Twin Deaths

Another story about twins and their inter-connected lives.

In 2002, seventy-year-old twin brothers died within hours of one another
after separate accidents on the same road in northern Finland. The first
of the twins died when he was hit by a lorry while riding his bike in
Raahe, 600 kilometers north of the capital, Helsinki. A short time later, his brother died in a car wreck just 1.5km from the spot where his brother was killed.

“This is simply a historic coincidence. Although the road is a busy one, accidents don’t occur every day,” police officer Marja-Leena Huhtala told Reuters. “It made my
hair stand on end when I heard the two were brothers, and identical
twins at that. It came to mind that perhaps someone from upstairs had a
say in this,” she said.
Okay, but this story would be more interesting if we knew whether or not the second twin was aware that his brother had just died. If so, his death could’ve had a causal link. In other words, it could’ve been a suicide, or he was upset and in no condition to drive along that same road. On the other hand, if he hadn’t found out about his brother’s death, it would be an astonishing synchronicity.

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6 Responses to Twin Deaths

  1. Linda Pendleton says:

    Would be interesting to know the full story.

  2. Pyzahn says:

    I remember years ago, a college sports team was all killed when their charter plane went down. Except for one player who was sidelined with an injury.

    That player was killed in a car accident a week later.

    I also read somewhere in the blogosphere that the same thing just happened to a woman who was supposed to have been on that flight out of So American to France.

    I'm very much a believe in synchronicity, soul connection, and even starting to be able to fathom parallel universes. Go figure.

    Thanks for visiting Prattle.

  3. Star says:

    Sounds more than a coincidence to me. There is something very special going on between twins and it has yet to be explained.
    Blessings, Star

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Our neighbor is an identical twin. She has some amazing stories about the connection between her and her sister.

  5. Lover of Life/ Nancy says:

    I agree, if the other twin knew his brother had been killed, it might explain why he died. But from the the statement of the police officer, it doesn't sound like it. Many case studies have been done on twins, because they share so much genetic matter – they are astounding sometimes in their synchronicity.

  6. gypsywoman says:

    what a story! and yes, wouldn't it be great to know whether or not the second twin actually knew of his brother's death! the whole "twin" interrelationship is so intriguing – i have twin granddaughters who are now 21 years old – from the time of birth until they each had their own beds, they slept touching each other no matter which way the other was sleeping – they have always been so in-tuned each to the other on every level – again, great story above! jenean

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