Boston Mayhem Synchros

Since the bombing at the Boston Marathon on Monday, the news cycle has been a frenetic madness of twist and turns with dead ends, flawed and erroneous reporting, heroics, tragedies, and synchros.

In a shootout last night in Watertown, Massachusetts, a suburb not far from Boston, suspect number 1, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was killed. His younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, apparently escaped but was wounded in the shootout. He was found this evening, April 19, hiding in a boat in someone’s backyard. And here’s the first synchro: he was granted citizenship on on Sept. 11, 2010, the anniversary of the Twin Towers terrorist attack, and will be tried as a terrorist in federal court.

He has been living in the U.S for ten years and he and his Chechen brother were granted asylum in 2002. By all accounts, Dzhokhar was a “nice” guy, fully acclimated into the community where he lived. He attended Dartmouth College, worked out frequently in the Dartmouth gym, hung out with friends, had a Twitter account that he logged in to after the bombings at the marathon. His last tweet was something to the effect that he was a “stress-free kind of guy.”

In fact, if you listen to the accounts of classmates and people he knew him, you have to wonder if the cops got the wrong guy. Yet, he and his brother carjacked a Mercedes SUV shortly before the shootout on the  Thursday night, April 18, and told the driver they were the ones responsible for  the Boston Marathon bombings. They held the driver for half an hour, had him withdraw $800 from three different banks, and finally released him, unharmed,  at a gas station.

Among the brothers’ marathon victims were  Patrick and Jessica Downes, newlyweds who were runners and were on the sidelines watching the marathon when the bombs went off. They both lost a leg below the knee. That’s them in the picture above. In less than two days, more than $500,000 has been raised for them to meet their medical expenses.

Two brothers each lost a leg in the blast. They were both roofers.  So what is it in us, we humans, that creates these parallel experiences? And what was it in these two Chechen brothers, refugees who had been granted asylum, one of whom was immersed in American culture, that caused them to do what they did?

And didn’t they have a backup plan? As young men, how could they not know that in this technological age there are witnesses to everything? Images from  a security camera on top of the Lord & Taylor building are what the FBI released and are what apparently did them in.

The younger brother, in custody this evening, was supposedly seen on the Dartmouth campus on Wednesday, two days after the bombing. Really? You pull off something like these bombings and don’t flee the country? You’re that arrogant, that sure that you haven’t been captured on a security camera somewhere along the 26.2 mile route?

And yes, that’s the other synchro. The 26. The route is 26.2 miles, more than 26,000 runners ran in the race,  there were 26 victims in the Sandy Hook massacre. The dead brother was 26. If this were a dream, what would it be telling us?


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12 Responses to Boston Mayhem Synchros

  1. Tondra Dene says:

    Thank you for diving a bit deeper into this. My heart literally broke when I read about the newlyweds both loosing their legs. While questioning life I stared at their picture up above for awhile, seeing how they looked so happy and in love. Then in an instant, while standing peacefully along the sidelines at a safe event their lives were forever changed. And because of what? You think there would be a clear message of why these boys did this but there is not, or I have yet to hear. Obviously there is hate but if they’ve lived here in the states most of their lives you have to wonder how or where all this hate was brewed.
    I know we all ask “why?” and “for what?” whenever these devastating tragedies hit. We want to know how we can prevent these innocent lives from being continually mascaraed without reason. It’s beyond frustrating seeing these numb killers pop up every couple of weeks…
    The only thing I know to do when feeling helpless like this is to put focus on injecting more love and understanding out to the entire world–if we collectively work together maybe we can help defuse all this hate.

  2. Darren B says:

    Another thing about April 15th was
    “The sinking of the RMS Titanic occurred on the night of 14 April through to the morning of 15 April 1912 in the north Atlantic Ocean”.
    So the Titanic sunk on the 15th April,too (date of the Boston Marathon) and the shooting of the first suspect happened in Watertown and his brother was later captured in a boat.
    Which reminds me of something else that was meant to be in a boat,were the storyline in the end didn’t add up,either –

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    One final comment, at least for now. Remember that 26 and 44 are synonymous and interchangeable, as the most karmic of all frequency combinations. Suspect #2 was captured at 67 FRANKLIN. 67=13/4. Franklin=40/4. 44. John (Wilkes) Booth…..John=20/2. Booth=24/6. 26. It goes on and on. Never fails.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Glad I’m not the only one who is suspicious of the SUV driver. I tend to have linear thinking, and if something doesn’t eventually become logical to me, I start asking questions. Here’s another point about that: Suspect #2, according to the CNN news this morning, went to a big party two days after the bombings. So, the brothers were not carrying that arsenal with them all the time. When we consider the weight of such items, especially a heavy pressure cooker, (I own a kitchen pressure cooker and that thing is HEAVY!), and pipe bombs, not to mention the actual GUNS they had in the SUV as well as the grenades…..where does that line of thought lead? That the arsenal was already in the SUV?? That the SUV driver was, at the very least, a friend if not a compatriot of the brothers?? I hate to beat a dead horse, but this just raises too many red flags in my mind. It raised them the very second they announced the driver of the SUV said the two guys high-jacked his vehicle and told him they were the bombers, yet they let him go?? Something is really skewed with this picture.

  5. Interesting synchros and from Darren.

    Frtom the BBC website :

    Russian news agency RIA Novosti says “extremist material” was on his (Tamerlan’s) YouTube account, including an album titled “Terrorist” and conversations about the religion of Fayz Mohammad, known for his “radical utterances”.

  6. If this incident were a dream, I’d be wanting to re-enter it and change its outcome. If this is a collective dream that has shaped a consensus reality that has us repeating these nightmares over and over, what is it that we need to change? As always, your posts and comments have me thinking, hard. I responded to your challenging questions on my blog, too.
    Math’s point about the SUV driver is very interesting; and Darren’s info on the Lincoln dream raises a question for me about what similarities there might be in the motivation for this act to the motivation of Lincoln’s assassin. Perhaps we’ll find out, now that he’s in custody.

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    If I were the FBI, I’d be thoroughly xchecking out the guy who owned the SUV that the suspects “turned loose”. Why? because the two suspects had a huge aresneal with them, including pipe boms, home-made grenades, and at least one other pressure cooker bomb. How did they CARRY all these things around with them and have them when they “stole” the SUV? My thinking is that the guy in the SUV was a friend, and the arsenal was in the SUV. I could be very wrong. But it simpy doesn’t add up that the brothers would be carrying around that heavy stuff all day. Doesn’t make logical sense. And why let the SUV owner go? As I said…..suspicious. Surely the authorities have checked the SUV owner out. I can’t imagine they wouldn’t. 26. 26. 26. It’s all over the place. No surprise.

  8. Darren B says:

    A blogging friend of mine did a post about this guy’s Twitter account,which is still up,
    so far –
    Notice there is one Tweet from Feb 13th where he says he had a dream where he killed Abe Linclon ?
    Lincoln died on April 15th (date of the Boston marathon),
    even though he was shot April 14th.
    Jan 12th he says he met up with a Marine who said his name was “classified.”
    He also says 911 was an inside job in another Tweet.
    Very bizarre reading indeed.

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