A Ghostly Invite

Earlier this week, Trish received a call from a writer friend on the other coast of Florida, who in the course of their conversation invited us to come for a visit. She explained that her middle daughter, L, has been experiencing ghostly encounters in her room at night, and she won’t sleep in the room any longer. She also insists that the only person who can rid her room of the ghost is Trish.

That comment baffled Trish. She has never attempted to chase away a phantasm. We’ve met the girl in question a couple of times. She’s in her mid-teens, seems to possess psychic abilities, and has a strong interest in the subject.

Since we were planning to visit daughter Megan in a couple of weeks as she finishes her college undergrad studies, the invitation will work out. But even before making the trip we’ve experienced a couple of related synchros.

The day following that conversation, the copyedited galleys arrived for Synchronicity and the Other Side, and we were busy reading the chapters when we got a call from Megan. She was alone in the art building working in her studio when she heard a chair moving on the other side of the partition. When she heard it again, she decided to take a look to see who had quietly arrived.

No one was there. She returned to her studio, started painting again, and heard the chair moving and bumping against the partition. At that point, Megan headed for the door, and called Trish.

Hmm, two ghost-related calls in the same week.  But here’s what prompted me to write about it. Just as Megan called and told her story, I’d taken a break from reading the galleys. After the call, I went back and the very next line I read was: “I’ve heard rapping sounds that have no apparent cause.”

It’s the first line of the second paragraph of chapter 9, Objects of Interest, which is about how spirits use objects to communicate….yes, like rolling a chair into a partition. That one isn’t in the book, but maybe it should be.



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48 Responses to A Ghostly Invite

  1. lauren raine says:

    Lots of comments here……..I think most people have had some kind of ghostly encounter, but end up dismissing it, or keeping quiet about it. I’ve had so many, from living in a famous “haunted house” in vermont (we always felt they were kind of like friendly, but invisible, roomates) to physical manifestations that I found frightening and intrusive, to funny, even tender things (like finding my grandmothers gold heart locket sitting on the step to my trailor, and having no idea how it got there. I just saw it as her, giving me “heart”).

    I don’t see ravens as dark messengers………..if you were a Celt not so very long ago, the attention of a raven would have been seen as a message from the Morrigan, protector of warriors.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    The disembodied voices…..several theories: the thinning of the veil between dimensions; the communication towers that are erupting on every piece of bare ground, many within a few yards of each other, might be magnifying the sound waves from radios, TVs, cell phones, computers, etc, that pass through their capacitors and relays; the remnants of sound waves from the past suddenly having sufficient energy to be audible in the Now. Whatever is causing this, is intriguing and raises many questions, considering that people without apparent psychic abilities are experiencing the phenomenon. Being psychic and a medium, I’m accustomed to hearing, feeling, seeing, knowing outside my ordinary five senses. But these episodes of disembodied voice conversations are being heard with PHYSICAL ears, and the presences are being felt with PHYSICAL awareness. For me, it resembles a few occasions when my landline telephone line has become somehow intertwined with someone else’s landline telephone line, and while carrying on a conversation on my phone with whomever, we can actually clearly hear a conversation going on from someone else’s telephone but can’t speak to them. Totally and completely freaky. Edison said that sound waves never die. That they continue to infinity. Maybe we’re suddenly, by some unknown whatever, picking up voices that were convering a hundred years ago…….

  3. Natalie says:

    Wow! Lots of stuff going on everywhere. A night last week, I couldn’t sleep because I kept hearing a symphony playing and people murmuring. It seemed to be emanating from the corner of Mark’s office. I went and stood there at about 3:am ish, and it was definitely audible to my physical ears. There was also an electrical buzzing sound accompanying the ‘music’. At first I thought Mark must have left something on and music was coming through his head phones or something, but the headphones were at his other office ten minutes away. It didn’t frighten me, but it did make me question my sanity for a minute. I actually felt a lot of love in the room and finally fell asleep on the couch in the office just listening to it.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Whip, the small town in which I live is considered to be one of America’s “Ten Most Haunted”. It is our nations’s Oldest City. And believe me, it is defnitely haunted in many places! I’ve covered several soul rescues here. Our Fort is haunted, (but that place is creepy haunted!), and our Lighthouse is haunted by a little girl that almost every visitor who is there can see if they come at certain times. She walks, (sort of), in the halls, rocks in chairs, closes and opens doors, etc. It isn’t a gimmick. She’s a true ghost, and she appears and disappears, easily seen. She doesn’t hurt anything. Sharing our GA home with the little kid wasn’t unsettling because he didn’t do any harm. The TV program Ghost Hunters has made several films here, some of which have been pretty darned scary. We have an ancient cemetary in the middle of Old Town, and my personal group has spent several occasions there with tape recorders and cameras, and have successfully captured lots of anomalies on film and tape that can only be explained as discarnate entities of one kind or another. However, cemetaries aren’t particularly haunted, generally speaking. This entire town seems to be, though, as is much of Cassadaga, FL. But that’s a story for Trish and Rob to tell. Speaking of the veil getting thinner between dimensions, recently I’ve experienced two separate occasions of hearing, with my physical ears, conversations of disembodied voices within the air near me here at home. Trish and Rob have had similar experiences and are planning to do a blog on it. My dog and I hear them clearly. No TV, no radio, no neighbors. The voices are in the air, and always in the same place. They seem to be speaking a different language and I can’t make out what it is. It doesn’t require a psychic to hear them. Anyone can hear them if they’re in here when it’s happening. Curious phenomenon.

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    Synchro, Deb!!

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    WhipWarrior, a person doesn’t need to live in a “haunted house” in order to have such visitations as you’ve experienced. Sometimes the actual “space” or ground where a structure has been built is haunted, and the haunting continues to occur within the structure. But I agree with Trish. Your incident indeed sounds more like an enocunter with a dark entity as opposed to a haunting ghost. Believe me, those types of entities can do damage! But not all ghosts are malevolent, by any means. In GA we built our home on an acre of land that we later learned had been a Civil War Confederate campground. I would be home alone, and suddenly the faucet in our sons’ bathroom would turn on, full force. I’d turn it off, it would turn itself on again. This repeated many times. I got tired of turning it off and told the entity, out loud, to “go play somewhere else”. I heard stomping feet over my head, moving across the ceiling. Followed those stomping feet into the boys’ playroom, and watched as a toy GI-Joe was flung off the very top shelf of their toy storage unit. It just flew off and landed in the middle of the room. I managed to learn later that this entity was a small boy who had lived in the space for more than a century, and just wanted attention. He was still there when we moved away, but he never caused any harm. It was just so very weird to know an invisible kid was playing in the house, that we could hear and see doing stuff!

    • whipwarrior says:

      I live in Georgia, too! And yes, I think it’s definitely possible that an area can be haunted long before any contemporary structure is built on it, due to residual spirit energy from the past. i.e.- intense / traumatic psychic energy from war-torn grounds where people died brutally during the Civil War.

      In the case of your house being inhabited by a mischievous ghost boy, that must be very unsettling, especially knowing the cause of the disturbance! Hopefully things wouldn’t escalate to a point where you would need to have the house exorcised. I’ve read accounts of historically haunted houses across the south that have been converted into bed & breakfast inns, where visitors report all sorts of strange phenomena, like faucets and lights turning on and off, footsteps in the dark, ghostly reflections in mirrors, disembodied phantom hands & feet materializing out of nowhere. Some ghost enthusiasts actually *request* to stay in the haunted rooms, but they haven’t invented the kind of money that it would take for me to sleep there! 🙂

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    P.S. Poe” “While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping.
    As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
    ‘Tis some visitor’, I muttered, ‘tapping at my chamber door.
    Only this, and nothing more.’
    Quoth the raven, ‘NEVERMORE…..”


  8. Nancy says:

    I’ve been seeing lots of peripheral flashes of light over the last week or so. I read somewhere that the veils are thinning and there is not so much a delineation between life and death. I don’t know if this is accurate, but I sure see plenty of movement and light. And I don’t consider myself particularly psychic.

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    Regarding the 7.4 Japan quake this morning, T & R, I emailed you the story when it came up 20 minutes after the event. Must mention my PE symptoms have me almost ready to go to bed, so it isn’t over, or something else huge is brewing. Debra, how about you and Gyps? VickiD? Are you all practically crawling on the floor as I am? My balance is horrific and I can’t stop crying. Hubby came through a little while ago and was concerned. “Why are you crying, Hon?” I had nothing to tell him except I don’t know. Tears are coming and going in floods. Concerning the “ghost” that only Trish can rescue, my intuitive input is that it is not a ghost but a Spirit….big difference….and certainly if it is a Spirit, then a specific person (Trish) may have some kind of soul connection to it, unawares, and will be able to help it go to its proper space! Meanwhile, I’m hanging onto the walls waiting for whatever is coming. Hate to be a doomsday prophet, but my PE symptoms are screaming! THE DOT was bright red at the moment the 7.4 hit. I know because I was in process of emailing T & R about the quake and saw it.

    • R and T says:

      Saw your email, math. Read the reply i left under nancy’s comment.

      • D Page says:

        I couldn’t walk straight 2 days ago. Had to use the wall to move along.
        Allot of pressure on my heart and chest too. Even fainted a few times. My inner ears were popping like I was on an airplane– still are today.
        Yesterday was rough– almost fell over several times. I haven’t tried to do anything today, yet.
        The one strange thing is that my left ear didn’t do the “earthquake ring”, but my vertigo is the worst it’s ever been.

        I feel horrible in re: Japan’s future.

        • friend of nica says:

          cj and dpaige – here is the comment i left earlier at another post – about the EQ dream i had the other night –

          “friend of nica says:
          April 9, 2011 at 10:28 am
          pss – vicki’s comment above reminds me that 4 nights ago, i dreamed of a large EQuake – the really odd thing was that this dream was in BLACK AND WHITE – i’ve never had a black and white dream [that i remember] – i woke feeling as if the earth was moving – literally – and it took quite a while afterward for me to “stabilize” that quakey feeling – for several days before, my left ear had been doing its thing and i kept thinking i would contact cj and others to see what was going on but, with my own personal chaos going on of late, i just never got around to it -“

    • friend of nica says:

      wait! so when was there a quake? and where? gee, i’m SO OUT OF TOUCH with global events lately – i just commented somewhere on here about my earthquake dream the other night – and the dreams was in black and white – and commented about my left ear and the “quakey”/shakey feeling after i woke – so i’ve missed an EQ happening?????

  10. The only person who can get rid of the ghost is Trish – gosh, that’ll make an interesting future post. Strangely I’ve just set up a post on a ghostly theme – footsteps, noises etc. (from a reader) for next week. Looks like it’s the time of the ‘ghost’.

  11. Nancy Pickard says:

    Just now read the blog post, whoa, very cool, indeed, and so are the other stories today.

  12. D Page says:

    Interesting events. It appears that Trish is at some type of threshold of a big, creative change. Remember Jung and his visitations, which affected his whole family?
    In my own life, the periods of high activity have turned out to be just prior to something big.

  13. Nancy Pickard says:

    Off topic–Look at the dot. Red. Big aftershock and tsunami warnings in Japan and other dramatic news.

  14. Nicole says:

    Hi Trish and Rob,

    Spooky! I wonder what is going on with this other girl and the emphasis on Trish? Can’t wait to hear about the outcome. I just discovered and have been listening to Dr. John Mack. He has since past away, but he has some YouTube radio interviews that were taped on Coast To Coast. He talks about his theory of how over the past several years more and more activity is occurring due to our evolving conscience and how more and more people are beginning to have these types of experiences. He even links the occurrence to UFO contact, claiming that some of these “spirits” and “shadow-people” may actually be beings visiting us. Have you heard of him before?

    Thanks for stopping by Mystic Trish. I just wanted to say hello as well, and let you know that I have created a new blog that is totally off the subject of mysticism. I wanted to venture off and try my hand at some comedy and track my ever nearing date with turning 40 in a blog. If you have a moment I of course would love for you to stop over and check it out. It is new so there isn’t much yet, but there will be. Thirty-Nine And Holding is the name and the link can be found on my profile page.

    Take care guys!

  15. whipwarrior says:

    Wow, this is eerie because just yesterday someone mentioned a ghost sighting to me. The building that I work in was constructed on the site of a funeral home, which was demolished to make way for it. Back in 2004, when I saw the bulldozers tearing down the funeral parlor, I figured that an insurance or real estate company was opening an office, and I joked that the building would be “so haunted by ghosts”. Imagine my surprise when, months later, I accepted my job as a delivery courier for an auto parts chain that was opening three new stores in our town, and learned that the particular store that I would be working at was the very same edifice constructed on the spot where the funeral home had stood!

    It made me a little uneasy since I am a firm believer in ghosts, though I’ve never seen one before (and have absolutely no desire to!). Our store opened several weeks later, and I was plagued by my earlier suspicion that ghosts would haunt the building. It made me anxious whenever I was in the back aisles, working alone among the tall shelves. I worried that I would look up and see a hazy, semi-transparent figure watching me from down the aisle. It never happened, though ghost jokes persisted among employees and patrons alike. In all the years since, the only strange occurrence (witnessed by four people, myself included) was when a water fountain turned on by itself, and didn’t stop until I hit the push bar to deactivate it. Those pesky ghosts, no doubt!

    Yesterday, I returned from a delivery run and my supervisor walked over, shaking his head in disbelief, and said that he kept seeing a ghost out of the corner of his eye. Unsurprised to hear this, I asked him to describe it. He said it was a little boy of about 5, peering around the corner of an aisle in the back of the store; and then he spotted the ghost again from behind the front counter, when he looked back and saw it kneeling down behind a row, watching him between the lower shelves. The account was a bit sobering to hear, because I had never heard my boss talk about anything paranormal before, and he seemed a bit unsettled by it.

    Now I will definitely keep my eyes peeled, hoping that I *don’t* see it (or— mercifully—that I am somehow incapable of seeing spirits), because that would freak me out! 🙂

    watching him from one of the back aisles. , staring

    • R and T says:

      Very interesting, Dale. What’s scarier, seeing a ghost, or feeling a presence, knowing that the unseen entity is standing next to you, watching. 😉

      • whipwarrior says:

        The visual sight of a ghost is (probably) initially more frightening than sensing one nearby. But I’ve had chilling dreams about being in a place inhabited by spirits, feeling their presence around me in the dark, and awakening from the sheer terror of the dream. Thankfully that was many years ago, when I was researching spirit photography, etc. However, a few months ago I had another frightening encounter. Same as before, except I had the impression that the ghost was choking me as I slept, and I was suddenly conscious of myself asleep in my bed, being strangled in the dark by this malevolent spirit. Panicked and half-awake, I reached up and tried to pry its hands from my throat. I felt very angry, and I (mentally) told the spirit to “Go away!” or “Leave me alone!”, and the ghost presence vanished immediately. It was so disturbingly vivid that I still remember it. Hasn’t happened since.

        • R and T says:

          Whip now THAT is one scary story.

          • whipwarrior says:

            Yes, it was. I don’t know what brought it on, since I hadn’t been thinking about ghosts nor researching them, and our house is not haunted (built in 2004, we are the third owners, and nobody has died in it). I just hope it never happens again.

        • R and T says:

          Sounds like incubus experience–a little demon spirit that sits on your chest and tries to strangle you. They’ve been part of the spirit world mythology for centuries. Sometimes your body goes rigid and you can’t move during such attacks, making them even more frightening. Mainstream psychologists have non-spiritual explanations relating such nightmarish hallucinations and sleep paralysis to brain wave activity. They call it a disorder.

          • whipwarrior says:

            >>Sometimes your body goes rigid and you can’t move during such attacks, making them even more frightening

            Yes! That’s EXACTLY how it felt! Except I was able to get my hands up and fend it off. I was half-asleep, but I remember physically doing that. I’d actually forgotten about the incident until I read this blog post.

  16. friend of nica says:

    oh, what a neat story – actually, what neat stories!!! i think a lot of my little ghost/spirit who wore the yellow dress a lot – and hope that she is where she needs to be now – i know i’ll never forget her – for many reasons – but she also looked so much like my daughter cindy from the back – her hair exactly like hers – and she is the same size, etc, as cindy – anyway, can’t wait to hear of your visit’s adventures when you return!

    and my little merc retro antics continue – at least, i’m blaming all my blog’s audio bar issues on the MR – that’s my story and i’m stickin’ to it! and i’m also having several people tell me they can’t even access my blogs the past few days! i’m wondering if that’s more a sign of a H – or is it merc retro??? whatever it is, i wish it would leave me alone – if i were an evil minded being, i’d pull out one of my voodoo dolls! 😉 but as it is, i’m just focusing on good energy and having it all work!

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