Synchro Snapshot



It’s rare when synchronicity can be seen in a photograph. But there it is in the above photo –   a young Bill Clinton shaking hands with President Kennedy. Young Bill already had his eyes on the White House and the White House photographer captured synchronicity.

It was July 1963 when 16 year old Bill Clinton traveled to Washington D.C as part of a Boys Nation retreat. One of the events involved attending a White House ceremony with the president. Before leaving, Bill promised his mother that he would come home with a picture with the President. Upon arrival, Bill worked his way to the front row of seats in the Rose Garden.

When Kennedy finished speaking, Bill leaped to his feet and reached out to shake President Kennedy’s hand. Then, as if fated by history, the White House photographer was ready and captured the handshake between the president and future president. As he arrived home clutching his picture for his mother she would later comment to others, “I knew right then that politics was the answer for him.”

It was a picture that would change Clinton’s life and tie him directly to Kennedy. Kennedy would be assassinated only a couple months after the picture was taken and high school senior Clinton suddenly became one of the few in the Hot Springs, Arkansas area to ever have met Kennedy. The teenage Clinton became a sought after speaker in all the Kiwanis, Rotary, and other clubs in town talking about Kennedy and politics.

After Clinton moved into the White House as the new president, he gave orders to his friend Webster Hubbell to get the facts related to two great mysteries – the Kennedy assassination and UFOs.

“If I put you over there in justice I want to you to find the answer to two questions for me: One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs.”  Friends in High Places by Webster Hubbell,   former deputy attorney general

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4 Responses to Synchro Snapshot

  1. A special image, almost like history was being written in advance, the path all ready to be travelled. With all of the photos nowadays I wonder what ‘history’ is being captured somewhere right now.

  2. gypsy says:

    yes, a great photo that captures so much of what was to come – in terms of jfk, i agree with cj – i’ve always believed that jfk was assassinated because of something he knew and/or was about to do – and that the assassination was not at the hands of some foreign faction, rather, at the hands of our own government – the same with marilyn monroe – of clinton, back in the day when he was running for governor, my brother campaigned for him and met him in those arkansas days – and i remember thinking i’d not seen my brother so excited over a political figure since the jfk days – anyway, neat post – love this photo –

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    We might also stretch the synchros between Clinton and Kennedy to include their famous “zipper issues”: Clinton with Monica, and Kennedy with Monroe. And, synchros with both First Ladies, each of whom stood by their man. I see a lot of Kennedy in Clinton….good things. I think most of us who were old enough can remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when Kennedy died. I recall the very moment the announcement came on the hospital TVs. (I was a very young nurse at that time.) It was a big hospital with many beds and many floors and all kinds of patients. When our President was murdered, seven patients died within a matter of minutes of sudden heart attacks from the shock. Re the UFOs, I’ve always wondered if Kennedy DID learn something he wasn’t supposed to know, and that may have been at least a part of the reason he was taken out. That’s one conspiracy I tend to support. The killing wasn’t a random event by a meaningless insane man who shot him. Just my opinion. Love this photo, MacGregors.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Interesting that you mentioned UFOs and Kennedy’s assassination, Math. Clinton once told a UFO investigator that he could never reveal anything about UFOs because he would end up like JFK. Of course, he didn’t exactly admit to knowing any secrets.

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