Jenny’s High Strangeness, Part 2

marking on daughter’s foot


On March 8, we posted a story called Jenny’s High Strangeness. Jenny contacted us after our appearance on Coast to Coast and recounted her and her family’s strange history of encounters. She’s a 36-year-old therapist and mother of three who lives in Florida. Like many people who experience encounters,  she’s doesn’t want to jeopardize her family or her professional reputation by using her real name. So we called her Jenny.  The first post hit the “high points” of these experiences.

Here are the sections of that post that relate directly to this one:

The point that really bothers me, which probably prompted me to contact you more than anything, is my youngest daughter’s experiences. After we moved  here, she woke up with these lines all over the bottom of her feet a few times. It was as if someone took the very first 2 layers of skin off the bottom of her feet, in patterns. It was bizarre. I took a lot of pictures. My first thought was a parasite or flesh-eating bacteria or something terrible.  One resembled hieroglyphic writing or symbols. It happened two or three times and she had no idea what it was and it caused no pain.

Last spring break she came to me one day. She was confused and concerned and had her hand on top of her head. She asked me what was wrong with her head. I looked and at the top of her head, toward the back, she was missing hair, a perfect circle almost the size of a half dollar was gone.  It had regrowth, like peach fuzz, all the same length. I asked if she had played with scissors or a razor. I asked her sister if she had. I could tell by their reaction that no one had anything to do with it and my little daughter was devastated. She wore her hair up in a ponytail until recently. They had been on spring break for over a week and with me at all times. It was so disturbing and puzzling.

After we posted the story, I asked Jenny if she had any photos of the markings on her daughter’s feet or of the bald spot her daughter had on her head. The foot picture above shows the markings. And here’s the bald patch on top of her head:

In subsequent emails, Jenny, she sent these photos and more information:

I just sent the pics from those three separate incidents involving my daughter. The first incident involving the skin on the bottom of her foot was September 2011, the missing patch of hair with peach fuzz growth all the same length was March of 2012 and the next foot incident was May 2012. We lived in a different location for the 2nd & 3rd incidents. Of course, my logical mind says, Well she could have had some foot fungus I’m not aware of existing. The strange part is the shapes and patterns. All the skin is evenly missing too. There is no variation. The lines/edges are so precise too, almost like there is a special, razor sharp tool that can remove skin with exact precision.

The missing hair is just a total mystery. One of the photos is after the shower with wet hair. The other is dry hair. Strange occurrences for which I have no explanation. That’s all I know. Could be nothing but the combination of them with what I heard from those callers the night you were on Coast to Coast  has me wondering.

The reason I was willing to share with you is because of the caller (on Coast to Coast) I heard describe the missing skin on the bottom of their feet as a child and then the caller with a missing patch of hair. Who knows, maybe there are others out there as puzzled as I am. Hearing the callers and having read about similar incidents gave me the little push I needed to reach out and share this, to maybe get some answers.

I’m sure debunkers could come up with plenty of explanations for the hair and feet but I couldn’t. It was so odd. The pictures do not do the actual feet justice. I took picture after picture to really capture how precise these missing lines/patterns of skin are but only a few come close. Even if it were a fungus or bacteria, would it have done such unique patterns? I seriously doubt it. If it were dead dying skin, would if have come off like that? I doubt it. It’s just odd…and it happened twice so far that I’m aware of, living in two different homes. So that makes me rule out environmental toxin causing a skin reaction.

By the way, two of the images remind me of stick people and one image  on the edge of her foot reminds me of the symbol for pi. If it was my daughter doing something, I doubt she would have chosen the symbol for pi (sort of) as something she’d carve out in the sole of her foot. Plus, I could tell she was as puzzled as I was by her feet both times.


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16 Responses to Jenny’s High Strangeness, Part 2

  1. innervibe says:


    About two weeks ago, I noticed some unusual red markings on my left breast. They showed up one morning unexpectedly, and I am unable to explain what would have caused their sudden appearance. There was no pain or itching associated with these marks, so I wasn’t too alarmed – just confused.

    In our cold, Winter climate it is normal to experience very dry skin for months on end. Throughout the cold months I have scratched at my skin, often unknowingly, causing some marks, but not like these. These markings are not affected by my use of creams or lotions normally used to condition what was simply dry skin. Odd. The largest mark, which measures about 2.5 inches in length, is shaped like a question mark. This is not a typical scratch pattern for me, which usually resemble streaks. In the weeks since its’ appearance, the marks have not faded or seemed to heal at the normal rate that they should. THAT just has me scratching my head!

    I have had my normal sleep patterns noticably disrupted, and have also been experiencing overwhelming anxiety during this time, but I attribute that directly to the fact that I just buried my mother two weeks ago, and am experiencing facets of the grieving process.

    I do not recall ever having marks like these before. After reading these comments, I am now wondering if there is a connection. Thoughts?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Strange…2.5 inches? That’s rather large and the fact that it’s in the shape of a question mark strikes me as unusual, to say the least. Mathmajick may have some insights since she has experienced markings before…Thanks for sharing this.

      • Momwithwings says:

        So strange, another woman with marks on her breast, although mine were tiny punctures. Mine are still there.

        Then this morning my husband tells me of a “meteor” along the east coast. We’ve looked at many videos and it is strange and very large with light around the middle. He does not think it was a meteor and I agree.

  2. Darren B says:

    Your Aussie podcast interview is now up,I’m listening to it now.

  3. gypsy says:

    it’s always so much more sobering to have these kinds of things happening to our child/ren – cj seems to have quite a comprehensive perspective on this and i think knowing the answers to at least some of the questions cj offers would help alleviate some fears perhaps and might be useful in the future should she have other similar experiences – intriguing story – thanks for sharing –

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    One final question for Jenny: Do these marks remain on your daughter’s foot for any period of time, or do they fade rather quickly? I’ve noticed that the purple and black bruises with puncture marks on the pulse points of both my wrists fade much more quickly than an ordinary bruise, usually within just a few hours, and they aren’t painful at all. They do appear at specific times that I’ve been able to identify but am reluctant to share because it sounds insane. Ordinary skin bruising changes colors over several days before finally disappearing, but these on my wrists gradually fade, as I said, within a matter of hours, with no change in colors and no residual marks, yet when they appear, they are deep bruises and very clear, as are the puncture marks inside them. You do know that the root of each of the hairs on our body carries our entire DNA. That’s why I asked if her hair seemed cut above the root, or was taken out WITH the roots. Then I saw the fuzz, as well as that peculiar “X” symbol. I call these symbols because I honestly believe that’s what they are.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Thanks, T & R. About that circle and Celtic cross on the left side of her foot, I commented that I have a small pendent with that exact symbol on it. Jenny’s daughter’s foot has the appearance of a drawing on an ancient wall. Interesting, Mike, Pi is a mathematical symbol I use constantly in my math work. The Ancients knew Pi eons before our current civilization ‘re-discovered’ it, and it pretty much underscores the Sacred Geometry of the Univers(s), inasmuch as we have come to understand it thus far.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    P.S. again. Look very closely at the bottom of the “E” mark, and you’ll clearly see a distinct triangle with its top connected to the lowest crossmark on the “E”. That ‘double mark’ is one of several symbols for the Egyptian Goddess Isis. Generally speaking, the triangle connects a bit higher and farther out on the crosspiece, but it’s absolutely present on her foot and in Aramaic usually represents the Pyramid. If I may be so bold, I would suggest this is NOT the work of the Grays, but of a much more benevolent species. There isn’t sufficient space or time here for me to offer my reasons for coming to that tentative conclusion. Suffice it to say that although I’ve had precious little contact with this benign species, the very few contacts I HAVE had with them have been uplifting and absolutely not harmful in any manner. I would suggest, too, that other children of this era, all around the world, are being protected by that particular species. They (the Good Guys) may be arriving in greater numbers now for some reason unknown to us. I don’t and have never embraced the New Age philosophy of Space Brothers, etc. My encounters with the bad dudes have been far too harmful for me to call them ‘brother’. However, I definitely have become aware of the presence, only a few rare times, of this apparently highly evolved, probably spiritual, species. I refer to them as “The Cavalry”, and they tend to be just that.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Math’s comment didn’t go through:
      “On the far left side of her foot, under her little toe, is a mark that looks like a crop circle. It’s a perfect circle with a Celtic cross over it, with tiny round “dots” at the tip of each line of the cross.

  7. Interesting photos. With the foot photo I tried enlarging it and also altering the contrasts but couldn’t get definite patterns. The pi symbol (to the left of the pic) could also be an F if looked at from a different direction … the beginning of a word?

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Thank you for the vote of confidence, MomWithWings! I don’t know how much help I can really offer Jenny or anyone, except sharing things I’ve learned through my own lifetime of encounters and abductions. I always asked myself tons of questions as a means of attempting to explain away the obvious. I also, as you, noticed the mark that resembles the “E”. That IS a partial Egyptian heiroglyph, interestingly. Egyptian cryptograhy has been one of my central areas of work and study for almost four decades, so I recognize it. If it’s any comfort to Jenny, in my experience when an Egyptian connection appears, it seems to be what I call the “Good Guy Aliens”, not the terrible ones. So that makes me feel better about her daughter’s ‘visitors’.

  9. Momwithwings says:

    Interesting story. I notice that the foot markings are in an area of the foot that doesn’t lie flat, shes really pulling the toes back. It also looks like the markings to the left make the letter ” E”. Hmmm.

    With her hair/head did she notice if her head hurt the next day?

    Yesterday after showering I was putting on lotion when I noticed 5 little red marks on the side of my right breast. They are in the shape of 5 dots on a dice and the puncture marks reminded me of the old TB tests. I wouldn’t have even noticed them except that I was facing the mirror at the time and caught sight of them. It unnerved me.
    They don’t itch and there is no bruising. I immediately checked my ankles (as I’ve reported finding bruises there before) and found a lump, something I sometimes find with the bruising.

    I have recently had wild dreams and severe headaches yet last night I slept like a baby.

    I put up a post in the Part 1 of your story Jenny that you might find interesting.

    You’ve come to a great place to get insight, and Math can really help you so don’t be afraid to answer her questions.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    P.S. Looking closely at the scalp, there appears to be a distinct “X” or a “V” made of short hair almost precisely in the middle of the bald spot. Did Jenny make note of this peculiar design?

  11. mathaddict2233 says:

    Examining the foot carefully, I notice there are similar but lighter markings just above her heel, near the instep of her foot. I also notice, on the ball of her foot beneath the big toe, there are three distinct marks in a vertical line that appear to be small puncture wounds. Did Jenny notice these? There is a series of horizontal lines across this area as well. Those lines aren’t red. They look like normal skin lines. Was the skin on her foot actually “gone”, like a scraped knee, or were the marks topical? They look like burn or scald marks would look. Were the markings just on the one foot or were they on both feet? How did the child feel generally after the marks appeared? Any lethargy, any other out-of-ordinary physical or emotional feelings or behavior? Any “nightmares” or bad dreams? Any dreams that she was “falling”? Did she develop any type of fears or apprehensions that she hadn’t had in the past for which there seemed no explanation? Example: a fear of sleeping alone or of going to bed at night? Fear of the dark? Concerning the bald spot: was the hair gone all the way from the roots, or did it appear to have been cut at the scalp? Oh. I just went back and read there was “peach-fuzz growth” there. I’m the last person on the planet to be skeptical, considering that my youngest son was “branded” by Them when he was just a baby, but just to clarify, we must always asked the questions that would rule out ordinary circumstances….in this situation, did Jenny check her daughter’s shoes to see if any of them perhaps might have had the inner lining wrinkled in a way that could have made these painless marks? (Please don’t misunderstand this as a denial comment!! It definitely is not!) How old was the girl when these marks appeared, and if there was no pain or discomfort, how did she draw Jenny’s attention to her foot? Jenny, don’t be afraid to share these experiences! There are thousands of us out here, and we certainly are intimately familiar with the many terrors that accompany such incidents. The age of your child when these events happened is of importance, if you don’t mind sharing that? Thank you for having the courage to contact the MacGregors, and for sharing these experiences.

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