Final Destination

David Malcolm – whose synchronicities we have used several time on this blog – alerted us to this story. It’s one of those bizarre and tragic synchronicities. Maybe the message is that you can’t cheat death.

On June 1, Air France flight 447 vanished over the Atlantic Ocean while en route from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Paris. Pieces of the wreckage and several dozen bodies have since been recovered, but authorities still aren’t sure what caused the crash. 228 individuals perished. But at least two passengers got lucky. Or did they?

Kurt and Johanna Ganthaler, pensioners from the Bolzano-Bozen province in Italy, were vacationing in Brazil and were supposed to take flight 447 back to Paris. But they missed their flight. No big deal. Happens every day. But the Ganthalers subsequently discovered that they dodged death.

They took a flight back to Europe the day after Flight 447 vanished. But within a week, while in Kufstein, Austria, their car crashed into an oncoming truck and Mrs. Ganthaler was killed. Her husband was seriously injured.

Rob doesn’t think this one is a synchronicity. But to me, it’s just too bizarre not to include here. So what’s the meaning?

Original article can be found here.

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22 Responses to Final Destination

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Perhaps the senator you mentioned is the first in a series of 3 politicians?

    On some soul level, I think Jackson was tired. I wonder if perhaps he sensed he wouldn't be able to reach that same talent status as he did in the early 1980s, so his soul bowed out.

  2. gypsywoman says:

    yes – the celebrity status was the key to the three-thing – but since the senator had died within the time frame, thought it a possibility – and jackson so suddenly – sad on all counts – am curious as to whether or not there will be any numerical synchs in these – in the meantime, pause for thought…which i am doing tonight – peace all

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Just a few hours after anonymous mentioned the 3-death phenomena among celebrities, and wondering who #3 would be…it happened. Michael Jackson, dead at 50! Whew!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jenean wrote yesterday or the day before about the death of a state senator in Delaware, where she lives. That could count, but I still think it will be a celebrity.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I thought I'd better clarify after reading that last post. I did not intend to make light of the death of anyone or imply I take it lightly. As I said, it still surprises me when I see celebs depart in groups although it seems to happen regularly.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Well, Trish & Rob, it looks like celeb #2 just passed away. I just read Farrah Fawcett died this morning. Like the rest of you, I was wondering who the next two celebs would be when I heard of Ed McMahon's death. That rule of 3 never ceases to amaze me when no matter how many times I observe it. I have no doubt #3 will be along shortly.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This sort of thing has happened to us several times – with Rob's dad and then with our golden retriever. Near death misses, only to pass on six or eight months later. & you're right, teapot. It gives you some time to make your peace.

  8. teapotshappen says:

    Interesting thoughts abotu death calling. I know a guy who just died. Within months before his death, he almost died from pnemonia, and then from a collapsing floor above an elevator shaft. He survived both – just to die of an accidental overdose. It really seemed like it was his time to go, and one way or another, it was coming. the nice thign was that the near misses gave him some perspective on life that he found serious peace in, in the weeks before his death.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great entry in your travel journal, Jenean!

  10. gypsywoman says:

    love the comments about the multidimensional universe/selves – so true – great discussion! and speaking of choosing a dramatic, newsworthy death, please drop by my travel journal and read the post i just did on the death of an old friend of mine –

  11. terripatrick says:

    Yes. The choice to die in this dimension is made in connection to the awareness we have in those other dimensions/parallel lives. Which is why the choice to live is so powerful and purposeful. I believe many chose a dramatic, news worthy death, so the rest of us pay more attention to the choice of being alive on earth.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It does seem so in this instance. But if we live in a multidimensional universe, then isn't death also multidimensional? Don't we have parallel selves? Probable selves? Don't we have parallel lives, somewhere?

  13. Natalie says:

    Hmm……I really don't know. It seems that it was her time doesn't it?

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That was my sense, too, Intuitive Girl. But I often wonder if, when death calls, we can choose not to answer that call and switch probabilities.

  15. Intuitive Girl says:

    When I heard this story, my first thought was that it was the wife's time to die, but not the husband's. Since the only way that he would avoid the flight would be if they both missed it (since they would be together), she died another way.

  16. terripatrick says:

    The numerical syncronicity shows – Flight 447, and 228 perished.

    It's possible an auto incident delayed this couple from boarding the plane, which would have changed the number to 230 souls.

    A friend who pilots the exact same type of airline feels this incident was a combination of mother nature and pilot misinformation.

  17. gypsywoman says:

    lover of life – sorry, i see that you actually first made the remark of death calling in this post – and indeed its shadow seemed to follow this couple – jenean

  18. gypsywoman says:

    i've heard the 3's story all my life, as well – and have followed it with the deaths of visible figures – very interesting – in terms of this incredible story of the italian couple, i am so reminded of a quote that just moments ago [2:19pm], i duplicated from one of my other blogs, and moved to the gypsy's travel journal for today – this tragic tale reminds me of this shadow about which buddha spoke – and, trish, your remark of perhaps death calling us rings very true –

    All that we are
    is the result of
    what we have thought.
    If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him.
    If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him,
    like a shadow that never leaves him.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's a fascinating belief, Butternut. But it does seem that even with celebrity deaths, they come in threes. Ed McMahon from the old days of the Tonight Show just died. I figure two more could be on the way. Maybe death does call you.

  20. Lover of Life says:

    I wonder if Butternut's comment might not be right. Maybe death calls you. If you don't go one way, then aother way starts to manifest. It was certainly the wife's time to go.

  21. Adele Aldridge says:

    All I can say about that sad story is that it makes me pause to wonder and think.

  22. Butternut Squash says:

    When I lived in Japan, I used to see many small stones dressed in clothes with offerings of fresh food set before them. The are called Jizosama. One of the beliefs I was told about them is that when there is a death on the road the spirit will remain at that intersection and call others to their death. That is why it is important to remember to make offerings to the road side jizosama. Is the intersection more deadly, or is there something about death that draws more death to it? My parents use to always say that deaths in the family/friend circle always happened in 3's, and they often did.

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