Mixing fiction and real life

From time to time we’ve written about synchroncities that have occurred in our gym. For example, one day Bruce Gernon, who co-authored THE FOG with me, mentioned he saw Bruce Springsteen in the gym – he’s a member and frequents the gym in winter when he’s living here – and then , as if on cue, a Springsteen song comes on the satellite radio station.

Now recently, I’ve gotten entangled in a series of synchronicities related to the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull and Indiana Jones. Here’s how it unraveled.

A young guy at the gym, who Trish pointed out on a couple of occasions as being a good match for our daughter Megan, came up to me one morning, introduced himself, and mentioned he knew I’d written several Indiana Jones novels. Then he asked if I had anything to do with the last Indy movie, I.J. and the Kingdom of Skulls.

I told him my first novel was called Crystal Skull, published a year before I started working with LucasFilm, but it wasn’t related to the movie.  Tom said he was asking because there was someone I should meet, the father of a friend. The reason I should get in touch with him was because Bill Homann is the current owner of the famed Mitchell-Hedges skull.

At the time, I was getting Crystal Skull republished as an e-book. So I wrote Bill Homann on Facebook, mentioned Tom, and asked if he had any photos I could use for the cover of the e-book. But I never heard back. Weeks passed and Tom pestered me about calling him every time he saw me at the gym. Finally, one day I called and left a message. Then, minutes later, checking my cell phone, I noticed that Bill had called me the previous week. We finally got in touch. He sent me a dozen unusual photos the skull – including the one above – and he invited us to see the skull in Sedona, where he lives.

Bill also mentioned that he has stopped showing the skull publicly because of threats from certain individuals to confiscate the skull. I didn’t know what he was talking about and wondered if he was being a bit paranoid. But I would soon find out otherwise.

That happened on March 13 when the Huffington Post ran a strange story  about an archaeologist in Belize who was suing Lucas Film and Disney over the use of crystal skulls in the movie. Dr. Jaime Awe also claimed that the Mitchell-Hedges skull belongs to the people of Belize and was stolen from a ruin. He wants it returned. The law suit is bizarre since the acrylic skulls in the movie looked nothing like the Mitchell-Hedges skull. But there it was, Indiana Jones tied in with the Mitchell Hedges skull. Fiction and real life entangled.


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10 Responses to Mixing fiction and real life

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Oh shucks!!! I should have remembered that title, Guys! I’ve read the book more than once. Guess old age is catching up with me. Seriously, I do apologize, and highly
    recommend the book(s) to anyone who hasn’t read it!

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Kelly, check out the MacGregors two recent books: THE SEVEN SECRETS OF SYNCHRONICITY, and SYNCHRONICITY AND THE AFTERLIFE. Both texts can answer a lot of your questions about synchronicity.

  3. Kelly says:

    Hi there!
    I have been reading your blog for a couple of weeks after I heard you talking about your new book on a podcast. I find your posts very interesting. I too experience some strange things and UFO’s, here in Perth Western Australia, and I also am experiencing a lot of synchronicities, mostly to do with Big Foot. Do you know why synchronicities occur? Is it a kind of message to us? I wonder.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Kelly, we would love to hear about your synchronicities. If you want to write about them, you can send your story or stories to our e-mail address, macgregors2@gmail.com. Follow those synchros, they’re clues along the trail of life. Sometimes they guide us in the right direction, other times they warn us about heading the wrong way. They reflect what’s going on in our lives.

    • Dale Dassel says:

      On Google Earth there is a black triangle UFO visible over Perth, Australia at coordinates: 30°30’38.98″S, 115°22’56.21″E

      Check it out! 🙂

  4. I only glanced at the photo prior to reading the post and thought it was of an alien – the grey variety. Sometimes. perhaps, we see what we expect to see.

    That’s a super synchro, what webs we weave.

  5. gypsy says:

    what a neat story/synchro! love it! i’ve always been totally fascinated by the crystal skulls – so have you all booked a flight to sedona? 😉

  6. Momwithwings says:

    Math, at first all I saw were faces! I thought, “this is a strange picture, should be an interesting post.” Then I saw the post and looked at the picture again and lo and behold its actually a picture of a skull!!!

    You guys have The Most fascinating Synchros!!!

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    What a series of synchros, Rob! And, I’ve sat here and gazed at the photo above, just letting my eyes and mind see what they wanted (or actually) could see. In the hazy background, I see faces. Does anyone else see those, or is it my imagination> In any event, it’s really mesmerizing! I have a tiny crystal skull that I use in my workings. It “lives” inside my working Pyramid. The energy from it can easily be felt. LOVE this post!!

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