January 2013 Sightings

Here’s a compilation of videos of UFOs taken in January 2013. Some of these are very strange.

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5 Responses to January 2013 Sightings

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    It’s my understanding from discarnate Source that there is indeed an invisible war happening in dimensions that are beyond our abilities to percieve, although occasionally events from that war seep through the portals/veils. Thus the booming sounds, sudden unidentifiable flashes of lights that seem to come from nowhere, and other high weirdness anomalies. It’s my understanding that this war is between entities that have harmful intent towards the human species and entities who are guardians of this planet and its inhabitants. Whether this is true or not, I have no way of proving. But it resonates as truth to me.

  2. Some interesting sightings in the video.

  3. Nancy says:

    I can’t help but think we are on the precipice of something big. All of the loud bangs, booms flashes going on and then these sightings. One has to wonder – is there a war going on??

  4. Darren B says:

    Some impressive sightings in that footage.

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