Jung and the ‘Sympathy of All Things’

In Jung’s autobiography, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, he relates a story about an apparently telepathic connection to a patient he had been treating. He had gone out to deliver a lecture, then returned to his hotel around midnight, but had trouble falling asleep.

“At about two o’clock…I woke with a start, and had the feeling that someone had come into the room;I even had the impression that the door had been hastily opened. I instantly turned on the light, but there was nothing.” Jung thought that another guest had opened his door by mistake, but when he looked out into the hallway, “it was as still as death.”

“Then I tried to remember exactly what had happened, and it occurred to me that I had been awakened by a feeling of dull pain, as though something had struck my forehead and then the back of my skull.” The next day, Jung received a telegram informing him that his patient had committed suicide, that he had shot himself. “Later, I learned that the bullet had come to rest in the back wall of his skull.”

Jung went on to say that he felt this experience was a genuine synchronistic phenomenon commonly associated with an archetypal situation – in this instance, death. He believed his knowledge of the patient’s death had been made possible because in the collective unconscious, time and space are relative. “The collective unconscious is common to all; it is the foundation of what the ancients call the ‘sympathy of all things…’ the unconscious had knowledge of my patient’s condition.”

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11 Responses to Jung and the ‘Sympathy of All Things’

  1. 94stranger says:

    I wrote quite a long article on this in the 'foundations' pages of the Rainring website, https://www.rainring.co.uk/Foundations.aspx including a striking synchronous event that happened to me. Card reading is based on synchronicity

  2. May says:

    (oh,your mother… not grandmother).
    … and Trish, despite what we name this other force—whether it be ‘collective unconsciousness’ or ‘conjoined twin’, the fact remains that this phenomenon has been with us since time immemorial— is part of us and acts through us without our being aware. My take on it is that I/we (the ‘outer self’) need to become aware, and this phenomenon (‘inner self’) are going through great pains (and us too in the process) to bring this about.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think there's a lot of merit in your theory, May. As a Gemini, I intuitively gravitate toward dual anything. But in the instance with my mother, I went quantum. It's all happening now. We just have to learn how to tap into it.
    – Trish

  4. May says:

    perhaps your grandmother—her inner twin (as per my hypothesis) had actually passed away at the moment of your dream. Perhaps your inner twin, knowing that your grandmother (her ‘outer’ twin) would die shortly afterward, would forewarn you in the dream. Maybe this communication was also meant to help bridge a gap.

    The conjoined twin hypothesis offers up an explanation that fits into the ‘scientific’ scheme of things in our modern day world. This could potentially help others to more readily accept previously unexplained phenomena … phenomena which they may be experiencing, and which leads to horrific inner battles. Just food for thought (?)

  5. whipwarrior says:

    That reminds me of when my Grandma died back in 1999. It was pretty hard for me, but I recovered rather quickly because I knew that she was someplace better. Then, about three months later, the anguish hit me out of the blue one day. I just fell apart and cried for an hour because of how much I missed her. Literally that night, she appeared in my dream and told me that she was okay, that she loved me very much, and that I shouldn't worry anymore. I still think about her everyday, but not with sadness because I know that everything will be okay.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think a lot of us have these experiences. I dreamed that someone handed me a yellow telephone message. When I opened it, the message read: Your mother has passed away. Two weeks later, she died.
    – Trish

  7. Star says:

    I had a dream once, that my grandma died. The next day I discovered that the other grandma had died! Weird, wasn't it.
    Blessings, Star

  8. gypsywoman says:

    yes, that has been my take, as well – it was just when i thought of it that moment as i read, in terms of personal or individual existing relationships, that i wondered – thanks so much for "confirming clarification"!!! have a great FLORIDIAN evening – it's getting darker and more dismal by the minute here – more rain any moment! jenean

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jenean – based on Jung's definition, it would seem so. I think that's why Jung – and others – have said that synchronicity is the granddaddy of all paranormal phenomena – from precog dreams like Natalie had to dreams like yours that involve people you don't know. At the level of the collective unconscious, we're all connected. That's my take, anyway!
    – Trish

  10. gypsywoman says:

    and this "sympathy of all things" would relate to instances of my own dreams of disasters involving people actually not known to me personally? jenean

  11. Natalie says:

    I knew the moment my grandfather died. I 'saw' him lift up to heaven in an opened lotus flower. I arrived home and my husband said 'Grandpa died 5 mins ago' Yep. I know.

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