We’ll be doing an Australian  radio show at mysterious universe tonight (3-18) at 6 PM Eastern. It doesn’t appear to be live, but they archive their shows. Hope you’ll join us – during or after!


Recently, our blogging friend Mike Perry has been doing posts of his top 10 on a particular topic. I thought it was something we should probably do, too, a recap, but didn’t make the time until now, while I was doing research on AUTEC, known as the Underwater Area 51. I suddenly realized that when we had migrated our blog from Blogger to WordPress, our links in those early posts didn’t make it. So I went back and found them and made new links on the AUTEC material. Here   they are.

March 15

 March 24

 April 12

April 12

April 14

 April 18

 May 9

May 14

May 14

August  24

February 26, 2013

A recap of a post about AUTEC:

Back in 2009, Rob and his co-author, Bruce Gernon (The Fog) were interviewed by the History Channel’s UFO Hunters about Bruce’s extraordinary flight through the Bermuda Triangle. Bruce’s trip started on Andros Island in the Bahamas, so that’s where the interview was filmed.

The largest employer on Andros is AUTEC – Atlantic Underwater Testing and Evaluation Center – a secret U.S. Naval base linked to UFO activity and sometimes referred to as the Underwater Area 51.  The above photo is how  the base looks from the air.

The most stunning synchro we experienced related to AUTEC actually happened in Sarasota, Florida. Here’re the synchro basics:

While getting our daughter set up in college for the year earlier last week, we stopped at an outdoor club in Sarasota one night to listen to some music. The outing, it turned out, elicited a couple of synchronicities.

The tables were full, so we went to a high-top and shared it with a couple who seemed to be enjoying their raspberry martinis as much as their new relationship. The man turned out to be a recently retired navy commander, and to our surprise he’d spent his last few years commanding the highly secretive naval base, known as AUTEC, on Andros Island.

This was the guy who had ignored ignored requests from the History Channel’s UFO Hunters for an interview four months earlier, when  we spent a weekend on Andros.  During that trip, the crew of the show had interviewed Rob and Bruce Gernon, co-authors of The Fog,  about Bruce’s extraordinary experience in the Bermuda Triangle, which had started on Andros. Now we were sitting across from the very commander who had been in charge when we were on the island. The synchro was so huge, the odds so great, that we were left in a kind of existential holding pattern.

Retired Commander Richard  was friendly and surprisingly open, but denied the existence of any sort of UFO-related activity at AUTEC. But he readily said there were mysterious things taking place in the area related to electromagnetic anomalies. He wouldn’t go into details, but said if there was UFO activity, it wasn’t related to any secret project. He did, however, say that the Chinese were very interested in activities on the base, and have established their largest embassy in Nassau, forty miles away.

After awhile, when it became apparent he wasn’t going to say any more about AUTEC,  and Rob  ended up talking to him about travels in South America. While doing so,  he remembered a very strange synchronicity that happened during one of his trips. He’d just flown into Miami after returning from an extended trip that had taken him from Mexico through Central America to Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. He decided to visit a friend in Key West before heading north to Minneapolis to see his parents. The plane ticket, though, seemed way to expensive so he decided to rent a car. En route, he was stopped at a police barricade near Key Largo. He thought it somewhat ironic because for months he had been dealing with authorities and borders as he moved from one country to another, and here he was in the U.S. and the same thing was happening.

But he was surprised by what happened next. An officer approached the car, looked at him, and without a single question asked to see his passport. That was remarkable for a couple of reasons. First, it was the only time Rob had ever been asked in this country for his passport (at least outside of airports). The other amazing thing was that his passport was readily available in his pocket. He casually pulled it out, as if it was an every day request, and handed it to him. Oddly enough, he didn’t seem a bit surprised when he saw it was an American passport. He studied the various stamps, conferred with another officer, then handed it back, and waved Rob on.

That was a case of like attracting like. Even though Rob was in  his home country, he was still attracting the same energy. Passport, please. Synchronicity. When he related that story to the former AUTEC commander, he smiled, leaned across the table, and said: “So do you think they were looking for aliens?”


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8 Responses to AUTEC REVISITED

  1. Darren B says:

    Can’t wait to listen to the ‘mysterious universe’ pod-cast,it will be strange listening to a show where your’s is the only accent I’ll hear .-)

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Can’t help but wonder if those undersea “tests” that are on-going at AUTEC have something to do with several anomalies: the unusual migration of certain ocean creatures into waters where they have never before been seen, and also the loud BOOMS that come from somewhere out there beyond the ocean horizon and reverberate under our feet here on the peninsula, among other curious oddities. It’s for sure something is affecting the creatures who live in our oceans.

    So many species are behaving in uncharacteristic ways, and many are beaching and dying in numbers that haven’t been noted in the past. I’d love to be able to believe there is a species of highly evolved, loving entities living far below The Abyss, as the movie of that name depicted. Maybe there is, and maybe they are keeping things under watchful eyes and some kind of invisible (to humans) control. That would be comforting.

    We do know that there have been numerous sightings by very credible witnesses of what appear to be UFOs descending into the ocean and not re-appearing. These occur from time to time and are witnessed up and down the coast, and no military or other organizations claim responsibility or offer any explanations. I have THE FOG that Rob sent me when it was first released, and read it occasionanally when something stirs my intuition or affects me. This is a good post, MacGregors. Thanks.

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    Rob, you should’ve tried Obi Wan’s Jedi mind trick: “You don’t need to see my identification. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Move along.” 🙂

  4. Good luck with the Aussie radio show.

    That’s a great AUTEC post – if the tables hadn’t have been full there may not have been a post to write – the wonderful world of synchronicity!

    Like all of the similar posts being on hand as a reference for readers.

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