Dale Dassel says:

    Woah, talk about déjà vu! I sometimes get the same effect from dream conversations that I’d have with people I know. Only months later, having completely forgotten about the dream, a random chat with the same person will echo the dream, and I get this brief spike of déjà vu: Hey, we’ve had this conversation before! It’s a weird feeling.

  7. Momwithwings says:

    Very cool!! I love when those things happen!

  8. gypsy says:

    way to go megan! on all counts! 😉
    reminds me of that “dream visit” to ya’ll house several years ago –

    neat post!

  9. DJan says:

    Yes, VERY cool. I love the picture in my head of her waking up and realizing she knew the place from inside her imagination.

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